Sentences with phrase «artist blogs»

"Artist blogs" refer to online platforms or websites where artists share their work, thoughts, and experiences with the public. These blogs provide a way for artists to connect with their audience, showcase their creative projects, and interact with their fans or followers. Full definition
Again I checked out The Oatmeal Artist blog and found her pumpkin pie oatmeal recipe.
A well curated artist blog can supplement your website, increase your audience's understanding of your artistic practice and raise your online profile.
The biggest reason most artist blogs languish -LSB-...]
For the past year (plus a little), I've been bringing business savvy artists to the Abundant Artist blog through interviews.
This theme was also included in the original WordPress Themes for artists blog post.
The following is a list of my favorite art bloggers, as well as a handful of artist blogs that were recommended to me -LSB-...]
And I found out, why, in another blogger's opinion, most artist blogs fail:
In the Content Marketing for Artists blog post, I mentioned that I would talk about how to use stories to sell your art.
The biggest reason most artist blogs languish is this: no one ever told them how to build an effective blog.
About Blog The Unfathomable Artist blog has been produced to inspire a greater appreciation for individual artists and their artworks.
Part 2 is the counter-argument: Why Artists Should Avoid Gallery Representation posted on The Abundant Artist blog today.
The Painters» Table Blogroll is a growing list of Artist Blogs, Art Writer / Critic blogs, Art Websites and News Media that publish frequent posts and articles about painting.
Thanks for the Abundant Artist blog and all of your advice.
I'm finding I'm tough thinking of what to write in social media posts etc. as I just don't feel that my life will be that interesting to other people (although other artists blog posts and newsletters fascinate me).
About Blog The Unfathomable Artist blog has been produced to inspire a greater appreciation for individual artists and their artworks.
This is the most artist blog I follow.
How can you say that artists blogs are boring if you don't even know what artist is, or what art is.
Some artist blogs focus specifically on interviews.
Because The Abundant Artist blog has tens of thousands of readers from all over the world, we have international artists in this community from the UK, France, Canada, and other countries.
image courtesy hubspot Some artist blogs attract hundreds of comments, shares, and tons of attention for the artist.
I think that an artist blog should be focused on getting to know the artist and his work.
Did you read the counterpoint article on The Abundant Artist blog that I linked to?
Remember to read the flipside of galleries on The Abundant Artist blog: Why Artists Should Avoid Gallery Representation.
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