Sentences with phrase «assistance company»

An assistance company is an organization or business that provides help or support to individuals or other companies when they need it. They offer services to assist with various kinds of problems or emergencies, such as medical assistance, travel arrangements, or technical support. Full definition
However, many totally legitimate student loan assistance companies simply charge you for services that you can go do yourself for free.
Instead of providing legal assistance, some travel assistance companies offer insurance coverage for legal fees.
The policy buyer needs to inform the claims assistance company in order to register a claim with the company.
They know what your car model is — You'll never risk mix - ups, or incompatible tires being brought by other roadside assistance companies because of misunderstanding.
Hence, immediately contact an emergency assistance company asking for the help.
The escort service must be arranged and approved by Us or Our designated Assistance Company.
Travel Assist is our integrated travel medical assistance company serving more than 1,000 corporate clients throughout the world.
We know that, as we were among the first academic assistance companies, which felt the need of academic assistance among students.
Credit assistance companies can help you to manage your student loans, pay off debt, or just get a firm grip on your budget.
But wait, these debt assistance companies often say the trustee won't negotiate on your behalf and that they are there to protect the debtor's interests.
I insisted we call one of the major road - side assistance companies.
After reading this, maybe you want to cancel and not work with a student loan assistance company any longer.
So since your trustee will help you prepare the documentation at no charge, that begs the question, can these debtor assistance companies protect you by negotiating lower debt repayments?
Some travel assistance companies also offer coverage for dental treatment, prescriptions, and medical case monitoring.
Just state that you are ready to help with all necessary assistance your company might need from you - however, never guarantee anything which you won't be able to deliver.
We are preferred providers (in network) for quite a few insurance carries and a variety of employee assistance companies.
The more I talk to regulators around the country the more I'm hearing that student loan assistance companies that charge advance fees are operating illegally in a number of states.
The Emergency Assistance Company can help you locate a doctor or hospital.
Please contact our travel assistance company to discuss your needs.
Allianz Global Assistance, part of Allianz Worldwide Partners, is a leading consumer specialty insurance and assistance company with operation centers in 34 countries.
Philippines About Blog Pepper Virtual Assistants is a Philippine - based virtual assistance company catering to businesses and companies all over the world.
About CSA Travel Protection CSA Travel Protection, a Generali Global Assistance company, is dedicated to providing affordable travel insurance and emergency assistance services to protect travelers» valuable investments and help them travel with more peace of mind.
Philippines About Blog Pepper Virtual Assistants is a Philippine - based virtual assistance company catering to businesses and companies all over the world.
Bharara charged that Kelly channeled several hundred thousand dollars to Percoco and his wife in exchange for help building a power plant in upstate New York, and for other public assistance the company never received — including a guarantee the state would find a buyer for energy from the facility, and the closure of the controversial Indian Point nuclear plant in Westchester, which the governor has long advocated.
In one arrangement, Bharara alleges Kelly channeled several hundred thousand dollars to Percoco and his wife in exchange for help building a power plant in upstate New York, and for other public assistance the company never received — including a guarantee the state would find a buyer for energy from the facility, and the closure of the controversial Indian Point nuclear plant in Westchester, which the governor has advocated for.
Future Generali has collaborated with reputed overseas assistance companies to render policy services abroad.
Guaranteed Bond and Legal Assistance The company legal representative will post bond or deposit the guarantee before the Agent of the Public Ministry Office and / or Penal Judge up to US $ 300,000 to obtain the provisional release of the Driver, and / or the release of the covered vehicle and to guarantee the repair of the damaged third party property.
Many people around the world are quite paranoid when it comes to hiring a custom writing assistance company online, to them, it is an act of cheating.
Question: Dear Steve, I paid a private student loan assistance company take care of my loan consolidation.
These student loan assistance companies seem to be labeling themselves as form processors, or application assistance providers rather than student loan advisors.
Scam companies are student loan assistance companies who charge you for a service and then never do it, or don't do it 100 %.
If you don't want to do it yourself (even though you can), we partner with Ameritech Financial as a paid assistance company.
Check out these two articles: — Is My Student Loan Repayment Assistance Company A Scam?
Many student loan assistance companies don't provide best advice using the same argument as Navient.
The report identifies a number of problematic areas the student loan assistance companies wander into including the Credit Repair Organizations Action and the use of the power of attorney.
You can still consolidate the account that is in collections with the loan that you get from your outsourced financial assistance company.
Sky Blue Credit Repair is a consumer credit repair assistance company.
A reader forwarded an advertisement they saw on Facebook for a student loan assistance company called Debt Free Student.
If your employer uses the services of International SOS, a leading medical and travel security assistance company, the answer is a mere phone call away.
Kansas City Life made the decision to partner with [Generali Global Assistance] to offer Value Added Services to our customers because their years of experience in the assistance market made them the most experienced assistance company in the world.»
Process of Claim Submission: The policy buyer needs to inform the claims assistance company in order to register a claim with the company.
According to disability assistance company Allsup, in 2011, the average wait time for claimants to get a hearing to determine their eligibility was 360 days.
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