Sentences with phrase «assistance payments»

The phrase "assistance payments" refers to the funds or financial support provided to someone in need of help. It is money given to assist individuals or families who require assistance with their living expenses or basic needs. Full definition
The law specifically prohibits states from excluding adoption assistance payments in income calculations.
The property has 100 percent of the units covered by a Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment contract that expires in 2025.
You can read more about assessing the means of a couple for social assistance payments.
Public assistance payments are specifically excluded from a parent's gross income.
Any time I have received assistance payments from the county, I have been contacted by a county worker and asked to verify information.
The unit must pass the program's housing quality standards and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments.
If someone doesn't have ID to create a bank account in the first place, they can not receive their social assistance payment.
Another interstate compact, the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA), ensures continuity of adoption assistance payments for children placed across State lines.
The age pension (or other types of government assistance payments) and a pension received from a foreign superannuation fund are also not included in your transfer balance account because these pensions are not superannuation income streams.
The beneficiary must begin receiving regular payments, called lifetime disability assistance payments (LDAPs) no later than the end of the year they turn age 60.
(2) Any parent who meets the requirements of division (B)(1) of this section that are applicable to a parent may request an extension of adoption assistance payments at any time before the adopted person reaches age twenty - one.
Some providers offer an energy fund scheme — this can include both grants to help cover energy arrears, and (sometimes) Further Assistance Payments to contribute towards things like white goods, boiler repairs or funeral costs.
In order to receive funds for the housing assistance programs, BHA entered into Annual Contributions Contracts with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Housing Assistance Payments contracts with the owners of the subject housing units.
(PDF - 174 KB) Child Welfare Research Center (2004) Discusses findings from an evaluation of California's Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin - GAP).
«The program has a way to go, but the early successes are proof that the idea works,» says Terry Kresser, supervisor of the housing assistance payment program of the Syracuse (N.Y.) Housing Authority.
A child must also be a citizen of the United States to receive a state funded adoption assistance payment when the child is being brought into the United States for the purpose of adoption or being placed outside of the United States, or a territory or possession thereof.
The prime reason for the higher - than - expected deficit in 2009 - 10 and lower deficit in 2010 - 11 was attributed to a change in the timing in the recognition of the accrual for the transitional assistance payments to Ontario and British Columbia for the harmonization of their sales taxes with the GST.
Plan has been open for at least 10 years and each individual who is or was a beneficiary, is over 21 years of age and not eligible for an educational assistance payment (EAP)
The beneficiary of an RESP is an individual to whom or for whom the promoter agrees to make Educational Assistance Payments if that person is entitled to receive them at the time of payment.
To prove your income: gather your pay stubs, alimony or child support records, government assistance payment details, bank account statements and / or tax returns with assessment notices.
To verify your income: collect your pay stubs, government assistance payment information, alimony or child support records, bank account statements and / or tax returns with assessment notices.
If parents request payments for supplemental reimbursement in addition to the standard adoption assistance payment rate, the adoption social worker provides relevant documentation describing ongoing, additional expenses that are paid above the current foster care rate and which are not expected to be absorbed by other resources, services, or third party payments following the final decree of adoption.
Title IV - E Claims and Adoption Assistance Payments Hansen (2006) Discusses Federal legislation that was passed to provide subsidies to adoptive families to encourage the adoption of children with special needs, including Adoption Opportunities grants and the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, also known as Title IV - E of the Social Security Act.
In addition, certain other amounts, such as Workers» Compensation payments and some income - tested or needs - tested social assistance payments, must be reported as income, but are not taxed.
As soon as the child named in your plan is enrolled in a qualifying educational program, he or she can start receiving payments from the RESP called Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs).
These withdrawals are collectively referred to as Education Assistance Payments (EAPs).
+ read full definition can make withdrawals from the plan at any time, called disability assistance payments (DAPs).
The stick: The No Jab No Pay policy — an expansion of the existing rules linking vaccination to family assistance payments and the removal of an exemption for parents who didn't fully vaccinated their children due to objection.
The IRS can not levy unemployment benefits, Social Security Disability Insurance, specific annuity and pension payments, workers compensation, certain public assistance payments, assistance under the Job Training Partnership act and court - ordered child support payments.
It's worth noting that with British Gas you DO N'T need to be a customer to apply for either help with arrears or Further Assistance Payments.
Then when the Housing Assistance Payment contract came in the mail I saw that AHA would only be paying $ 300 of the total rent amount of $ 985.
Title IV - E Guardianship Assistance Children's Bureau (2013) Explains the title IV - E Guardianship Assistance Program, a grant that provides guardianship assistance payments for the care of children by relatives who have assumed legal guardianship of children.
The unit must pass the HQS inspection before the PHA can approve monthly Housing Assistance Payments.
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