Sentences with phrase «attorney assistance»

"Attorney assistance" means getting help or support from a lawyer or legal professional for various legal matters or legal advice. Full definition
At the very least, pick up the phone and call your local attorney assistance program and talk with someone that's been where you are today.
Collaborative Divorce is designed to provide the benefits of attorney assistance while avoiding the negative atmosphere of litigation.
We offer access to attorney assistance during the investigation period.
As Kyra M. Hazilla, an attorney - counselor at the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program in Portland, puts it, mindfulness «helps people use their mind to change their brain a little bit.»
Browder's latest project, though, could minimize or eliminate the need for attorney assistance in situations that are both regrettably commonplace and tend to impact people who can't afford lawyers: evictions and homelessness.
Software (Traklight, legal doc generator, DUI bot, etc.), accessible 24 hours a day on our member's dashboards, allow them to get more done, at whatever time they want, from anywhere they have an Internet connection and without direct attorney assistance.
New Systems and Technology for Word and Data Processing, Practice Support and Telecommunications: An assessment should be made of the efficient operation of office equipment in terms of providing attorney assistance, administrative support and management information.
You can call your local attorney assistance program.
No law enforcement agency has the resources to prosecute (with prosecuting attorney assistance) every possible case that they could prove.
My work with legal aid for over twelve years has been focused on not only increasing pro bono assistance, but also self - help resources that have been used by tens of thousands of Arkansans that can not afford attorney assistance.
In October, the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program began a six - session course for lawyers who want to learn how to implement mindfulness - based practices in their lives.
The Oregon Attorney Assistance Program publication, In Sight, helps lawyers and judges to improve the quality of their personal and professional lives.
Ironically, the LLLT program has only been approved for family law matters, despite the fact the study found that «attorney assistance is most successfully secured in family - related matters.»
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