Sentences with phrase «attorney biographies»

"Attorney biographies" refers to brief summaries or profiles that provide information about an attorney's background, experience, education, and professional achievements. These summaries give individuals a glimpse into an attorney's qualifications and areas of expertise. Full definition
Your online attorney biography needs to serve your potential client, not your ego.
An effective attorney biography will help clients get to know you as an attorney and as a person, not just your awards and accolades.
The jurisdictions in which each of our attorneys are licensed to practice are indicated in the individual attorney biographies on this website.
One great tip from Ritzer is to remember that most people find your website through searching for individual attorney biographies.
Practice and other descriptions, including attorney biographies, on this website may include descriptions of successful client representations, strategies or outcomes in matters, including transactional and adversarial proceedings.
In fact, the best attorney biographies are focused and carefully edited.
Check out the Legal Writers Bureau for help with crafting a great attorney biography for your website.
To view attorney biographies, contact information and special practice areas select any of the attorneys» names below.
In addition to the usual attorney biographies, practice group descriptions and press releases, the firm added several sections designed to appeal to both potential clients and lateral partner candidates.
Aside from attorney biographies, a client reviews page is often one of the most - visited on websites that have them.
A large firm often needs a large site, including attorney biographies, a regularly - updated blog, pages that highlight each practice area and geographic markets.
So there they are: the do's and don'ts of writing an attorney biography.
A few weeks ago, I outlined some guidelines for writing an attorney biography that can help you stand out from the competition.
We do have an icon for LinkedIn on all our attorney biographies and every time we make a change to the attorney's biography, we encourage them to make that on their LinkedIn account as well.
Lawyers need to ensure law firm's website and attorney biographies are easily accessed with a mobile optimized website.
Launch a website with 15 pages, including a homepage, contact page, attorney biographies and a page covering all major practice areas (i.e. car accidents, truck accidents, medical malpractice)
On family law websites, we consistently see that the attorney biography or «About The Firm» is often one of the first pages users will navigate to after landing on the homepage.
Attorney Experience Experience described on some attorney biographies on this web site may date from before an individual lawyer joined Keller & Benvenutti.
If you have an attorney biography, read through it carefully.
To learn more about the accomplishments and experience of our lawyer, please follow the attorney biography link below.
See if it needs a new website design, your attorney biography could use a rewrite, or maybe even some search engine optimization should be considered.
Review the attorney biography section of the website.
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