Sentences with phrase «attorney time»

"Attorney time" refers to the hours a lawyer spends working on a legal case or matter. It represents the amount of time a lawyer devotes to providing legal services to their clients. Full definition
In charge of conducting research and with compiling legal references to save attorneys time.
Today's law practices use attorney time and billing software to maintain a 360 - degree view of the firm's finances, maximize profits and minimize liability.
Two to four hours per month with your therapist can save hours of burned attorney time by helping your not to engage and further unnecessary conflict.
And while they invested more in - house attorney time — 65 percent more hours per suit — the payoff was significant.
Formal legal procedures take much more attorney time (and your money) than the less formal process used in Collaborative Practice.
Partners realize that too much attorney time is spent managing the firm and the results of their management efforts are frequently less than satisfactory.
It takes some time to learn new attorney time management techniques, but you will do it.
If you do need to handle something, tools like attorney time and billing software give you the resources you need to practice, and also the option not to.
This will require attorney time, staff time, and physical resources such as office supplies and office space, or even computer hardware and software.
Stop holding your legal practice back with manual trust management or incomplete attorney time and billing software.
Different cases are suited to different fee structures and it is important for law firms to choose attorney time and billing software able to handle all of the practice's billing needs.
How secure is it to store sensitive attorney time and billing software records out in the cloud?
The act of research itself consumes attorney time, the billable unit of legal service.
For the cost of 4 to 5 hours of attorney time, you get ongoing access to continuously updated and expanded content.
We are here to ensure not just a solid return on investment, but also to help give attorneys the time they need to work with not just more clients, but also the type of clients they want.
It also eliminates attorney time spent negotiating stipulations with opposing parties in order to avoid disclosure of this type of discovery.
Try CosmoLex attorney time and billing software for yourself free to see how much simple contingency cases can be.
Case Status is designed to save attorneys time so they can focus on working on / resolving their cases, while allowing clients to feel more connected with their attorneys and their cases than ever before.
Just yesterday I came across this article: Firms Say Specialists Boost Collections, Free Attorney Time by the New York Law Journal.
Unfortunately despite the wide availability of reliable attorney time and billing software, many practices are still stuck in the Stone Age, and it's -LSB-...]
«This is expansion of video conferencing beyond the conference room,» said McCue, pointing to several key business drivers including attorney time, client restrictions on travel, recruiting, and portability as the technology improves for desktop and mobile applications such as Skype and FaceTime.
Cuomo, saying there is a «crisis of confidence» in the criminal justice system, signed an executive order to have the state's attorney general take over from the local District Attorney any time an unarmed civilian is killed in an encounter with police, and there are questions about what happened.
The trial court did not err in basing the reasonable fee upon invoiced amounts by the attorney, rather than mere estimated attorney time that was not invoiced;
However, this article will lead you through all of the things that you should consider and we encourage you to contact our experienced attorneys any time — 24/7/365 — to schedule a free, confidential consultation about your specific case.
Brennan argues that, in connection with the court's lodestar calculations, class counsel did not submit detailed attorney time records.
But today our courtrooms are jammed with cases, attorney time costs money, and the very idea of working out serious issues in broad daylight, relying on cookie - cutter solutions makes people wonder: Isn't there a better way?
A subscription to Foley's GRS product comes with attorney time «bundled in» for those situations where the automated system can't provide an answer.
If you enjoyed this post, you might also like: Attorney Time Saver: Firm Manager Releases Batch Invoicing
Very little attorney time is needed or involved, since simple math is the only skill - set required (and the ability to convince you to take less than your case is worth).
Workflows — automated internal processes for producing client deliverables, reducing attorney time spent on tasks that do not add direct value to the work we perform on behalf of clients.
For large departments, as many as 40 percent track attorney time and I recommend it
Assist executive legal secretaries and other administrative staff with assigned tasks which may include entering attorney time, preparing binders, organizing...
Assist with filing in office filing system, including opening and closing files * Prepare expense reports, input attorneys time and process vendor invoices for payments * Fix / troubleshoot...
Since 2006, LASOC has been contracting with private attorneys to supplement staff attorney time at the Compton Self - Help Legal Access Center, which is operated by Community Legal Services.
Litigation usually involves: extensive attorney time preparing legal briefs to argue your legal position, long costly waits at the courthouse until the judge can hear your case, and frequent postponements of court hearings, requiring even longer waits to achieve resolutions.
Often nothing is actually filed in court until everything is agreed upon in writing and ready for finalization by the court (saving attorney time for court appearances).
Today's law practices use attorney time and billing software to maintain a 360 - degree view of the firm's finances, maximize profits and minimize -LSB-...]
Try CosmoLex attorney time and billing software free and explore it for yourself.
It will optimize the use of attorney time by delegating non-legal case management to trained navigators, who will be specially trained in providing immigration services in their respective communities.
We can help you manage Operations more effectively, while freeing up in - house attorney time to focus more on strategic legal work.
After seeing and dealing with this problem first hand, it became my mission to create a tool that sets expectations and keeps clients informed, yet saves attorneys time so they can focus on their work.
Unfortunately despite the wide availability of reliable attorney time and billing software, many practices are still stuck in the Stone Age, and it's hurting profits.
Georgia requires more paperwork when a couple has minor children and therefore takes more attorney time.
Attorney time spent in the e-billing process can be both excessive and expensive.
Plainlegal is a law firm tech startup looking to save attorneys time.
They have committed hundreds of hours of attorney time to the Foundation this year alone, but have been supporters for several years.
Due to the complexities of the discrimination laws, employers should always talk to an attorney any time a discrimination issue arises.
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