Sentences with word «awardee»

The word "awardee" refers to a person who has been given or received an award. Full definition
Experimental filmmaker and video artist Peggy Ahwesh (2000 Moving Image) was part of Creative Capital's first class of awardees with her work The Star Eaters, a short film about gambling, risk - taking and failure in one woman's trip through Atlantic City.
CHICAGO — Congratulations to Diane Simpson, 2018 Graham Foundation Research Grant Awardee for her project Architecture in Motion.
See the work of travel awardees in the reception's poster session, and mingle with fellow scientists interested in supporting diversity and inclusion in BMB.
Kahn was a 2012 Guggenheim Fellow in Film / Video and a Artadia Grant Awardee in 2014.
Other awardees included Oscar - winning director Ang Lee and actress Zhang Ziyi, who starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
O'Grady has been a resident artist at Artpace, San Antonio, TX, and has received numerous other awards, including the CAA Distinguished Feminist Award, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Howard University, the Art Matters grant, the United States Artists Rockefeller Fellowship and, most recently, is a Creative Capital Awardee in Visual Art.
The Frontier Science section presents information by and about HFSP awardees as well as topics of interest to scientists throughout the world working at the frontiers of the life sciences.
March 29, 6:30 pm Panel discussion: «The Uncanny Work of Leandro Erlich» Andrea Giunta, author of exhibition catalogue essay «A Gap in the Limits of the Possible» and Professor of Latin American Art, Universidad de Buenos Aires will discuss the work of Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich, 2017 Roy R. Neuberger Exhibition Prize awardee with curators Helaine Posner and Patrice Giasson.
The exhibit at the CUE Art Foundation is the most diverse, with sound pieces, installation, video, sculpture and painting, all by the 15 Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant awardees from 2011.
The benefit will see performances by awardees Sanford Biggers and Mood Medecin, Jace Clayton, Daniel Romain, and Kristina Wong.
The renowned organization Artadia: The Fund for Art & Dialogue celebrates 15 years of support for visual artists with a vibrant show presenting the work of 20 Artadia Awardees at Longhouse Projects in downtown Manhattan.
The jury will then select five Artadia Awardees for two awards of $ 15,000 and three awards of $ 5,000.
Prize awardees receive an engraved commemorative sculpture designed in 1991 by artist Jim Dine.
NYSCF — Robertson Stem Cell Investigator and NYSCF — Robertson Stem Cell Prize Awardee Dr. Feng Zhang and his team at the Broad Institute of Harvard...
NIH's LRPs require either a 2 - year or 3 - year commitment, depending on the program, and Congress has built in severe sanctions for awardees who don't fulfill their obligations.
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna will give the Nakasone Lecture during the 16th HFSP Awardees Meeting to be held from 10 - 13 July, 2016 at the Biopolis in Singapore.
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program awardees share strategies they have used within their states to support their recruitment and retention efforts.
Other 2016 Conservation Teacher of the Year awardees include Lynn Fiandaca of Fall Brook Elementary School in Leominster and Melinda Forist of Monomoy Regional Middle School in Chatham.
«To be in the company of such previous awardees as Warren Bennis, Peter Drucker, Henry Mintzberg, and Harvard's own Chris Argyris is a great and...
During the recent Awardees Meeting in Kerala, India, Guntram Bauer and Martin Reddington from HFSP talked to Walter Meissl, a HFSP Cross-Disciplinary Fellow based at the Atomic Physics Laboratory at the Riken Advanced Science Institute in Saitama.
In this post, we're proud to announce our first two Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien Commemorative Travel Awardees: Xin Zhou and Fatima Enam.
White House Council on Environmental Quality Acting Chair Mike Boots and U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce Mark Schaefer joined U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today to congratulate the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools and District Sustainability Awardees on their achievements at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.
Creative Capital awardees also participate in their fields by serving on grantmaking panels, participating in relevant conferences and supporting nonprofit organizations.
Although Industrial CASE awardees work primarily in an academic environment, they enjoy benefits that include a research supervisor from industry, a broader research training experience, and access to state - of - the - art facilities via secondments in the company.
2005 Visual Arts Awardee Pablo Helguera recording «Parallel Lives» at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
«There are lots of such awardees who are academic staff in the University of Ilorin.
Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain Announces Awardees to Explore the Brain's Hidden States
Read discussions led by past awardees in the Public Engagement with Science Group on Trellis, AAAS» online communication and collaboration platform.
It is great a privilege to be among such outstanding current and former awardees of Warren Alpert Foundation.
The National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) Roadmap for Medical Research acknowledges the importance of behavioral and social science research, and the agency's Clinical and Translational Science Awards require a behavioral science component in the programs of awardee institutions.
Kripa Varanasi, mechanical engineer at MIT and NSF CAREER awardee, has applied superhydrophobic coatings to metal, ceramics and glass, including the insides of ketchup bottles.
Creative Capital Artist Awardees are risk takers and world changers.
As the European Research Council celebrates its 10th anniversary, three Starting Grant awardees describe their career paths
The five awardees provided parent education to 97 parents.
Deans can enroll their student awardees using this form.
Along with fellow awardees Rochester Institute of Technology and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, we look forward to realizing the State's Digital Gaming Hub vision: A program that increases collaboration between industry, academy, and individuals, provides resources and mentorship to those entering the industry, assists established companies and developers, fosters the games community, grows the size of the New York State games industry, and raises the profile of games made in the State.
EnergySage is a recognized leader at the forefront of innovation in the solar industry, and a three - time awardee of the U.S. Department of Energy's prestigious SunShot Initiative.
Awardees serve as inspiration and a model for other charter colleagues and their communities.
We were thrilled to have so many awardees, friends and supporters there to celebrate our Southern California community.
Prior awardees from UCSF are Harold Varmus and Elizabeth Blackburn.
The current awardees gather every May in San Francisco to share their discoveries.

Phrases with «awardee»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z