Sentences with phrase «bad investment»

By giving him a cheap way out of bad investments, it allows the investor to make far more speculative bets than he would otherwise.
Some go so far as to try to talk their clients out of making bad investment decisions, and thus talking themselves out of a commission.
Is a stock that has a good chance of doubling in value over the next four years a good or bad investment for you?
Women are more afraid of losing money, more afraid of making bad investment decisions and simply not knowing how to get started.
But one bad investment in a leaky property and you could be ruined.
The feeling that «I'm missing out on great returns» has probably led to more bad investment decisions than any other single factor.
Conversely, she said services companies are not necessarily bad investments as long as there is a process that can be scaled.
I've previously shared my best and worst investments ever.
So, they weren't seen as bad investments because of their driving record.
It is useful to examine the context in which humanity evolved to appreciate other ways we may be wired to collectively make bad investment choices.
Home construction loans have strict requirements to help protect lenders from bad investments.
Help yourself avoid bad investments by doing some basic safety checks before you hand over your money.
Instead these are three bad investment strategies that investors get sucked into and end up missing their investing goals by a wide margin.
To put it into perspective its next to impossible to not be able to make very bad investment related decisions.
It depends on just how bad the investment choices and fees are.
While these risk ratios can not always accurately predict future results, alpha and beta help to differentiate between good and bad investments over a given period of time.
This gives me confidence that if have really bad investment results or health issues we'll still be OK.
If you put in $ 5,000 and pick bad investments and lose $ 1,000, then you can only pull out the $ 4,000 you have left.
The first lets their emotions cause them to make really bad investment decisions; usually these people eventually quit.
But they add that the federal government enables such bad investments by making «no - questions - asked» loans.
He also stated that initial public offering (IPO) of stock are almost always bad investments.
The increasing focus on operating earnings encourages investors to ignore debt and bad investments until it's too late.
So regardless of whether or not earnings can actually carry debt burdens, or how aggressively bad investments are being written down from book value, investors need never know.
There are good investment advisers and bad investment advisers.
So it could be seen as a good investment... apart from the really bad investment contract that double fine gives their investors.
However, I do think it's relatively simple to identify the stocks that are an exceptionally bad investment, or exceptionally risky, or exceptionally overpriced, and avoid those stocks.
Put a margin of safety first in your investing, such that you will always be around to invest in the future, no matter how bad the investment environment is.
Nobody wants to «mess up» and choose bad investments.
It shows that the economy needs to change, that losses on prior bad investments should be recognized.
The value of some depend on your spending habits, others depend on your needs, and others yet are just plain bad investments.
The government knowing our tendencies of making bad investment related decisions has found a way to drive some money back into the country.
Buying a property under power of sale is a real bad investment.
Moreover, loans to beautiful loan applicants are bad investments because beautiful borrowers are much less likely to repay their loans than less attractive borrowers.
Some of them lose their savings after retirement in every conceivable way from bad investments to worthless kids who have made costly grandchildren.
By the end of the course, students will know how to avoid bad investments, discover good investments, and mitigate risk.
I agree with people who say that precious metals are a very bad investment choice; look at their record right now.
It depends on just how bad the investment choices and fees are.
Most investors lose money in all types of bad investments.
Ultimately, though, good investments go up and bad investments go down.
There is lots of behavioral finance research that shows that investors often make bad investment decisions that are driven by emotion.
Some individuals make bad investments and go through divorce.
Although many of these human - run wannabes have low fees and probably aren't bad investments, a key difference is that mutual funds only disclose their positions quarterly, whereas ETFs (at least the «real» ETFs that share a set of exemptions from the Investment Company Act of 1940) disclose their positions every 15 seconds via Specialists (exchange professionals who match up buyers and sellers).
But these holders are late liquidators, and cause funds with bad investment strategies to sell some of their favorite wrong investments, which drives the prices of the investments down further.
They understand that good companies can be bad investments if one pays too much for them, but the reverse isn't true: cheapness does not turn a bad company into a good investment.
There's a new push for folks to be aware of: «Affinity Fraud» — it really pertains to those you trust leading you into bad investment schemes, but I think it also applies to false promises by pastors if you pay your 10 %.
Campaigners argue this makes fossil fuel companies bad investments on both moral and financial grounds.
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