Sentences with phrase «bad light»

Using a photo with bad lighting or a low quality photo is not ideal, as people will not be able to see what you look like properly.
But nothing is more annoying than cooking something and then finding that you just can't get the food to look nice because of bad lighting.
As is often the case with device leaks, the product photos tend to be blurry, taken with a poor camera and normally in bad lighting conditions.
That's not just bad lighting, those colours are actually true to life!
Worse light at than the first AND bum pixels.
Believe me, all that does is show YOU in a really bad light..
As usual, the month has been incredibly busy and as I mentioned before, I have had to combat bad lighting conditions.
I took this photo on my phone in pretty bad lighting, but even then, my cheeks perfectly catch the little light there is to create a beautiful glow.
I believe this has been mentioned by everybody in the entire world because it is in fact genuinely badly lit everywhere.
Most of us can recognise bad lighting in a space through dim work areas, glare, cold colour and inadequate or no controls.
Speaking of, the move to an f / 1.5 aperture also lets in more light in badly lit scenes, giving that improved sensor even more to work with.
Avoid putting up pictures with bad lighting, as well as photos where you might look creepy or intimidating.
The P10 isn't as good in worse lighting conditions.
The vast majority of terrible profile pics are the result of bad lighting.
That being said, we get no joy in knowing that yet another ODR project could fail since it shines a very bad light on a struggling but promising practice.
«The attempt to portray the Nigerian Army in bad light by labelling it killer of a pastor and manipulation of information by the Premium Times is totally unacceptable.
«Their actions are capable of bringing the entire Nigeria Police Force to disrepute and portray the Force in a very bad light as a lawless organisation not guided by the rule of law,» Awunah said.
And in an industry where many are afraid to give a game a bad review, or publish a piece of news that could shed bad light on a company in case they get «Black - Listed», I applaud Eurogamer for doing their job.
Mike Tidwell, director of the Chesapeake Climate Action, which is trying to block a Dominion Resources - owned LNG export terminal in Cove Point, Md., said that the report would cast LNG exports in an even worse light if it used what he called more realistic leakage estimates for U.S. production and pipeline transportation.
And in doing so, it seems it couldn't resist doing what can be termed as the most tempting thing to do - to paint the Apple iPad in bad light so as to bring forth the XOOM tablet as... [Read more...]
I am never traumatized by stumbling into bad lighting in various states of undress.
I really love the pastel pink and how it goes with that light sweater and those earrings I want of yours I do get bad lighting on my photos somex and I usually just post them anyway a nd try to correct them in photoshop.
At the pub, on the beach or at dawn - capture beautiful moments even in low - light conditions as its front camera lets in more light so bad lighting doesn't ruin your best moments.
And suffice from bad light bleed.
The visuals are severely boring and sometimes a gameplay hindrance due to the game's extremely bland color palette and bad lighting effects.
With no professional terms and badly lit pics taken in my basement... View the Post
there are tons of good free ones out there and they can fix many of the problems bad lighting, etc. will create.
This handy infographic not only demonstrates how menacing and clinically effective Sturridge has been this season, when fit, it also casts his rivals Wilfried Bony, Diego Costa and Wayne Rooney — at Manchester City, Chelsea and Manchester United respectively — into a particularly bad light.
Whilst it is unfair to paint Djourou in a comically bad light, it must be said that he has had his fair share of mistakes.
In his ill - conceived write - up, Fani - Kayode sought to paint President Buhari, Vice President Osinbajo, Asiwaju Tinubu and Ogbeni Aregbesola, all in bad light obviously to advance his well - known hate for these leaders.
Someday I'll have a professional camera and / or camera man (< — Ben doesn't know what he's getting into) but for now, you get badly lit selfies.
Badly lit photos don't attract people's attention; their eyes will be drawn to those light, bright profile photos instead.
I don't read in badly lit places (subway or back alleys..)
The Pixel 2 XL continually delivers excellent photos no matter how bad the lighting is, completely avoiding the cardinal sins of indoor smartphone camera photography: blur, grain, poor metering and washed out colors.
Hello gogi sir can i run games of bigger size in this mobile without any lag and how good is the quality of the camera during bad light?
Responded to work tickets to repair electrical issues such as faulty receptacles, replaced fuses, faulty ballasts, bad light bulbs, Plumbing issues including repair of toilet rings, leaky showers and sinks.
Badly lit living room showing you up to the neighbours?
I always feel like im battling with bad lighting conditions and the elements.
In The Gambia, Jammeh, 22 year long ruler of his people essayed to trample justice in manners reminiscent of the African fashions that had cast in the past, this part of the world in very bad light.
A handful of recent hacking events have shed bad light on the security of blockchain technology.
The victims» families, however, attributed the crash mainly to bad lighting on the barge.
Once again I've just loaded these photos in the order that I shot them, Really bad light conditions for the 1000 mm lens I was using with hardly any sunshine through out the days competition.
The interior gauges are well located for easy visibility and include actual gauges instead of bad lights.
Bad lighting effects, a very subpar framerate (be happy if you manage to average 20 fps), and above all, the textures.
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