Sentences with phrase «bad loans»

But every one of the four banks has prepared a plan to reduce the level of bad loans in their balance sheets.
The official share of bad loans in Russian banks is now 10 %, compared with 6 % before oil prices collapsed.
The problem is this: there are entities that made bad loans in the past that expect to be paid back in full.
Changes that come into force in 2018 will force lenders to provision for bad loans in a new way.
Recognizing losses on bad loans can mean pushing corporate borrowers into bankruptcy and households into foreclosure.
For example, negative interest rates on central bank deposits could hurt bank profits even as many lenders are struggling with bad loans or other troubled assets.
People who invest through peer - to - peer lending platforms may be able to offset losses from bad loans against gains from other loans when calculating tax on the interest they've earned.
Combining some of these criteria with loans in the riskier categories like loan grade C and D can really help boost your returns on fewer bad loans.
The large level of bad loans continues to be a drag on the European banking system and could spark new crises in the coming year.
Those who have good credit and who have a strong financial foundation will be granted loans though, despite how bad the loan industry is doing.
Those who have good credit and who have a strong financial foundation will be granted loans though, despite how bad the loan industry is doing.
Of course, this doesn't provide much protection against new Bad Loans turning up..
Lenders also don't like to keep bad loans on their books.
If not, then they are simply bad loans and they don't need a lot of heavy analysis.
Most notable was the financial community's reaction to concerns over billions of dollars that could be lost in bad loans issued to stranded assets.
Two Italian banks have proposed a deal to settle shareholder lawsuits as they try to raise billions of dollars to cover bad loans.
To get the money, banks have to implement a series of reforms, which include improving due diligence and better handling bad loans.
The Italian banking system has been a problem for the third - largest euro zone economy since the financial crisis due to the high level of bad loans across all institutions.
The high level of bad loans worked to reduce the overall spread, while banks sought to compensate by increasing the spread on performing loans.
Bad loans started to emerge when borrowers were not able to repay because of high housing cost.
Somehow I don't think lenders were making bad loans because they needed to fix their credit situations.
Credit bad loans are intended for the purpose of helping those people who are struggling with their financial needs.
Furthermore, smaller banks had significantly less bad loans by any measure as compared to larger banks.
Although there is not enough official data to come up with a precise figure for bad loans, other analysts have come up with estimates of around $ 5 trillion.
In this system, the bankers had to be very careful in evaluating the risk of each loan since they were the ones who suffered from making bad loans.
In many developing countries, official statistics on bad loans are thought to greatly underestimate the true figure.
The government is taking measures to reduce the number of bad loans.
Then, when many of the dumb loans went bad, banks were not equipped to service so many bad loans.
The improving economy also means the banks are dealing with fewer bad loans, giving them more room for dividend hikes.
Bad loans in the banking sector have risen significantly.
The law also restricts the use of prepayment penalties to keep borrowers locked into bad loans.
Bad loans as a share of their total portfolio remains low, at less than 2.5 percent, but economists believe the figure understates the problem because banks often extend the payment dates for problem debt.
Uncertainty regarding Brexit, combined with aging populations across the continent, bad loans at banks piling up, and new concerns about Greece's finances, are more than enough to keep economic growth now, and down the road, limited.
If can pay the interest on nonperforming loans, or create «bad banks,» says Pauly, that hold bad loans.
Sure, there are bad loans out there or redevelopments gone bad, and they'll be hurting.
The idea of «skin in the game» rules is that banks won't securitize bad loans if they remain on the hook for a portion of those loans.
In January of 2011, Bank of America settled a legal dispute with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae over bad loans made by Countrywide Financial (which BofA purchased).
At 8 times expected 2018 earnings, FirstRand could be getting a bargain — provided bad loans don't shoot up.
Most of the increase in bad loans came from the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, the Shanghai Securities News reported this month.
Mortgage lenders who made bad loans paid dearly with massive losses that drove some, like Countrywide and Washington Mutual, out of business.
Revenues rose just 1 % because of a decline in trading, but because costs fell and expense for bad loans improved, BofA's net income jumped 12 %.
As a result, bad loans appeared as higher - quality loans because they conformed to Fannie and Freddie.
As Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf noted on Wednesday, Sept. 24, the problem is that the face value of mortgage loans and a raft of other bad loans far exceeds current market prices or prices that are likely to be realized this year, next year or the year after that.
Then, after a spate of bad loans last decade, the group's reserve fund dwindled below its congressionally - mandated minimum, which is two percent of the value of all outstanding FHA loans.
Critics also contend Cuomo did not go far enough in ending the practice of kickbacks paid to mortgage brokers which may have encouraged bad loans.
You can not incentivise bad loans pushing capital which comes from taxpayers money.
In an article in Portfolio Magazine, Michael Lewis spoke with one trader who noted that «There weren't enough Americans with [bad] credit taking out [bad loans] to satisfy investors» appetite for the end product.»

Phrases with «bad loans»

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