Sentences with phrase «bad science»

It will go down in history as a textbook example of bad science combined with bad politics.
I and other science bloggers spend a lot of time and virtual ink doing damage control on bad science reporting in the media.
Every year, it's easy to come up with a long list of the year's worst science fiction and fantasy movies.
I believe that the premise for the book was nothing about insulin, but about bad science.
I did get attacks from the climate scientists, publicly and privately, stating that their opponents were bad people doing bad science and that they should be kept from publishing.
Not even from the personal perspective of how to eat just from the fascinating perspective of how bad the science was and how there was this obvious alternative hypothesis.
So we are comparing apples to oranges, and that is simply bad science.
To pretend otherwise is not only bad science, it can be risky for the sexual health of men and women everywhere.
The open society and free market make scientists compete a bit, which creates a way of exposing bad science influenced by bias.
We are filling a gap and correcting a great deal of bad science reporting.
He is here to teach you how to evaluate placebo effects, double - blind studies, and sample sizes, so that you can recognize bad science when you see it.
The claim was that the «deniers» had particular motivations, and so produced bad science.
A march against bad science campaigns and corporate lobbying efforts.
It is often bad science to recommend such delicate care.
You use science in your routines occasionally, especially bad science.
While the story had a serious political bent, this movie threw that aside for insanely bad science and some weak attempts at action.
Free speech and a free press are supposed to counter following based upon bad science.
Oh, please, is that the defense for bad science now?
I am a registered dietitian and I believe you shouldn't make remarks based on bad science.
Here are our picks for the 10 best and 10 worst science fiction and fantasy movies of 2011.
Can't remember where I read that, and I hope it's just bad science or reporting.
The accusations went so far as to suggest we were doing bad science.
This is and has always been bad science in every discipline.
It just looks like very bad science to me, so I assume there must be some explanation.
This miscarriage of justice was the result of bad science.
Taylor: You say EPA used bad science in its Endangerment finding.
Most likely such a mental frame - work underlying the selection against negative in favor of positive ones will not only require a structural change, but also a mental or psychological one, including better training of editors to recognize the importance of negative results, and to distinguish negative results from bad science.
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