Sentences with phrase «bank balance»

A "bank balance" refers to the amount of money you have in your bank account. It shows how much money you currently own or owe to the bank. Full definition
Keep in mind, there is an exceptionally high correlation between the pace of central bank balance sheet expansion and stock prices.
It requires businesses to be at least 1 year old with an annual revenue of $ 100,000 and an average daily bank balance of $ 2,000.
Running the printing press like never before has indeed produced a mountain of cash on bank balance sheets, but they aren't lending it out much to consumers and business.
After many years of extraordinary monetary policy, an enormous quantity of government debt now sits on central bank balance sheets.
It is important to have sufficient liquid cash / bank balance as a contingency fund.
If it's a reimbursement policy, then the insured should ideally have a substantial bank balance in order to meet the expenses of the treatment.
All that dreaming is hungry work and in any case to fly in a hot air balloon or pilot an aircraft you need a reasonable level of fitness and a fairly healthy bank balance.
The main risk with these new alternatives is their ability to scale since they don't have a big bank balance sheet and their resources are limited, but the future looks promising.
A large bank balance doesn't bring any guarantees of successful dating.
An equal concern is that there is no link between removing «toxic assets» from bank balance sheets and avoiding large - scale home foreclosures and loan defaults.
A successful businessman may have a huge bank balance and may think that the funds will suffice for his child's future educational costs.
4th place and a large bank balance especially his own perhaps?
The lender will also want to see your current bank balance, to make sure you have sufficient funds to cover your first few mortgage payments.
Additionally, some lenders will require borrowers to maintain higher bank balances than typical applicants usually must have.
Keep a six - figure bank balance before you open.
However, the lender prefers borrowers with a business that is at least 1 year old and has an average monthly bank balance of $ 2,000 with an annual revenue of $ 200,000.
With deadlines looming over your head, pressure to revise for exams and a dwindling bank balance, it's clear, university can be a stressful time.
The adjusted bank balance takes the balance shown by the bank, adjusted for checks and deposits that haven't cleared.
A good credit card offer would only need a small amount of deposit or minimum bank balance.
This documentation should tell you the amount owed at each credit level for bank - to - bank balance transfers and how long the advertised rate will last.
In addition to a sufficient bank balance, adding modifications to your weapons will also require a great deal of luck.
Let's be honest, it's not easy finding a laptop that enables you to play some of your favourite PC games without laying waste to your poor bank balance.
• Issue checks to clients and vendors after ensuring bank balance integrity.
In addition, with all the losses most banks balance sheets were a disaster and they were not in a position to hold them on their books.
Unlike mortgages in 2007, known commercial and investment bank balance sheets indicate no significant holdings of cryptocurrency assets by the institutions.
You don't command a hefty salary or carry a sizable bank balance.
We know the club has had a decent bank balance for a while now, but just how healthy has often not been clear until that hurdle has been successfully cleared.
If so, they will do it in the traditional way of big physics, with large collaborations and hefty bank balances.
We typically spend a great deal more time thinking about our assets (i.e. bank balances, investments, real estate) than we do our liabilities.
It often takes too long to see a meaningful bank balance and, even if you do save, it's hard to get excited about cash you can't touch.
When you enter your beginning bank balance, they do all the calculations for you.
While your canine companion isn't likely to make you any money, he will almost certainly improve your life in ways that a large bank balance never will.
We either get so hooked that we want to spend every waking minute watching our virtual bank balances expanding or would have more fun discussing our real life loan repayments with our bank manager.
That means having a savings account with a least a month's worth of income saved, plus positive bank balances elsewhere and low credit card debt.
Students aren't exactly renowned for their spectacular bank balances and — between food, parties and presents — this time of year can get expensive, fast.
Given half a chance and our former bank balance we still would be.
These positions are often not reflected on bank balance sheets.
We have owners who only want 4th place and an healthy bank balance.
In 2015, central bank balance sheets are likely to expand at a more rapid rate than in 2014.
However, the lender prefers borrowers with a business that is at least 1 year old and has an average monthly bank balance of $ 2,000 with an annual revenue of $ 200,000.
Quality relationships and meaningful work, not a big bank balance, may be the key to a happy life, but that doesn't mean money and joy are totally unrelated.
Additionally, some lenders will require borrowers to maintain higher bank balances than typical applicants usually must have.
But when you consider your dwindling bank balance and rising living costs, you are probably left wondering how you'll afford to do one.
Whole life insurance is perfect for those who have a sufficient bank balance, are a bit older, typically 40 years plus, and can afford the higher cost premium.
You show me a CPA, an attorney, or a doctor without sales skills, and I'll show you an empty waiting room and a poor bank balance.
The leverage that was once visible on bank balance sheets may now be disguised as a net position held at a clearing firm.
Similarly, the 2009 «quantitative easing» policy in Britain confused loans used in the real economy (which were stagnating or falling throughout the experiment) with boosting bank balances with the Bank of England which quadrupled over 2009 (Graph 3).
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