Sentences with phrase «basis for comparison»

At least nine categories were used as bases for comparison between the two devices.
I've driven nearly every large SUV available, so I now have a pretty good basis for comparison.
But the danger there is when you make price your only basis for the comparison.
As a result, such firms receive disparate bids without an adequate basis for comparison.
Looking to the future, for this initiative to be successful the sector as a whole will need to be better funded, the educational outcomes will need to be able to be measured more accurately and an improved basis for comparison between MATs identified.
«This Is Where I Leave You» is such a rare bird nowadays — a mid-budget, big - studio ensemble dramedy — that the only real basis for comparison is the television drama.
Through detailed genome comparisons, sequence - alignment algorithms and other bioinformatics tools run on Los Alamos computers, the Los Alamos team identified features that differentiate among F. tularensis and other novel clinical and environmental Francisella isolates, providing a knowledge base for comparison of new sequences from clinical or environmental surveys.
Most of the time people choose to weigh first thing in that morning, before beginning to eat and drink, because this is the best basis for comparison.
Playing the numbers game against Android doesn't make any real basis for comparison, but when RIM has been regularly criticised for not making handsets «powerful enough» you can see why they'd be more vocal about the innards.
Few of these students have any lawyers in the family, and if they do the chances are they're driving cabs as well, so they have little basis for comparison.
Using 1999 as the base for comparison, therefore, may not be appropriate as it was not sustainable.
As a result, the bases for comparison are not the same and can distort the annual changes between the budget forecast and the Public Accounts results.
As a basis for comparison, between 1980 and 1995, household credit grew, on average, by around 3 3/4 percentage points faster than nominal GDP.
I know I am not alone — a study of 600 adults showed that Facebook has produced a basis for comparison and envy on a scale never before seen.
He is world class... A joy to watch... Ramsey is just another player just average and doesn't come close to cazorla when it comes to passing and even shooting... For god sake there is no basis for this comparison..
UP, UP AND AWAY GO SALARIES Sir: As a basis for comparison with your March 4 cover story on baseball player salaries, I have enclosed a copy of your Oct. 7, 1968 cover featuring the St. Louis Cardinals.
Dude let it go, what you wrote is tripe, there is never going to be any basis for comparisons, none whatsoever
Most of the surveys that talk about beer prices use Bud or Coors as the basis for comparison, because the craft options vary from region to region.
(This is your control group — your basis for comparison.)
It's more common in women who have experienced a previous pregnancy and thus have a basis for comparison.
I know that pitocin - induced contractions tend to be much more painful than natural labor contractions, but since I have no basis for comparison, I'll have to take everybody's word for it.
... There is actually no basis for comparison when it comes to the NPP and the NDC; so Mr. Kufuor is welcome to share his thoughts and views on Ghanaian affairs but by all means, he must refrain from speaking in ways that suggests that his was a successful government or that we are unaware of what transferred during his tenure...»
«There is actually no basis for comparison when it comes to the NPP and the NDC; so Mr. Kufuor is welcome to share his thoughts and views on Ghanaian affairs but by all means, he must refrain from speaking in ways that suggest that his, was a successful government, or that we are unaware of what transferred during his tenure...» said the deputy Minister of Communication, Felix Kwakye Ofosu.
This would have given us some basis for comparison.
Often the reports were based on anecdotal evidence, or the studies failed to give any participants dummy pills as a basis for comparison.
Step 2: Align the spacecraft and the gyroscopes with a reference star, serving as a basis for comparison.
He also recommends performing standard bulk - cell sequencing on a portion of the sample, to provide a basis for comparison with the single - cell DNA data.
We can't even make assessments about whether drones cause more or less PTSD, because we don't have a basis for comparison
If you know what those principles are — the basis for comparison — you're a leg up on the competition.
The above list should give you a good starting point and give you a basis for comparison between brands.
Although I have absolutely zero bases for comparison, I'm going to go ahead and say that this is a seriously epic chana masala.
Having no basis for comparison, I went into this movie with no pre-conceived notions.
If we want to measure a learner's prior performance as the basis for comparison with his or her current performance, this is an ipsative assessment.
Moreover, there was no control group, and thus no basis for comparison with other schools in their districts.
This gives them a basis for comparison and learning.
For an assessment to be helpful, it needs a basis for comparison.
This sum is used as the basis for comparison of the vehicles.
Reserve a test drive upon its arrival and get behind the wheel of a 2015 Mercedes - Benz M - Class as a basis for comparison when the new GLE SUV arrives.
To compare Toyota cars to their competitors from other manufacturers, click on the «Compare» link underneath the vehicle you'd like to use as the basis for your comparison.
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