Sentences with phrase «basis for one's decision»

Comparison shopping is simple, giving the consumer a solid basis for decision making.
This type of risk assessment could serve as an important scientific basis for decisions on warming targets or even for global questions of liability.
Just make sure you don't use ratings as the sole basis for your decision.
It is therefore essential that policy - makers have a sound basis for their decisions, including understanding of the uncertainties regarding future climate and of the costs and benefits of alternative approaches.
But the fact of the matter is there's no scientific OR medical basis for your decision to not provide certain forms of medical care for your medical care coverage.
These indices will provide you with unique data points gathered by our analysts that will serve as a valuable knowledge base for your decision making.
But please don't make this decision lightly, or without a full understanding of the historical and theoretical basis for the decision.
This will help provide you with a better basis for your decision.
You will have a sound basis for a decision that can save your property from catastrophe.
Studies that score higher on the Index thus have greater potential to reliably inform the evidence base for decisions about birth place by women and health professionals.
Muscle memory represents an important basis for decision regarding the most popular query among beginners, i.e. if it is necessary to first lose the mass of fat and then increase the muscle mass or vice versa.
«The findings provide a scientific basis for the decision by officials to use culling and quarantines to stop the 2014 - 15 outbreak in domestic poultry,» said corresponding author Robert Webster, Ph.D., an emeritus member of the St. Jude Department of Infectious Diseases.
All of these possibilities seem like reasonable bases for a decision to decline to accept the uncorroborated word of an individual, even a central one, in altering a reference work, even Wikipedia.
The Greenhouse Gas Bulletin provides a scientific base for decision - making and the WMO has released it ahead of the UN climate change negotiations to be held in the Moroccan city of Marrakech from Nov. 7 - 18.
The new method out of Jena provides much faster diagnosis as basis for a decision of a reliable therapy.
«However, the industry as a whole needs to be (more) attuned to the need for better benchmarking and giving corporate clients more informed basis for decision - making.»
To understand what I mean, simply look at the actual basis for the decisions made against Tang and Zhao.
The new centre will provide an authoritative basis for decisions by the sector, and by those who commission public services or are the targets of its campaigns.
«The expectation is that we plan for every contingency and have a solid technical basis for the decisions we make.»
But when it comes to decisions on oil drilling, whether in the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean or other Federal lands, it is using the wrong basis for decision making.
Given that background it seems the only logical basis for that decision being the «best» one was if the objective was simply to maintain the groupthink and assume that, as had worked so well before, they could simply roll over any and all questions.
«to exercise democratic scrutiny of the European Union's external action and, more specifically, to verify that its powers are respected precisely in consequence of the choice of legal basis for a decision concluding an agreement.»
In both cases, the court had earlier directed a fact finding hearing, to be heard by the President in June, presumably to establish the factual basis for any decision as to the s 31 threshold criteria.
But, particularly in equity and in cases where a statute requires it, a decision can be vacated and remanded if the judge does not articulate an adequate basis for the decision to allow meaningful appellate review.
That is a sufficient basis for this decision, but I regard the facts of this case as illustrating a general principle which is that a settlement with one concurrent tortfeasor does not release the others unless it is clear that it was intended to have that effect, or unless the payment clearly satisfies the whole claim (which is what happened when the Bank settled Webb's case referred to above, see [13]-RRB-.
Those judges stated the primary basis for their decision to be the Act's plain meaning and the differences in wording.
However, without explaining whether Valdes has been overruled by Gall or is distinguishable, the Ramirez opinion affirms simply because «the district court properly calculated the advisory guideline range, considered the relevant § 3553 (a) factors, articulated its reasons in open court, considered Ramirez's arguments, and had a reasoned basis for its decision
It follows that a significant basis for the Decision was the inevitable consequence of the operation of the [Prisoner Transfer Agreement] a fact of which the Minister might well have been ignorant given his very recent appointment and the failure of the Submission to explain the basis of the Albanian Appeal Court's decision.
It had been incumbent on the judge to take account of the relevant expert's views on the hostility of the mother, in the light of which the child's views should not have been used as a principal basis for decision making.
The goal of the unique study was to find safer methods of diagnosing sports - related brain injuries, and to obtain a better basis for decisions about when the player can return to the game.
The evidence in the JRC report by the TG Marine Litter shows the harm caused by marine litter, and provides an evidence base for decisions on the actions to take to address the issue.
Because a reasonable basis for the decision was apparent and no prejudice would be suffered, Justice Rothstein concluded that the absence of a set of formal reasons from the commissioner should not inhibit the Court from conducting an analysis of the commissioner's approach.
He likens the linguistic tells to body language: While you wouldn't use it as a sole basis for decision - making, if you know how to interpret it, it might give you an advantage.
First, the CJEU has no legal basis for its decision to reduce the fine.
Core Values (Basis for every decision made and action taken) 1.
As deputy director of the Center for Science and Democracy, Michael Halpern works to promote solutions that ensure government decisions are fully informed by scientific information and that the public understands the scientific basis for those decisions.
He didn't elaborate on the basis for that decision, consistent with police policy.
He said the findings would «form the basis for decision - making by the administration» on how to approach trade deficits in the future, including in a renegotiation of Nafta.
Justices hugo l. black and Potter Stewart criticized the Court for invoking the Ninth Amendment as a basis for its decision in Griswold.
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