Sentences with phrase «basis in reality»

This new story that came to me in a flash, while walking toward my daily 10,000 steps, is definitely not based in reality.
Usually this spending personality has some sort of fear — whether based in reality of not — about not having enough.
The negative spin feels more based in reality, but hey, miracles happen.
Early on, the literal chemistry — hormones released in our bodies — set off «in love» fantasies that have little basis in reality.
It may be unfair, but it has a solid basis in reality.
To steer clear of this one, go with the facts based in reality.
We go about our lives based in reality, science, and cold hard facts.
And if you also understand where it all comes from, people realize that it's actually based in reality.
Though these worries make daily life difficult, I have no idea if they have a firm basis in reality.
I like to make abstract works, but they're always based in reality.
You're trying to drag your imaginary cult rule book into a conversation based in reality.
There is no ultimate comfort in false meanings, or meanings whose base in reality is questionable.
Without a reference based in reality, my art encourages the viewer to attain that same mental freedom.
But as in all good leg pulls, it has enough basis in reality to draw you in.
Would it be a fantasy world, a «legal» world environment, a game based in reality, real - time play, or a hybrid aesthetic?
It is based in the reality of people's willingness to change, or likelihood to remain in their same bad habits.
Part of the recovery process in addiction therapy is to examine this faulty thinking and learn to live in a world more based in reality.
But fears of a dangerous accident have little basis in reality.
Are you tempted to move forward without a solid basis in reality?
That this film is based in reality does not make a significant difference in Sheridan's storytelling, which is sound and driven by complex characters you enjoy getting to know.
It has about as much basis in reality as the alien bodies the US government keeps hidden in Area 51, or the calls that Mossad put in to all the Jewish workers in the Twin Towers telling them not to turn up to work on 9/11, or the studio where they faked the moon landings or the safe where Obama keeps his foreign policy or... you get the idea.
That said, political actions / inactions taken without reference to a solid underlying basis in reality rarely work out well in the long run.
Here is infomation based in reality about the Morman cult.
But such little pleas are not entirely based in reality.
Points of Agreement: Quotes: «There is a real place for politics in climate change, but that is in the mitigation / adaption / amelioration» «That said, political actions / inactions taken without reference to a solid underlying basis in reality rarely work out well in the long run.»
DVD release date: 06/19/2018 Theatrical release: 03/23/2018 Language: English Genre: Drama / Horror MPAA rating: R Director: Steven Soderbergh Actors: Claire Foy, Juno Temple, Aimee Mullins Plot: A young woman finds herself involuntarily committed to a mental institution where she finds herself confronting her greatest fear - but is this fear based in reality, or merely a product of her delusion?
Nii Nii the stupid guy... if he was not so stupid he would know that ATHEISM is not defined as religion but he is too stupid to believe anything based in reality.
nii... you know nothing... you a stupid guy without morals based in reality... stop trying to pretend you have a brain, you don't and you keep sticking your big fat ugly nose in America where it does not belong... doesn't ghana have some ditches that need dug by you the slug?
You seem to claim something like only the 5772 years that some lunatic came up with as the timeline for creation is in any way based in reality.
Yes, we are fools for wanting laws based in reality and on evidence as opposed to saying, «It's ok with us that you're implementing laws that the sky fairy told a bunch of bronze age people to follow.»
Any «belief system» not based in reality needs to be discredited.
Why are we even discussing this fairytale book as if it is based in REALITY?!! There is no scientific evidence anywhere (never has been and never will be) that anything in the bible is true!
I have a feeling that there will be a lot of Arsenal fans out there; as well as a much bigger percentage of the football media, who I think have got an unbalanced dislike of the Gunners and a strange wish to see Arsene Wenger and his players fail, that will see the signs of confidence at the Emirates stadium as being misguided and having no real basis in reality.
But those of us here based in reality, know there is,»
«When we get into the measuring, let's keep in based in reality,» Saunders said.
For those of us who prefer to remain based in reality, the denialists represent a conundrum.
I believe some of this is probably based in reality, but the skinhead story was.
Squarely in the fantasy sci - fi camp (as opposed to the kind of sci - fi based in reality) this 50's romp has the aliens here to enlist our help instead of the ever popular take over everything ethos we've come to expect.
It's the perfect example of a bad script basing itself in reality (press clippings, collected lore) and yet still seeming so bizarrely wrong.
It's a sports drama based in reality; and with most Peruvians being rabid sports fans, especially when it comes to soccer, it's a wonder more of these films haven't been made.
The only part of the movie based in reality is a musician's discovery of a decades - old handwritten note from John Lennon.
Both reactions have less basis in reality than in indoctrination.
A by - product of pandering to a young, young audience, its biggest sin is that it alleges a greater basis in reality than its more «adult» contemporaries: The movie endeavours to give credence to the familiar tropes of storybook romance and rags - to - riches by applying them to the politicized zoo known as high school.
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