Sentences with phrase «basis in truth»

But is the claim that summer pregnancies result in more twins valid based in truth or not?
This old wives tale is only partially based in truth, and this misconception can lead you to becoming pregnant sooner than you may want.
The idea that a huge portion of the world that believes in things that can not be proven nor seen nor understood by reason, is affecting the life and death of the rest of the world that doesn't find those things based in truth or reality... IS WRONG, AND IS RUINING LIVES AND DESTROYING OUR PLANET...
The martyr stories are no doubt based in truth but largely exagerated.
They are insecure as most large orgaisations as they are not based in Truth but on corruption and a tree withy no roots always falls over.
Over the last couple of years, we've taken it upon ourselves to do the legwork and prove whether mainstream theories are actually based in truth.
The # 17m fee allegedly paid by City may have become a running - joke despite having little basis in truth (the fee being dependent on numerous add - ons, which obviously were never met), but his return back to Brazil is a relief for all concerned.
Are Hein's efforts to associate himself with the grant and claim the award was the result of joint City and County cooperation based in truth or are they politically fluffery?
Costar Anthony Mackie, who plays Lincoln's African - American best friend Will, explains how this movie is surprisingly based in truth, once you remove all the vampires:
The analysis of these situations under the light of human rights presents a new chance for learning as the right of free flow of information and news based in truth and respect is another important issue in the creation of a human rights culture in society.
The Right Fan Base In truth, it doesn't matter if you like the Tide or the Tigers, or stay away from football altogether.
This myth is based in some truth — one of the first IUD models, called the Dalkon Shield, was linked to infections that can cause infertility — but it's not pertinent to IUDs that one might get today.
«Every story on «One Mississippi» is based in truth, and it's not necessarily my truth, but it's somebody's truth.
Did you think Satan's lies were based in truth?
This idea that I possess «The Truth» and I need to defend it is really a belief in one's own ability to understand a extremely simplified explanation of our perception of reality that may or may not have any basis in truth at all.
While these stories can be based in truth, the repetition of the same tropes leads to the stereotype that every inner - city kid will either grow up to be a drug dealer who dies in a blaze of glory or a meek university student with a flair for theater.
Just imagine if Jesus had said that biblical knowledge wasn't that important, that it was more important to just «love» and not be concerned if that knowledge was based in truth.
Some do have their basis in truth but I need help with life and I also need God to be personal.
This has no basis in truth or fact and is simply untestable in any objective way what so ever and yet claims are made of its universal veracity.
Most of these will, of course, come to nothing and many of them will have no basis in truth in the first place, but when there is some sort of actual evidence to connect Arsenal with a player then the amount of transfer rumours about them will be huge.
She seemed to toe the line of cocky and disrespectful, but the whole «no one is ready for Asuka» line was based in truth... until WM.
Whether this has any basis in truth or not I have no idea but today The Sun is reporting that the Gunners are ready to make a transfer bid of around # 40 million for the world class centre forward, so you would assume that the phone call at least encouraged Arsene Wenger that he was not wasting his time by targeting his fellow Frenchman.
Danielle, you ARE trying to obfuscate things by torturing the data and attempting to point to conclusions that have no basis in truth.
True reconciliation is based in truth, and in peace, as Jesus sends us in peace, which means a harmony of heart, even if there is divergence in view.
The old joke has some basis in truth, «How do you tell when politicians are lying?
The constitution defends his right to produce and sell smut, and, I'm not just talking about Larry Flint, but there's a form of political pornography too - Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and Donald Trump sell things that sound good, that have no basis in truth.
Some of them have a basis in truth, but many are inaccurate, if not altogether wrong.
But to be funny, situational comedy has to have a basis in truth, facts, the real world!
This movie is darkly funny and loaded with white trash jokes that are riotous because they are based in truth.
I have to say that this reputation has some basis in truth.
It's hard to say if Garfield started the stereotype of the mischievous, anti-social cat, but he certainly reinforced it, and to be fair, there's some basis in truth.
Sadly, I have to say that this reputation has some basis in truth.
A myth is a foundational narrative that may be based in truth or fiction but either way it tells a story of who we are.
The rest of your comments are simply rants, with no basis in truth.
Lawyer stereotypes are based in truth and there is a reason why lawyers only hang out with other lawyers.
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