Sentences with phrase «basis of one's argument»

She uses as bases of her arguments the philosophies of «early Christians,» which I feel bears no weight as they were not the prophets who understood and wrote the holy scripture.
I'm not saying he is or he isn't, I just take issue with those who constantly bring up his sub 60 % completion rate as the sole basis of their argument again him.
Bill Nye, like most atheists gets the context and basis of the argument wrong.
How many in here have cussed out Wenger, saying how can he do that, yet some in here are using the whole basis of their argument on a managers decision.
But now we get to the nitty - gritty — the real basis of your argument seems to be that the higher - priced, traditionally published books are inherently better and that indie publishers can't compete.
She even openly admits in her argument that the sole basis of her argument was not a piece of literature meant to accurately depict the methods through which matter, energy, the Earth and life came about.
The basis of this argument is really two fold.
But I realize — that isn't going to be a basis of argument.
I would try to rest the basis of my arguments on books of the Bible with less of a chance of being later forgeries in Peter's name.
I think that is probably the basis of the argument JUST AS MUCH as the proceedings regarding the morality of preventing reproduction that results from intercourse.
On the basis of an argument that partially parallels my own up to this point, Boers concludes that in this passage «acts that are as such non-Christian, even though performed by Christians — they were not done in the name of Christ — are used to interpret the meaning of the confession of Christ» (6:72).
There have been many that have killed in the name of religion, and that is the basis of the argument.
On the basis of these arguments Christian says that God is not morally good.
Oh, the humaity, or lack thereof when religion and intelegence are both the basis of an argument... online.
If the basis of your argument is formed around evolution being dismissable because it's a theory then you'd better just stay away from hospitals, automobiles, microwave ovens, computers and a whole host of other «scientific» achievements based on «theories», because they probably aren't real... you know «real» and «true» like everything in the Bible has been proven to be.
Since Silverman has said himself that these billboards are to raise awareness of what politicians have said — rather some judgement on what is and isn't correct — the quotes themselves do not form the basis of an argument (they form the basis of raising awareness of the quotes themselves) and are therefor not an ad hominem.
Insulting someone is only an ad hominem if it formulates the basis of an argument.
They force themselves to believe things that don't really exist and use that as the basis of their argument.
It was the basis of his argument for eloquent sermons as a counter-force to the malevolent uses of rhetoric: «While the faculty of eloquence, which is of great value in urging either evil or justice, is in itself indifferent, why should it not be obtained for the uses of the good in the service of truth if the evil usurp it for the winning of the perverse and vain causes in defense in iniquity and error?»
I think our differences lie in the basis of argument.
Moreover, they permit culturally appropriate forms of good governance to develop, without justifying a resistance to change among political «elites» on the basis of arguments about cultural relativism.
The UK government should not intervene on the basis of arguments about damage to the Scottish economy, or which date is most favourable to the Unionist or nationalist cause.
This is a political judgement and I offer no view on this but you should get the basis of the argument straight and not give the impression that the schemes are sustainable — they are not
That's the basis of the arguments I make.
The basis of their argument is that there are just too few subscribers on fee - for - service dating sites to make it worth the lonely single's while.
The basis of their argument is that there are just too few subscribers on fee - for - service dating sites to make it worth while.
Never select a fact as a basis of your argument essay.
We forecast the GBP / USD pair, which is currently trading at 1.2380 levels, to rally further on the basis of arguments provided underneath.
This is the basis of the argument over the silver labs (the dilute color for chocolate labs).
In your search for information you might want to question the sources and basis of the arguments you find in areas where there has already been proof of misleading or even scientific fraud.
OTOH, my jibe toward you is NOT ad hominem, because it does not form the basis of my argument.
Yet, they form the sole basis of his argument that «we are likely to experience a further rise of no more than 1 °C.»
The declaration quotes extensively from the Qur» an, the Muslim holy book, as the basis of its arguments.
I too have problems with Ms Curry's generalizations that do not use the science as the basis of her arguments.
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