Sentences with phrase «basis of one's decision»

This is something on which traditional publishers base all of their decisions, and you should also have a hard think about it.
I was interested how the brain processes the information about normative concepts in healthy people to extend our understanding of the neural basis of decision making in social conditions,» said study author Oksana Zinchenko, a PhD student at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.
10/25/2007 Decision - Makers Seek Internal Balance, Not Balanced Alternatives A brain in balance, rather than the promise of pain or pleasure, may form basis of decision - making for psychiatric patients A researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine suggests that psychiatrists may need to app... More...
The CJEU's approach to the legal basis of the decision authorising the signature of the agreement has substantive implications.
A second focus of the Murray laboratory is the neural bases of decision making.
All of higher education is negatively impacted by this decision, and to those of us who believe in the power of human reason to improve the human condition, the arbitrary and unsubstantiated basis of the decision moves us away from the cosmopolitan aspirations of democracy and of the Enlightenment, back to an age of darkness.
In a recent decision of the Federal Court in Hosseini v. Canada, [1] a visa officer's decision that a 62 - year - old retired chemical engineer posed a danger to the security of Canada was eviscerated in a strongly worded condemnation of both the process used by the officer and the very basis of the decision.
Lord Hoffmann says that the true basis of the decision is not inducing breach of contract at all but that of unlawful interference with trade.
A brain in balance, rather than the promise of pain or pleasure, may form basis of decision - making for psychiatric patients
Ali also advised the Senate to avail itself of the legal basis of its decision to compel him to wear uniform.
Lauren's research combines both lab and field studies to understand the neural basis of decision - making within ecologically relevant contexts.
«One slide in the document touts Facebook's ability to «predict future behavior» by allowing companies to target people on the basis of decisions they haven't even made yet,» writes The Intercept reporter, Sam Biddle.
«Jesus wishes only to be understood on the basis of his decision, his deed.»
Luckily I am religion free and base all of my decisions on common sense and the American values of life, liberty, and laissez - faire.
The basis of the decision is a claim to special enlightenment (we shall not say «revelation») about the meaning and import of liberty — special because the majority claims access to essential truths about marriage, sex and liberty heretofore unavailable to all peoples in the entire history of the world.
The basis of the decision is a claim to special enlightenment (we shall not say «revelation») about the meaning and....
What I want is a clear mandate from Chris I. stating that anything less than winning the Stanley Cup is unacceptable and that will be the basis of every decision made going forward.
But Oaten's challenger - defeated Tory MP Gerry Malone - demanded a re-run on the basis of a decision not to count ballots that had not been properly stamped.
The basis of this decision can be found in the amendment to the Irish Constitution that allowed Ireland to join the European Communities in 1973.
What is the basis of these decisions and how can we be sure that the deals themselves are well conceived and fairly awarded?
Many other countries — certainly any western country - will also refuse them entry on the basis of the decision.
Even in insect brains we have no clue about the basis of decision - making.
These include the behaviour of the Italian government in the aftermath of Chernobyl, the basis of decision - making in civil nuclear power in Switzerland and France, and the controversy over the supposed effects of radiation doses to fathers on their offspring at Sellafield (a large case control study, which has recently been published, contradicts the views in the book), and the Black enquiry into childhood leukaemias in the vicinity of the plant.
This early intrigue was the basis of her decision to become a vegetarian at just 14 years of age in a household of meat eaters, and as her journey has deepened she continually adapts and grows, recently becoming vegan.
«The reason we have been successful... is because we base all of our decisions on data,» Long Beach Supt. Christopher J. Steinhauser said Tuesday.
@CC: Wanting XIN over VEA was not the basis of my decision.
In choosing the best deals, how you will use the card should be the basis of your decision.
Your business spending habits and the credit card terms should be the basis of your decision.
The lender will use this information to form the basis of their decision on whether to accept, reject or counter offer.
I can certainly appreciate the basis of your decision though.
It is a shame that so many politicians seem to base all of their decisions on who gives them donations — and not on what is right or best.
No you didn't, but you did state that selecting an average ECS for a basis of decision making is «fools gold from an engineering standpoint» which may well be true, but the premise is false — we do not use an average, we use a probabilistic range.
Your solution to this lack of scientific clarity is to have the government decide what is «misinformation», and then investigate and prosecute people on the basis of their decision.
And given the basis of their decision — that the current parties in the protocol can not hope to set a target for emission reductions in the second commitment period high enough to compensate for the lack of a similar commitment from the world's two largest emitters — the Japanese are being consistent with hard physics of the matter.
Justice Encarnación Roca states that the legal basis of the decision should have been the CJEU's Melloni doctrine, and not a mere reconsideration of the SCC's case law.
During the consultation process, the Lord Chancellor commissioned two independent reports (by Otterburn and KPMG) to provide the basis of the decision regarding how many Duty Provider Contracts would be available.
At the base of any decisions are fundamental yes - or - no rules that are automatic, unquestioned, and for the most part, out of the firm's conscious awareness.
In the mind of the consumer of legal information, a preference for the brand name and what it represents to the customer personally, be it Martin's, Tremeears, Chittys and Watson & McGowan, is the basis of decision making.
The basis of the decision was that the plaintiffs had not given their counsel authority to bring the action as counsel had not properly advised the plaintiffs of their potential exposure to costs.
The basis of the decision reached was that Parliament had conferred rights upon citizens by enacting the European Communities Act 1972.
- Although the question of undue influence was not relevant on the basis of this decision, the judge held there was a relationship of trust and confidence but not one which gave rise to any real position of influence on the part of Mrs M. Any gift of the account would have been entirely explicable and the decision to make such a gift would have been of Mrs W's free and independent volition.
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