Sentences with phrase «basis of the law»

We are know witnessing an historic challenge to the Constitutional basis of law in this nation.
And really, why do I even bother to discuss this with an idiot who thinks that morality is the sole basis of law?
He analyzes the subscription base of the law reviews at top tier law schools.
The University of South Carolina Law Library maintains the Law Library Blog to share items of interest with its user base of law students, law faculty, and the general public in South Carolina.
As someone deeply committed to this subject, I welcome Brown's and Cordo's contribution to the growing knowledge base of law firm pricing.
Urgent consideration now needs to be given to the appropriate process by which attacks such as this one are sanctioned, on what evidence and on what basis of law
But then they became the only ends, somehow, and the only basis of law — a perversion.
When this is combined with an ownership model and media culture that gives a distorting emphasis to profits per partner, the total cost - base of the law firm can be significantly inflated beyond sensible levels of cost - efficiency and market sustainability.
The problem is, Muslims will have to wait as we already have Christians trying to make their religious beliefs, the basis of our laws, Christian Sharia law.
Start by removing sharia law as the basis of the law of pluralistic Malaysia.
What Israel revealed is that even with the law, it did nothing to correct their idolatrous view of God as one who condemned unbelievers to death, as one who required blood to be appeased, and who justified on the basis of the law.
A real and sustained effort was made to reconstruct the whole social order upon the basis of the Law of God, not only by giving it statutory force, but by «writing it on the heart», so far as this could be done by positive instruction and through the ordinances of public worship.
Tell us again how the laws of the bible are supposed to be the basis of our laws.
For example, until recently a British magistrate in India, where an Indian citizen had to be judged on the basis of the law of his particular religious community, had to be instructed in Hindu requirements as set forth in the Code of Manu, as well as in the Koran, which is the basis of Moslem law.
One must remember that the 10 commandments are a Judeo / Christian teaching and are NOT the basis of our law.
As for the basis of our laws, much of that goes back to the Magna Carta.
Your bible is not the basis of law in the U.S., so it doesn't really matter what the «biblical» definition of marriage was (polygamy, not monogamy).
The Dutch Protestant Hugo Grotius (1583 - 1645) and the Basque Dominican Francisco de Vitoria were only two of the many who endeavored to put the relations between nations on the basis of law rather than force.
Terrible day for those of us who understand that the Constitution, not the bible, is the basis of law in this country.
And the decision is made on the basis of the law — not the level of community opposition.»
We have released the timetable and schedule of activities on the basis of the law as it exists».
«It's just going on the basis of the law
District Attorney Thompson should be commended for proceeding with this case on the basis of the law and the facts.»
Their relationship with their married sugar daddy in considered as an affair on the bases of law It is natural among sugar babies to set themselves a limit that they will never be a legal wife by her sugar daddy... [read more]
Their relationship with their married sugar daddy in considered as an affair on the bases of law
OCR has built this impressive edifice on the basis of a law that simply prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions funded by the federal government.
If you are in serious dire straits with your loans because of extraordinary circumstances then you have rights and protections under the law, the basis of all laws is justice and fairness, and laws regarding debts were written in the same spirit of the law.
The latter must act on the basis of law and within its boundaries.
The person will be required to answer questions, and may only refuse to do so on the basis of laws relating to disclosure or privilege.
«The important thing for us and that is going to be the basis of law students occupation is the reality of tuition fees,» says Gilani.
The DIFC creates its own precedents on the basis of the law to be applied under the provisions of the statutory framework.
Hodgson was recently elected to the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law, an organization which fosters the study of international law and promotes the establishment and maintenance of international relations on the basis of law and justice.
To teach, in other words, that Christianity is the basis of our law, that lawyers and judges should follow God's law, and that the failure to do so is evidence of a «tyrannical,» leftist agenda.
I just saw a video on Jewish Day Schools which makes the claim that by studying Jewish Law (Torah) during elementary school years and the basis of all law, one is accomplishing the equivalent of the first year of law.
It is place that also underpins and gives meaning to our creation beliefs — the stories of creation form the basis of our laws and explain the origins of the natural world to us — all things natural can be explained.
A good rule of thumb to look for is jurisdictions that use British Common Law as their basis of law.
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