Sentences with phrase «battle animations»

"Battle animations" refers to the visual or graphical elements displayed during a battle or fight in a video game, where characters or creatures move and attack each other in a dynamic and animated way. Full definition
It shows off the 3D and 2D battle animations nicely, with much of the 2D art indeed being for the characters.
It's just that battle animation technology and assets were very basic.
Every one of them has different battle animations, win poses, and special moves that sets them apart.
This new setup allows you to apply battle animations and various graphical special effects not only to enemies, but to protagonists as well.
The 12 minute trailer shows extensive battle animations from the main campaign which have proved to be most impressive.
There's also a lot of battle animation eye candy, with the the RX - 93 Nu Gundam looking especially lovely.
Now, Z wouldn't be a Super Robot Wars game if it didn't display wondrous battle animations for when two or more units engage in combat.
There are these great battle animations that play out, far superior to even the thrilling battles of KOTOR.
As a hack - and - slash tribute to its source materials, Afro Samurai succeeds with its rewarding battle animations and atmosphere.
The gameplay is designed with the Standard difficulty in mind, but grinding on Casual while skipping battle animations is far more tolerable than doing in on Standard.
Then Stadium and its sequel came out, though those titles were largely about the novelty of seeing the once pixilated characters in full 3D on the TV screen, fighting with elaborate battle animations and such («elaborate» being relative for the time).
Also, PSII's battle animation system still stands out today, I think.
However, despite being a follow on from the engorged excess that was Alpha 3, Z is very much a crafted game; from the pristine battle animations to the deeply layered strategy.
Stunning colors, well - realized characters and beautiful battle animations make Radiant Historia glow.
it pushed the NES» limits, with stunning battle animations and large, detailed sprites.
Phantasy Star may have the neato - keeno battle animations, but it only allows one enemy sprite onscreen.
With additional trainer (as well as player) sprites, new battle animations, and a redesigned combat menu, conflicts are visually engaging - providing a suitable sendoff for what might be one of the DS's final first - party titles.
Description: Technically, Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is an excellent port of a game done in a style that melds classic JRPG sliding character portraits, a fairly standard puzzle game combat board look similar to Puzzle Quest, and detailed and engaging battle animations.
Gameplay has a much faster pace and along with well done battle animations that for the most part are unique to each Pokémon.
Z - Moves, like Mega Evolution, are a one - time use mechanic that bring some of the most powerful moves to the forefront with some sick over-the-top battle animations.
The flashy battle animations and ridiculous 4000 + hit combos point to classic Platinum, so fingers crossed!
Mirroring the austere battle animations, environmental details might disappoint, with Megalosites looking too austere.
Despite being positively pint - sized, the conk usually knows very powerful skills and spells but can not use actually them due to low MP, resulting in an amusing battle animation.
While RPGs increasingly obfuscate the numbers and calculations beneath a slick shell, DotP lets it all hang out, with little in the way of battle animations or fanciness.
Gate 88 also features a great soundtrack and great battle animations to accompany your missions, and with the online multiplayer feature, there's a ton of replayability in this completely free game.
In addition, the majority of bouts against weak monsters are quick, and are even faster with the new option that speeds up battle animations.
In bringing it to the 3DS, Atlus will be adding various new features, including an opening animation, shorter load times, battle animations, and «full voice conversion featuring a major voice cast.»
Also, if the length of the battle animations feels too slow, there's a somewhat hidden way to quicken the pace.
The world abounds in vibrant colors, and the battle animations are extremely smooth.
Seeing the battle animations for the nth time doesn't get tiring for me.
Each Thing includes a hilarious in - battle animation (like a breakdancing piggybank or a tornado - like washing machine), and make for fun special attacks.
This is because the battle animations are simply stunning throughout and are effectively at the level of actual anime now.
The 3D is also handled very nicely too and actually makes the battle animations come alive.
The 3D is also handled very nicely and the battle animations really exploit the technology.
The battle animations are awesome and engaging.
Battle animations are lavish, and cutscenes are usually very good.
But Final Fantasy games have the advantage of being really deep and lengthy adventures (thus the price) that don't require very precise control input: just tap and wait for the battle animation to finish.
Even after fifty hours of gameplay, I still enjoyed watching the battle animations.
Bar that it's good to see the whole game on show and not just the battle animations.
If you're feeling especially creative, RPG Maker 2003 allows you to import custom 16 - bit graphics, including character sprites, tilesets for your environments, battle animations, backgrounds, and more!
The combat within Resonance of Fate is a fairly typical turn - based affair, although during the Matrix - style acrobatic (and aerobatic) battle animations you can choose when you would like to shoot and when you would prefer to wait to power up.
The battle animations are smoother and the user interface (menus etc) is as it has mostly always been.
But generally the graphics look good, especially the battle animations are a blast.
Some of the battle animations are cool, as I've expressed with Yuzu's «Grape Wave» attack, but they lack weight.
The battle animations are slicker in this version, zooming in from the above angle down to the field level.
The other greatly useful new feature is the «Speed Up,» which allows you to speed up battle animations and go through battles more quickly.
«Environments are stunning, the main characters look great, and battle animations are even better than I remember.»
The battle animations are nice, and give a good visual for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different units.
And since you can turn off battle animation, this can have a pretty quick turn - around time.
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