Sentences with phrase «battle conditions»

Depending on battle conditions, characters will host a variety of different facial expressions to provide a more exciting anime experience!
Whether you're fighting to save the free world, cutting your losses or seeking the best trade possible, understand that you must stay abreast of the environment and corporate battle conditions.
These are scripted events, but battle conditions change often and these messages prove invaluable to beating a mission.
New battle conditions will present themselves every two weeks changing up the dynamics of the fight.
You can also change the speed of your ship, to adjust to different battle conditions.
/ Gunsmoke (Player firearm damage increases) 2/25 [Abandoned Airport] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Heavy Hitter (Damage inflicted by enemies increases.)
About Site - Lupus Corner connects you to the most engaging and informative content on Lupus as well as to other people battling the condition.
«Utilizing the vast array of weaponry along with each character's Gift, players can adapt and strategize to a variety of battle conditions that suit their play styles.»
The entire field is now on the course, battling the conditions in Alaska as they head toward Nome.
They're full of selfless heroism amidst stirring patriotic speeches, and essentially present a wholly unrealistic version of life under battle conditions.
One effort by Bryan Dabo ended up being about as comedic as it was unthreatening — it was a moment that summed up two sides» efforts to battle the conditions as much as one another.
Things and attitudes that you didn't like during the interview aren't going to go away - they're more likely to be intensified and amplified under the stress of real battle conditions.
If you're prone to dandruff, you need to figure out exactly what remedies work for your scalp so you're not battling this condition long - term.
Many schools struggle to deliver effective education services while battling conditions like damp and asbestos in ageing premises.
The added bit of fun here is that you can also use the versus mode solo, simply using it to set up your ideal battle conditions and then going in against the computer.
Our protagonist is in a predicament as he is a vampire with a bloodthirsty nature, but is battling his condition with his Hippocratic Oath.
While it's lacking the more intricate relationship features, bigger maps and evolving battle conditions, Fire Emblem Heroes also does a solid job of boiling a Nintendo game down to its basics.
Attraction Flow attacks are new super moves that will apparently be triggered under certain though unconfirmed battle conditions.
Challenges provide a cheeky twist on the usual quick - fire Arcade game type, enabling certain battle conditions such as «No Jumping.»
Weekly Mission 2/23 17:00 ~ 2/27 16:59 ( JST ) [Fallen Village] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Marksman Death (Damage inflicted by long - range attacks increases) / Death Blow (Damage inflicted on weak points increases.)
Washington, DC About Blog Lupus Corner connects you to the most engaging and informative content on Lupus as well as to other people battling the condition.
Because it's the vehicle used by the Army and because it has proved itself under battle conditions, the Hummer seems to have built a large, loyal and patriotic following.
Maintaining situational awareness while switching between melee and ranged attacks depending on battle conditions is a huge part of Games of Glory, and the game relies on player - skill and teamwork to achieve victory as there are no lane phases or auto - attack involved.
These modes are shaken up by the presence of battle conditions that effect battle efficiency.
By dad would say «These are battle conditions» whenever he would be justifying some behavior he didn't normally engage in (like eating potato chips in the morning while we were traveling or something).
Dr. Teitelbaum has firsthand experience with CFS and Fibromyalgia — he battled the condition when he was in medical school and had to drop out for a year to recover.
As Joe grows from an innocent young girl who expresses herself through sex without giving it much thought, into a woman who has to cope with motherhood and battle her condition both internally and externally, the progression from light to darkness is only natural.
I'll admit that I've battled this condition, and some of my consulting clients struggle with the problem.
The bad news about CKD is that classic veterinary medicine has limitations that can be frustrating when battling the condition.
As for Jethro, he battled his condition and even showed improving clinical picture but unfortunately passed away.
Washington, DC About Blog Lupus Corner connects you to the most engaging and informative content on Lupus as well as to other people battling the condition.
For example, one mentioning the electricity manipulating Livewire has bolts of electric randomly hitting areas of the battle arena, meaning you have to contend with your opponent and the battle conditions.
/ Sneak Attack (Damage inflicted by units increases) 2/26 [Forsaken Ruins] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Greatsword (Player two - handed weapon damage increases) / Famished (Hunger progression speed increases) 2/27 [Deserted Mine] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Juggernaut (Player heavy weapon damage increases), Ashes to Ashes (Equipment degrades more easily)
Daily Missions: New missions will be released every day 17:00 JST 2/23 [Wrecked Base] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Hellfire (Flame element damage increases), Fortified (Damage inflicted on enemies decreases) 2/24 [Deserted Mine] NORMAL Battle Conditions: Lucky Devil (Critical hit percentage increases.)
Also brand new is a feature where the player can tap a 2d sprite in the battle selection screen and see the parameter that is changed due to battle conditions.
Collins J recognised that soldiers can not receive absolute protection from Art 2 — combat immunity will apply in battle conditions.
Washington, DC About Blog Lupus Corner connects you to the most engaging and informative content on Lupus as well as to other people battling the condition.
Washington, DC About Blog Lupus Corner connects you to the most engaging and informative content on Lupus as well as to other people battling the condition.
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