Sentences with phrase «battle field»

The phrase "battle field" refers to a location where a fight or conflict, usually involving armed forces, takes place. Full definition
Emotionally - focused couples therapists have mapped out the nature of the negative cycles that take over perfectly good relationships and turn them into battle fields of negativity.
After having fought the same enemies on the same battle field for over three times, I felt kind of betrayed by the game.
It felt too much like battle field only more realistic.
It does not surprise me that the new battle field is ETF.
With every action changing the play space, each round evolves into a unique battle field.
Most people are not ready for the details of the real battle field (unless you are applying for a job that will include active combat).
There is a battle going on in the selling battle field.
For both players, the playing field consists of a proper deployment zone where units can be played hidden (face down) and a common battle field in the middle.
Chris Hemsworth, who proved he can do far more than just flex Thor's muscles in the criminally underseen «Rush», is nicely cast as battle field novice Mitch Nelson, who leads a crew of a dozen into the dusty back country of war lords, Al Qaeda and Taliban.
And so the knight gets himself into even more trouble for allegedly «fighting unfairly» when in reality the knight is simply on the wrong battle field.
He continued, «In Britain we want to do more to help here, we want to increase military training, to do more to help the Nigerian army deal with Improvised Explosive Devices, to help with battle field medicine, to improve training in air field defence.»
To honour this anniversary and to learn more I covered around 500 miles of WW1 battle fields at Ypres, Arras, The Somme and Chemin des Dames in the Champagne - Ardenne region and thousands of cemeteries, museums and monuments.
Characters located in Red Battle Field, Prison, or inside of the castle (or within 30M from the fort) can not use the icon.
Set in the first person, the player worked within the cockpit of an Armored Walking Gun System (or AWGS) mecha as they traversed massive battle fields also teeming with similar enemy units.
The report mentions the console release still slated for this summer, the continuing PvP revamp, and plans for two new characters and «Ramones battle field».
If there was any stage you would like to add for 3DS or / and Wii u what would they / it be Mine are 3DS, Fourside, sector Z, a M and L stage and a stage based off of Kirby triple deluxe Wii U, Frigate Orpheon, Castle Bleck, Deku Palace and Bomb omb battle field
* Engrossing RPG play in single player mode that enables players to fight their way, by themselves or with AI companions, through medieval battle fields and environments to become king by their own hand.
The demo's multiplayer level, Longbow, is a wide open battle field that features snowy mountain tops and platforms that are perfectly suited for long range - based combat situations.
Turn your android phone into a season battle field and snipe all your enemies.
The game features upgraded graphics from previous DBZ games, destrucuble battle fields, an enhanced story mode, and an accessible battle system that allows gamers to enjoy fast - pasted Dragon Ball Z action!
Destructible battle fields, including massive craters and ki energy blasts cutting across the sky deliver a more dynamic experience and immediate sense of urgency to the exhilarating fights.
For the even more unfamiliar, you control a handful of characters in a turn - based battle system, but characters can move freely in a three dimensional battle field within their designated movement circle for that turn, and then utilize a number of battle and combo systems to inflict damage, win battles, gain experience, the whole nine yards.
The content in F2 features various PvP system including battle field PvP, seige war and quest battle.
Robert Wonderful tour d'horizon of occasionally shared battle fields.
Analysts have been saying messaging platforms are the new mobile battle field, and it looks like Apple is buying into this prediction as well as well.
«Over the course of the EX Raid Battle field test, much of the feedback we received was focused around how Trainers are chosen to participate in EX Raid Battles.
Fifa 15, Forza Horizon 2, The walking dead, Halo MCC.Trading in battle field for Metro last light.
Here's a quote that might make some understand better; «War is first fought in the mind, before it ever reaches the battle field
Problem is if you didn't trust that person i the back in the rear with the beer and the gear then you will never fully trust them on the battle field because that trust and that comraderie is earned and built up over time and if there is a major reason why those men do not trust each other back on base then they will never get it together in the field which endangers lives.
So see ya at the next Jihad... I will be the dude in blue on the other side of the battle field... say hi right before the fun begins.
Theists and atheists will always be on opposing sides of the battle field, with morality being the prize.
Sport is played on the battle field.
Were they fighting to defeat our enemies (Germany and Japan) or were they fighting knowing that upon death on the battle field, they would immediately go to heaven?
In the circumstances of war, with healthy young men dying in great numbers on the battle field, and food and fuel in short supply, and general shortages of household necessities... it was quite tempting to think of plump people in mental hospitals as being over - protected «useless eaters».
On this battle field for the lord, now their are spiritual fiery darts that are laying in dorman, this fast will deliver from those and any thing else that's not of Christ JESUE, and then thee power of GOD in the name of JESUS will be in a double portion, I pray u and your well in the name of JESUS
I know this sounds bad but I would rather them not serve and have the chance to repent and change their heart and ways than die on the battle field with no chance to repent and go to hell.
It is one of the greatest calamities of all history that close related people killed each other on the battle fields of the British colonies in America only for the sake of some ridiculous taxes or for the sake of independence.
Nearly all of the Israelite's took great «delight in David» because he was the hero who defeated Goliath on the battle field which was a key victory over the Phillistines.
There's a scene at the end of The Last Samurai where a samurai warrior, who has spent his whole life looking for the perfect cherry blossom, is dying on the battle field.
In spite of all the frightening inquiries of the church, Joan, like an experienced warrior boldly took to the battle field.
Would be nice if Muslims, Mormons, Christians and Jews stopped causing Wars and had the guts to get on a Battle field and just settle it and shut the HELL UP!
Where those two thought patterns intersect is the battle field.
Agreed... we should be going into the game as if a battle field.
But I am not a dude, when some of our 4 offensive weapons got disabled in the battle field, I know we could have problem between the run - in to our title aspirations in the months of Jan / Feb.
Here are some crucial things you can consider to prepare yourself before you dig into the battle field.
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