Sentences with phrase «battle zone»

You don't want your house to become a dog versus cat battle zone.
I was touring the former battle zone, and you served as my guide.
It brings back an old favorite legendary battle zone.
Stunning game graphics and smooth game play will take you to real life battle zone.
This job has been performed supremely well by the Royal Irish, in one of the toughest and most dangerous battle zones in Helmand...
The event will also feature a talk from James Valls, Senior Producer at UK games developer Rebellion about the development of Battle Zone VR (and sponsor Merge Games on indie games publishing.
Earlier in Tower defense Battle zone, people used to spend a lot...
After opening a new realm to players with last month's Game Update 2.0 — Asgard, Gazillion Entertainment's Marvel Heroes is raising the stakes again today with enormous battle zones raging acros...
After opening a new realm to players with last month's Game Update 2.0 — Asgard, Gazillion Entertainment's Marvel Heroes has now raised the stakes again with enormous battle zones raging across Asgard in Game Update 2.1 — Siege.
These games include racing titles such as DriveClub VR, space shooters such as Eve: Valkyrie, combat simulators such as Battle Zone and a variety of other VR experiences.
I agree with Christopher Helman over at Forbes, who wrote a couple of days ago that low gas prices mean there's little to lose by holding up drilling in highly contested areas (the Marcellus Shale here in New York being the prime battle zone) while an Environmental Protection Agency scientific review is completed.
We want our classrooms to be classrooms, not battle zones,» he told LBC listeners.
The real battle zone of this election is fought out over the two remaining MEPs, and here the five candidates in yellow shaded boxes are all vying for contention.
Playing in such a competitive market tends to be a losing proposition for start - ups, but Tophatter continues to draw investors, in part because of a leadership team with experience in the auction and e-commerce battle zones.
Seeing the world as a spiritual battle zone seems to be common to the theology of all those involved in healing evangelism.
Although hunters used to prey on its unusual wildlife, during the war they had to skirt battle zones to avoid unexploded land mines, and the trade in wildlife from that region dropped off.
A research team led by Jeanne Mager Stellman of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University reported in April that the herbicides used to defoliate battle zones contained two to four times the previously reported levels of dioxin, a poison linked to a high incidence of prostate cancer, diabetes, birth defects, and other ailments among American veterans, the Vietnamese, and their descendants.
In Texas, the US military has been working on trucks that can navigate battle zones.
(That movie was a stinker, but the Home Depot battle zone in the last reel at least had some oomph.)
He noted that the Academy expelled the studio exec, who often turned awards season into his own private battle zone, from their ranks this year.
There's also a straightforward arcade mode called Battle Zone, a Tutorial mode that introduces you to the basics of combat, and a Training mode in which you can set a variety of options to determine your opponent's behavior and then practice your stuff.
It's the right place for Rhee, a political battle zone in which intelligence, moral clarity, field knowledge, and civic virtue are ineffectual without fortitude.
In the longer run, we need to battle zoning laws, racial steering, and the other practices that perpetuate residential segregation and consign the black and brown and poor to isolated neighborhoods in which they are intention ally sequestered so that they can not contaminate the lives and education of the privileged.
This will also enable Apple to have a contender in place in the 7 inch category of tablets that is fast turning out to be the new red hot battle zone after the entry of Samsung Galaxy Tab and the BlackBerry PlayBook.
Some elements of PUBG have been transplanted almost unaltered into Fortnite: the ever - shrinking battle zone, the loot drops, the gliders that ease you from the sky to the ground.
Umbrella Corps will be built around «quick - and - dirty matches in compact battle zones,» with multiple modes of play.
They also send mortar fire your way, turning your once safe sniping nest into a deadly battle zone; the repercussions of a sloppy shot can be incredibly severe.
Here's the latest from the Los Angeles battle zone area, where I believe the megaton has yet to drop - and may in fact be lost behind the sofa cushions.]
Ultimate first person shooter with advance multiple weapons and different battle zones is now on your smart phones.
Considering the victory of FIFA over PES anything is possible, and let's not forget that it was EALA's series that kicked off this whole dramatic battle zone FPS sub-genre in the first place.
Like blood diamonds from Sierra Leone or plundered minerals from Congo, ivory, it seems, is the latest conflict resource in Africa, dragged out of remote battle zones, easily converted into cash and now fueling conflicts across the continent.
In the partisan battle zone that is Washington, there is one conquest that could turn the fight decisively in Republicans» favor: winning 60 seats in the U.S. Senate.
These games include racing titles such as DriveClub VR, space shooters such as Eve: Valkyrie, combat simulators such as Battle Zone and a variety of other VR experiences.
I agree with Christopher Helman over at Forbes who recently wrote that low gas prices mean there's little to lose by holding up drilling in highly contested areas (the Marcellus Shale here in New York being the prime battle zone) while the E.P.A. review is completed.
MoH takes you to the real battle zone!
The competition, to find the next humanoid robot capable of working in battle zones and disaster areas, was won by Japanese firm Schaft - recently acquired by Google — which topped the leaderboard with its S - One model which stands around 1.5 meters tall and weighs 95 kilograms.
The war effort not only brought inflation to the U.S. but focused attention on Southeast Asia, where American businessmen saw opportunities outside the battle zones.
Prayer is a battle zone, even for the keenest believer.
This place was a battle zone.
After strapping to his waist a canvas pouch stuffed with antibiotics, syringes and bandages, Stewart set off from the outskirts of Osijek, a small city in Croatia, and ran several miles through a battle zone, past woods where Serbian snipers lurked, into Osijek proper.
Many parents feel like they live in the middle of a battle zone and that at any given moment they might step on a landmine.
restraunts are defiantely a pick your battles zone.
If you cop a «there's only one right way and it's my way» attitude, it will just keep you locked in a battle zone.
Effective solutions for the behavioral problems that make every bedtime a battle zone.
Asked about the proposals yesterday, deputy prime minister warned against turning schools into «battles zones
The Labour licensing regime which has turned town centres into «battle zones» will be torn up, the Tories vowed yesterday.
The system, called the Battlefield Extraction - Assist Robot, or BEAR, would ride into a battle zone, autonomously retrieve a wounded soldier, and then, following remote instructions, carry him to safety in its robotic arms.
The problem with heavy weight training Visit any gym were guys regularly do shoulder exercises with heavy weights and it can resemble a battle zone with many walking wounded seeking help and advice on their latest shoulder injury.
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