Sentences with phrase «bedroom tax»

The phrase "bedroom tax" refers to a policy in which the government reduces the amount of social housing benefits given to people based on the number of bedrooms they have in their home. This policy aims to encourage people living in larger homes with extra bedrooms to downsize and free up housing for others in need. Full definition
Why is that fair, that he gets hit by bedroom tax?
And his introduction of the hated bedroom tax in 2013 hit hundreds of thousands of social housing tenants — many disabled.
Just 3 weeks before the hated bedroom tax comes into force, he has been forced to make some concessions.
Another issue he failed to mention was the hated bedroom tax.
And it's not one without casualties, as thousands of bedroom tax victims will testify.
He's probably going to scrap Bedroom Tax and the Pasty Tax and the Granny Tax as well just to make everyone feel better.
«More than 50,000 people affected by the so - called bedroom tax have fallen behind on rent and face eviction, figures given to The Independent show.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been arguing that the draft clauses do not provide «a general power to create new benefits in devolved areas as was promised by the Smith Commission and gives the UK government effective veto over changes to universal credit, including bedroom tax
Liz Kitching of Leeds anti Bedroom Tax campaign Hands Off our Homes, met Conservative former Minister Norman Fowler on the train as she travelled to the Summit yesterdayl.
What the public is really desperate to hear from Labour is that it will take a stand against at least the worst of the Tory attacks on people's living standards, e.g. reverse the iniquitous bedroom tax and call a halt to the callous stripping of seriously disabled people of their benefits on the utterly spurious grounds under the Atos farcical assessments that they are fit for work.
Housing benefit claimants are to begin receiving cuts to their payouts from today, as the coalition implements its «wicked bedroom tax».
«Sixty to seventy per cent of households in England affected by the [bedroom tax] contain somebody with a disability and many of these people will not be able to move home easily due to their disability.
The government's proposed bedroom tax has been described as «a cruel and unusual punishment» during a debate in the Commons.
Stack this alongside Nick Clegg's bedroom tax U-turn on the compost heap of Lib Dem false contrition.
We might have had two and a half thousand homeless families on our hands if we had not taken the decision to plough money into absorbing the costs of the government's economically - illiterate bedroom tax.
The Conference passed a strongly worded motion attacking the government's dreaded bedroom tax (also known as the spare - room subsidy cut) and called for a radical reform of it.
And for the 400,000 disabled adults forced to pay the Government's perverse and deeply unfair bedroom tax, this Tory plan has failed them absolutely.
Though critics have said a mansion tax will force asset - rich, cash - poor pensioners to sell their homes, it's worth bearing in mind that this is exactly what the government's bedroom tax currently proposes for those who are both asset and cash poor.
Anti Bedroom Tax marches and protests across Britain will coincide with protests across Europe against austerity.
The DWP insists that the outcome of the case will not affect the Carmichaels directly but campaigners are concerned about the impact it could have on the numerous bedroom tax cases still pending at the tribunal.
Bedroom tax forcing nearly nine out of every ten people affected to worry about meeting their living costs
Liam Byrne, the shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, said: «The big lie behind this Government's spiteful bedroom tax is now plain for all to see.
He lambasted Ian Duncan Smith for «the unfair and immoral bedroom tax in which he was supported by the Lib Dems.
«To right the wrongs of his predecessor, Stephen Crabb must reverse cuts to Universal Credit that will see two million working families an average of # 1,600 a year worse off, put right the injustice that millions of women approaching state pension age have suffered and he must scrap the illegal Bedroom Tax.
How do the changes and timescale relate to the introduction of the «spare bedroom tax»?
Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps has said he was «surprised» at the Liberal Democrats dramatic shift on the so - called Bedroom Tax.
«Ed Miliband pledged to abolish the Coalition's «vicious and iniquitous bedroom tax» if Labour is returned to power at the next election.
«This wicked bedroom tax is going to rip neighbour from neighbour, force vulnerable people to food banks and loan sharks, and end up costing Britain more than it saves as tenants are forced to go homeless or move into the expensive private rented sector,» shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne said.
The party's anti-austerity message, which has had the hated bedroom tax and rape clause for child tax credits in its sight, is also popular.
Eileen Short of Defend Council Housing, chairing the Benefit Justice Summit discussion on co-ordinating the campaign, says: «This is just the beginning — we want to involve all the anti Bedroom Tax and benefit campaigns.
The Liberal Democrats have said disabled people should be excluded from the bedroom tax, a move that has been called for by many churches.
The Liberal Democrats decision to change their mind over the controversial so - called «bedroom tax» is «staggering hypocrisy» according to Labour.
The Liberal Democrats have said disabled people should be excluded from the bedroom tax, a move that... More
Responding to comments by Conservative MP for Monmouth, David Davies in a recent debate about housing benefit and the «bedroom tax» *, Fatherhood Institute joint chief executive Adrienne Burgess said:
FI calls on government to scrap bedroom tax for separated fathers The Fatherhood Institute is calling on the government to make separated fathers exempt from the bedroom tax and take other steps to «draw in» and support disadvantaged dads — who are more likely to lose contact with their children if they separate from the mother, according to new research.
The language might have changed very slightly, but the sentiment and ideology are indistinguishable from Davies's outburst in the House of Commons on Tuesday, during a debate on housing benefit and the bedroom tax.
They voted to review the bedroom tax and scrap its use against social housing tenants who didn't have an offer of a smaller property.
Recent remarks aside, doubts persist about the leadership credentials of Farron, who has voted against tuition fees, Secret Courts and the bedroom tax.
The Clegg camp are said to have branded Farron «sanctimonious» and «treacherous» after he voted against the bedroom tax in 2013.
The reform has been labelled a «bedroom tax» by Labour, which has encouraged its backbenchers to bombard David Cameron over the issue in prime minister's questions.
Against a backdrop of rising homelessness, we ask the government again to rethink this ill - conceived policy and to ensure disabled people receiving disability living allowance, and other vulnerable people, are exempt from the bedroom tax before it comes into effect on April 1st.»
As Prime Minister, Cameron has presided not only over a massive austerity programme — including policies like the widely - loathed «Bedroom Tax» — but a concerted effort to inject market principles into the few areas where the state was still dominant.
Government support for the bedroom tax looks on the verge of collapse, after Lib Dem president Tim Farron breaks ranks
While this specific case was for a private rental housing benefit claim, the bulletin confirms the decision is also relevant to families with social sector tents who stood to be affected by the «bedroom tax», or social sector under - occupancy penalty.
Miliband's positive offer — on zero - hours contracts, energy prices, non-doms, and the bedroom tax — was worthy but narrowly economistic, and allowed the party to be backed into exactly the trap that Gregg McClymont and Ben Jackson warned about in 2011: defending a minority of losers from Conservative government without persuading swing voters that it offered a credible alternative.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) used the case of Jayson and Charlotte Carmichael, who successfully challenged the bedroom tax at the Supreme Court, to prevent other people from relying on the Human Rights Act when appealing against benefits decisions at the first tier tribunal.
How can an MP vote in favour of a bedroom tax without actually knowing what he or she voted for?
«I am infuriated that the government has taken this action but we remain proud of our case and the great victory that it brought forward against the bedroom tax
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