Sentences with phrase «behavior outcomes»

Eating breakfast at school improves academic and behavior outcomes for students.
The preceding review suggests that adaptive behavior outcome in deaf children is likely to be associated primarily with intelligence or parental depression or a combination of these factors.
Results were adjusted for each health behavior outcome level 5 years earlier (time 2).
Also, the shelter environment is stressful for most dogs, and therefore, not conducive to achieving positive behavior outcomes.
Table 5 compares the lifetime prevalence of health - risk behavior outcomes for the full and late intervention groups with that of the control group.
However, the problem with this literature is that most behavior management intervention studies evaluate the impact on short - term behavior outcomes, not academic and educational outcomes.
The effect sizes (pre - to post-treatment) found for child behavior outcomes in the current study are larger than those reported in traditional PCIT: observed compliance d = 0.61 — 0.94 (traditional PCIT) vs. d = 1.67 (current study I - PCIT); parent report of EBP d = 1.31 — 1.45 (traditional PCIT) vs. d = 2.50 (current study I - PCIT).
NREPP listing provides external assurance about the quality of research behind Safe & Civil Schools resources, offering peace of mind for administrators and school board members who want to ensure that their investment will produce immediate and lasting returns that con - tribute to increased learning and improved behavior outcomes for all students.
Mandy lead a diverse committee in re-evaluating her school's discipline plan and adopting an evidence - based behavioral intervention plan that enhanced academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
Meta - analysis of the effects of academic interventions and modifications on student behavior outcomes.
Once the desired behavior outcome is achieved, the RTP dog enters the home of an RTP «Matchmaker» who continues the training protocol and works with the RTP Adoption Coordinator to find a suitable adoptive home.
Coping Power's effect on delinquency, substance use, and school behavior outcomes was at least partially mediated through intervention - produced changes in child and parent variables that were targets for the intervention.
The Farrell et al. (2003a) study assessed violent - behavior outcomes among seventh graders in two urban middle schools in Richmond, Va..
Farrell and colleagues (2003b) examined the impact of RIPP for sixth and seventh grade on violent behavior outcomes.
«Initial Behavior Outcomes for the PeaceBuilders Universal School - Based Violence Prevention Program.»
To account for potential differences in the outcome measures between parents and nonparents previous to when the parents had children (in adolescence or young adulthood), regression models were adjusted for each health behavior outcome level at time 2.
SWPBIS is a framework for helping schools select and organize evidence - based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
Results showed relationships between measures of parenting and adolescent problem behavior outcomes are not uniform across reporters or across behaviors, and that, in some cases, the discrepancies between child and parent report may be important.
Rethink Ed offers an intuitive suite of data collection tools that enables administrators to monitor staff participation and training outcomes, and teachers to evaluate student behavior outcomes, such as number of office refferals, detentions, suspensions, expulsions and restraints.
Family involvement is a significant predictor of positive child behavior outcomes; however, little research has investigated
More importantly, PBIS is not a curriculum, program, intervention, or practice but is a decision - making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best research - based academic and behavioral practices and interventions for improving student academic and behavior outcomes for all students.
September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, so don't forget to mention the benefits of breakfast for maintaining a healthy weight compared to breakfast - skippers along with those improved academic and behavior outcomes!
In one of the poorest and historically lowest performing parts of this country teachers have learned to identify essential learning and behavior outcomes, and are systematically measuring progress towards these outcomes.
Develop hypothesis statements based on an analysis of data related to Early Warning Indicators, behavior outcomes, and reading and behavior fidelity data.
We are starting with the behavior outcome we want from students and teachers who are using the tool and we are thinking about the experience we want users to have.
Additionally, students reported strong positive attitude and behavior outcomes, and both teachers and administrators indicated positive outcomes around collaboration on curriculum and instruction.
In the majority of studies, academic - related and behavior outcomes improved following the student participation in classroom - based physical activity programs.
The principles of competency based learning ask educators to identify a manageable set of learning and behavior outcomes, assess the learning needs and readiness of students, design instruction to match the learning needs of students, and systematically monitoring progress toward essential skills and knowledge.
Together, we decide on an instructional strategy that might help improve the behavior outcome we want to see change.
Interventions that include parental components can have an impact on sexual health and behavior outcomes.
Below are aspects of conflict style found by Drs. Gottman and Katz to predict different child behavior outcomes.
Trauma - informed resource parent training and the impact on knowledge acquisition, parenting self - efficacy, and child behavior outcomes: A pilot of the RPC +.
In partnership with the Navajo, White Mountain Apache, and San Carlos Tribes, the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health has conducted three successive randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to assess the Family Spirit Program's impact on parenting and maternal and child health and behavior outcomes.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) This project aimed to develop and pilot test a technology - enhanced version of Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC) by increasing engagement of low - income families and, in turn, child behavior outcomes, with potential cost - savings associated with greater treatment efficiency.
Both treatments showed large effect sizes on the post-traumatic symptom outcomes, and a medium effect size on the behavior outcome, all statistically significant.
Results from Cohort I indicated that parents in the EBPP indicated significant improvements in parental rejection, in the quality of family relationships, and in child behavior outcomes than those in the control group.
The Youth Self Report was used to measure these behavior outcomes.
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