Sentences with phrase «benefit cuts»

"Benefit cuts" refers to a reduction or decrease in the support or aid provided to individuals or groups. It usually implies a reduction in financial assistance, resources, or services that people receive, which can impact their livelihood or well-being. Full definition
Raising the retirement age would fall under the category of benefit cuts, but it seems rather unlikely to happen, even with the incoming Republican government.
Those of working age would pay the price for the move, which would see housing benefit cut further and women encouraged to return to the workplace more aggressively.
Labour will reverse benefit cuts in other areas, but offers little defence against these three big hits - choosing to focus on other areas of public spending.
At often great personal cost, they have pulled together effective organised campaigns that have broken through a media wall of silence to raise the profile of disability benefit cuts.
Voters want benefits cut, but not if it makes them personally worse off.
More benefit cuts would still need to be found.
More often than not, benefit cuts fall on new teachers.
These figures are for 2011 - 12, a period when the vast majority of benefit cuts had not yet been implemented.
We currently have a Tory leadership defending pensioner benefits against all - comers while fighting for child benefit cuts on the grounds that «it is very difficult to justify continuing to pay for the child benefit of the wealthiest 15 per cent of families in society».
If implemented, from 2013, 670,000 households in the social sector will have their housing benefit cut by an average of # 13 per week - # 670 penalty a year - if they are deemed to have a spare bedroom according to DWP's proposed size criteria.
Coalition in disarray over child benefit cuts as Clegg admits government is looking to better proposals
So when the Daily Telegraph (#)(for example) reports this morning that George Osborne will today respond to «a weekend of criticism about benefits cuts from Labour, leading church groups and prominent figures on the Left:, it's worth bearing this artificiality in mind.
It speaks volumes about the priorities of the Conservative party that they see benefit cuts for the working poor as a crowd - pleasing punchline for a conference speech.»
Government changes to the welfare system have started coming into effect, including benefit cuts for some people with spare bedrooms.
At issue are disability pensions for the city's uniformed officers, which legislation had shielded from benefits cuts other public employees faced until former Gov. David Paterson vetoed the bill when it came up for renewal in 2009 — significantly cutting payouts for those joined the NYPD, FDNY and Departments of Sanitation and Correction in subsequent years and were injured on the job.
Since the IWC brief to the 2009 Strategy, the Board's austerity measures with benefits cuts and increased claims denials have only increased injured workers» poverty — forcing them onto taxpayer - funded social assistance,
What's certain, says Sarah Carlson, a senior vice president at Moody's Investors Service, is that «the longer we wait, the tougher the choices on benefits cuts and tax increases become.»
Notably, both commitments were absent from Labour's manifesto published yesterday, despite Jeremy Corbyn having run for the Labour leadership on a platform of opposing benefit cuts.
The number of unemployed welfare claimants is radically overemphasised to ease the passage of benefit cuts which mostly affect working families.
While things like benefits cuts don't violate Ontario's labour standards, as a franchise partner, your actions have greater consequences.
Does the new Funding Review mean injured workers will once again face benefit cuts as a result of a false financial crisis?
Measures are being considered by ministers to prevent a wave of evictions in Britain's big cities, especially inner London, as housing benefit cuts announced in the budget start to bite.
He's endorsed policies like direct drug price negotiation in Medicare (usually a Democratic wish list item that's despised by drug makers) while simultaneously promising to slash other regulations on the biopharma industry; he famously promised «insurance for everybody» yet ostensibly supports benefit cuts and a rollback of the Medicaid expansion, which has covered millions of the poorest Americans.
The Tories refused to go into any detail of their planned benefit cuts before the election - and for good reason.
Perhaps congressmen and women could take benefit cuts as all other workers do in tough times.
[BTW, I said «jobs» in the headline b / c of both poetic license and the ripple effect of unemployment benefit cuts — small, local businesses suffer when people can't afford groceries.
Labour leadership hopeful Liz Kendall has defended the party's interim leader, Harriet Harman after others attacked her for endorsing key Tory benefit cuts.
Lord Heseltine comments on the reported rift between George Osborne and work and pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith over benefit cuts.
Organisers of a direct action campaign against government benefits cuts are warned by police they may be breaking the law.
A raft of tax and benefit cuts come into play this week - several of which are the legacy of George Osborne.
The poll asked «How would a 20 % Social Security benefit cut affect you?»
Besides, even Mr Boles's proposed package of universal benefit cuts — which is fairly extensive — would save the Exchequer only around # 2 billion.
Budget 2010: Welfare benefits cut How will child tax credits, benefits, housing allowances and pensions be affected?
Budget 2010: welfare benefits cut How will child tax credits, benefits, housing allowances and pensions be affected?
Instead Clegg has let his party act as a convenient fig leaf for the cruellest benefit cuts affecting disabled people and poor families.
More from Channel 4 News - Gary Gibbon: June budget - now we know how bad the pain ahead will be - Emergency budget 2010: public sector pay freeze - Emergency budget 2010: Osborne's «tough but fair» budget - Emergency budget 2010: the challenge for George Osborne - Emergency budget 2010: welfare benefits cut
Beginning today, almost 3.2 million people in New York will see their food assistance benefits cut as the federal government ends a temporary boost to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
The Chancellor has «found» the # 12bn of benefit cuts promised in the Tory election manifesto - here's what we know about the savings so far.
«That's seven or eight billion dollars that they've found in the system, yet they didn't increase assessment rates to employers, they took it off the backs of the injured workers through benefit cuts, they kept denying our claims, all of these things,» he said.
Since becoming an MP he has generally voted against benefit cuts, but did not vote against the 2015 welfare reform bill, when Labour's mass abstention was seen as helping propel Corbyn to the Labour leadership.
In the letter Mr Cameron admits for the first time his intention to do a U-turn on the hated benefits cuts introduced by George Osborne in the Budget.
That he opposed it — and every other benefit cut — has played into Tory hands, strategists believe.
Critics say such a system would inevitably lead to deep Medicaid benefit cuts.
When the OASDI trust fund is exhausted, beneficiaries will face an across - the - board 23 percent benefit cut, the equivalent of about $ 5,800 per year in today's dollars for a typical beneficiary reaching the full retirement age in 2033.
Hamilton has taken the hardest hit, with the number of unemployed receiving benefits cut nearly in half.
The charity, Church Action on Poverty, says that although unemployment is on the decline and the economy is growing, the cost of living is outstripping wages - particularly for the poor - and benefit cuts mean the poor are relying more and more on foodbanks.
Nor is there any mention of council tax benefit cuts that have landed the lowest earners with unpayable debts across the country.
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