Sentences with phrase «benefits of cryptocurrency»

Their primary objective is to raise awareness and promote the widespread benefits of cryptocurrencies, their investment potential and their applications.
The US federal agency that oversees the country's credit union industry included a remark on the possible risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies in a newly - released strategy plan.
Others worry that the permissioned blockchain can mean a lack of anonymity, negating one of the most significant benefits of the cryptocurrency market.
A keynote speech at a New York blockchain conference today saw a notable financial executive discuss the potential benefits of cryptocurrency.
One of the primary benefits of cryptocurrency markets is their lack of involvement of financial institution intermediaries which lowers transaction costs.
Now no one, anywhere, wants to empower crooks and terrorists to commit acts of crime by leveraging the digital benefits of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
However, as far as adoption is concerned, it is perhaps the chief benefit of cryptocurrency that it massively reduces the height of the «hump» that every new currency innovator will need to overcome in the future.
in this way, StreamDesk provides the maximum possible benefits of cryptocurrency trading while minimizing the risks of hacks.
The article touches on many salient points, among them the need for governments to embrace virtual currencies, develop and understand them, and the macroeconomic benefits of cryptocurrency exchanges.
The whole benefit of cryptocurrencies is that the ecosystem is supposed to be trust-less.
The company's Managing Director Magdalena Isbrandt explained to those unfamiliar with bitcoin the main benefit of the cryptocurrency, that is, the ability to carry out operations faster and without intermediaries.
The anonymity of the Bitcoin payment system has long been one of its hallmarks, and it remains one of the most significant benefits of cryptocurrency.
And in other use cases for the technology, U.S. lawmakers are increasingly looking to legitimize the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
The benefits of cryptocurrency in today's economy could appear to be earth - shattering, breaking down geographical barriers, and saving the consumer quite a bit of cash on the back end of a purchase.
This enables us to raise awareness for the project, our coin, our sponsor items, and the benefits of cryptocurrency to a wider audience.
The benefit of cryptocurrency is that it uses blockchain technology.
«We are very excited to partner with PayFast to bring the benefits of cryptocurrency to a much broader market, especially with the very clear value proposition they bring to their merchants.»
«So SOV has the benefits of cryptocurrency and the legal and regulatory framework that covers sovereign currencies.
His sentiments come at a time when cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have gained popularity in the past few years especially in countries such as South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria, and both the private and the public sector are waking up to the benefits of cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology.
This enables us to raise awareness for the project, our coin, our sponsor items, and the benefits of cryptocurrency to a wider audience.
This comes as one of the very first initiatives taken by a fashion and entertainment platform for reaping the benefits of cryptocurrency usage.
He also delves into ICOs, lightning network and the benefits of cryptocurrency for the payments industry.
Highlighting several common - sense observations and benefits of cryptocurrencies, Zhao's article is part enthusiasm, part authoritative voice giving an honest appraisal, and also somewhat of an olive branch to regulators.
Major banks have only now begun talking about the benefits of cryptocurrency, but that's only because of blockchain technology and growing institutional interest in bitcoin.
«The complexity usually associated with cryptocurrencies and cryptographic key management is completely hidden from the user, allowing customers to enjoy all the benefits of cryptocurrencies without requiring IT security expertise,» Thales stated in its announcement.
The motive for Cryptopia to launch the «NZed» (NZDT) came from several speakers during the Blockchain NZ Conference, including cloud accounting software Xero's Head of Government Relationships Grant Anderson, who raised the need for Kiwis to have a crypto - based New Zealand dollar that could be traded with most of the benefits of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
I personally would keep moving from country to country enjoying their benefits of cryptocurrencies being tax - free.
PwC joining in on the bitcoin fun is no surprise as the company has applauded the benefits of cryptocurrency for quite some time.
As governments, financial institutions, securities commissions and other policy makers begin to see the benefits of cryptocurrencies, Everus seeks to bridge the consumer - regulator gap with solutions that manage and aid compliance.
Fresh from the announcement that the UK government was setting up a «crypto task force» to look into the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency and all things blockchain, British minister John Glen MP has revealed to reporters that provided the government gets regulation right, they would...
We believe that the future belongs to a universal system that combines the benefits of cryptocurrency and conventional banking operations.
The complexity usually associated with cryptocurrencies and cryptographic key management is completely hidden from the user, allowing customers to enjoy all the benefits of cryptocurrencies without requiring IT security expertise.
that the UK government was setting up a «crypto task force» to look into the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency and all things blockchain, British minister John Glen MP has
Bitcoin has fueled the fire of a different kind of giving, and charities all around the world are beginning to see the benefits of cryptocurrency donations.
Fresh from the announcement that the UK government was setting up a «crypto task force» to look into the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency and all things blockchain, British minister John Glen MP has revealed to reporters that provided the government gets regulation right, they would welcome a «flourishing» cryptocurrency exchange in London.
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