Sentences with phrase «benefits of free trade»

Mr Clarke is also annoyed at the tardiness of some customs officials when large shipments arrive in China, which delays distribution, and said that will need to be fixed for the company to get the full benefit of the free trade agreement in the future.
Here's one of the main things wrong with arguments some are making against the export of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG): They substitute narrow interests and agendas for the proved economic benefits of free trade to the entire United States — long demonstrated in the sale of countless other U.S. commodities to overseas buyers.
The benefits of free trade and cross border investment are so clear that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is not concerned over Trump's protectionism.
The debate over the Canada - US Free Trade Agreement was mostly about jobs too, though the benefits of free trade have almost nothing to do with creating jobs.
The Commerce Secretary's rush to add tariffs ignores the benefits of free trade to ordinary Americans.
He said the Khadr issue is completely separate from NAFTA, on which Conservatives will continue to «present a united front» in the U.S. with the governing Liberals on the benefits of free trade.
They failed to forecast the predictable backlash by those unwilling to accept low wages and the loss of factory jobs as a fair price to pay for the benefits of free trade.
«The benefits of free trade have been diluted as the U.S. entered into other trade agreements, and would be diluted further under the [Trans - Pacific Partnership],» says Mr. Herman, the trade lawyer.
Although most economists present a united front on the benefits of free trade, many argue against completely unfettered global capitalism.
Buffett added that, «we've got a rich society that can do that and a society that will benefit from free trade, and I think we oughta try to hit both objectives of making sure that there is no roadkill and, at the same time, that 320 million people get the benefits of free trade
Kemp was also a great believer in the benefits of free trade.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today urged that NAFTA modernization strengthen the benefits of free trade for consumers, U.S. manufacturers and their workers.
As the largest source of jobs in US manufacturing, the US food, beverage, and consumer product industry looks forward to working with Ambassador Lighthizer to promote, protect, and expand the benefits of free trade for US consumers and manufacturers.»
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull continues to trumpet the benefits of free trade even as the US pulls its support for the controversial Trans - Pacific Partnership pact.
When in February 2013, US President Obama called for negotiations on a US - EU free trade agreement and was immediately echoed by EU officials van Rompuy and Barroso, widespread enthusiasm came first: Businessmen cheered the vision of joining the two regions accounting for almost half of the world's GDP, and economists stood ready to present their age - old calculations about the benefits of free trade.
Still, Carrier stresses that the deal «in no way diminishes our belief in the benefits of free trade and that the forces of globalization will continue to require solutions.»
Dan Ariely and Vlad Chituc state that there is «virtual unanimity» amongst economists regarding the benefits of free trade (19...
Other countries that aren't in the EU, but that have the benefit of free trade with it — like Norway — have had to agree to free movement of workers as a condition of the trade advantages.
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