Sentences with phrase «benefits of neutering»

The long term - benefits of neutering far outweigh the temporary discomfort felt after the surgical procedure.
This is one of the many benefits of neutering your male puppy.
The most important benefit of neutering is that the neutered males can not father unwanted puppies or kittens.
The main benefit of neutering prior to puberty is no new kittens.
So, what can you do if you see a new study claiming to find health risks or benefits of neutering in dogs?
The final benefit of neutering is that its the best way you can help end pet overpopulation.
If you are an irresponsible pet owner who lets your pets run loose in the neighborhood, this is a legitimate benefit of neutering.
Other health benefits of neutering dogs includes reducing the incidence of prostate infection, prostate cancer, perianal hernias, testicular tumors, perianal fistulas and perianal tumors.
Other health benefits of neutering include the prevention of certain types of hernias and tumors of the testicles and anus.
(In other words, a dog does not become «too old» to obtain the same health and behavioral benefits of neutering.)
Many first time dog owners do no even know the benefits of neutering.
Another benefit of neutering your male puppy is to prevent Cancer occurring in the testicles, because he will have been castrated.
Another benefit of neutering your male puppy is because they are excellent diggers and climbers.
We find homes for cats, promote the benefits of neutering and produce a wide range of cat care information for owners.
Here is more information about the benefits of neutering / spaying.
Our work doesn't stop there, however: we also provide an array of cat care information via our publications, website and Helpline; promote the benefits of neutering to prevent unwanted litters from being born and becoming the abandoned cats of tomorrow and seek to educate people of all ages about cats and their care.
What are the benefits of neutering my male pet?
They help raise awareness of the benefits of neutering, promote our neutering schemes and respond to enquiries from members of the public.
I also recommend routine neutering for both male and female cats, though I admit to clients that there is a dearth of strong scientific evidence elucidating the relative risks and benefits of neutering and the advantages and disadvantages of specific techniques in this species.
Benefits of neutering and spaying Frenchies extend down to doing the same on male french bulldogs.
For male dogs, the benefits of neutering (orchiectomy) are not quite as compelling, although it does decreased the risk of prostate hypertropy and infections pretty significantly and if the dog is going to be allowed out unsupervised it does help to keep the dog home and to avoid complications associated with seeking out females in heat, such as being hit by cars, shot by angry female dog owners (maybe only a U.S. problem?)
For more information about the benefits of neutering, please visit our Neutering Info page on our website
We are very happy to discuss neutering and the benefits of neutering your pet with you, and also have a range of information leaflets available at our clinics.
For more information about the benefits of neutering your dog, please visit our Neutering Info page on our website
We also promote the benefits of neutering for a happy and healthy pet and produce a range of cat care information to encourage responsible pet ownership.
The benefits of neutering pets are many.
Other benefits of neutering are a less pungent urine odor, reduced urine marking and spraying, reduced destructive scratching behavior, and as discussed, reduced aggression.
Cats Protection also promotes the benefits of neutering for a happy and healthy pet and produces a wealth of cat care information to encourage responsible pet ownership.
Although some conditions may increase the risk of complications, in feral cats, the benefits of neutering likely outweigh these risks.
As the UK's leading feline welfare charity, we are involved in numerous programmes and work with partner charities such as the PDSA and Dog's Trust as well as local authorities to promote the benefits of neutering.
As we have seen, the health benefits associated with keeping a dog intact may far exceed the benefits of neutering.
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