Sentences with phrase «benefits of science»

However, widely shared benefits of science aren't enough.
A mother should have a birth plan and a partner to stand up for her rights, but how stupid was I to ignore the glaring benefits of science and technology.
About Blog Indian Hypnosis Academy (IHA) is working to take benefits of the science of Mind, Body and Spirit to the masses for collective Peace and Prosperity on Earth.
About Blog Indian Hypnosis Academy (IHA) is working to take benefits of the science of Mind, Body and Spirit to the masses for collective Peace and Prosperity on Earth.
Among U.S. scientists, the most frequently cited benefits of science are improving health, advancing knowledge and protecting wildlife and the environment.
Differences emerged among different scientific disciplines and regions of the world, with respondents outside the U.S. far more often ranking economic development as a top benefit of science, Vitullo noted.
About Blog Indian Hypnosis Academy (IHA) is working to take benefits of the science of Mind, Body and Spirit to the masses for collective Peace and Prosperity on Earth.
About Blog Indian Hypnosis Academy (IHA) is working to take benefits of the science of Mind, Body and Spirit to the masses for collective Peace and Prosperity on Earth.
And, I presume that you were born in 1966... without the benefits of science you would more than likely be dead by now.
If the religious communities would act together in the present situation, they can contribute towards the better use of the benefits of science and technology and limit somewhat the ill effects of capitalistic globalization.
Active ingredients Aiming at the highest safety and efficacy, developed to adapt the benefits of science
Scientific organizations, such as AAAS, continue to work to define and establish pathways to ensure the public shares in the advances and benefits of science, and that the scientific community, itself, wields its knowledge for the benefit of society, Wyndham said.
To ensure that the benefits of science reach communities «widely and equitably,» TAG has called upon governments to increase funding for TB research and better disseminate information and results among the scientific community and the public, Frick said.
-LSB-...] reading this blog post about the benefits of science blogging, I figured I'd give it a shot.
The multi-method, multi-year study sought to examine and contextualize scientists» perspectives on the right to enjoy the benefits of science, surveying scientists in the United States and around the world on the most important benefits of science, Vitullo said.
There is no end to the practicality and benefit of science.
Through that perspective the project examined the scope of the public domain in science, emphasizing equity in access to the benefits of science, and encouraging broad participation in deliberations on matters of intellectual property policy.
The benefits of science are manifold and manifest: intellectual enrichment; technological advancement; the liberation of the mind from superstition; an increased food supply; environmental remediation and preservation; economic growth; the profound pleasure that comes from the meticulous contemplation of nature and a deeper understanding of the world we live in.
I, for one, will not ask you to make more sacrifices for the benefit of science.
To ensure the benefits of science, she added, governments have a duty to fund research, enable data and samples to be gathered, support science education and training and ensure access to the information communications technologies necessary for the communication of science.
Barriers to access to the benefits of science, particularly in the health sector, result from a shift in the balance of public sector funding for research and private sector funding for development, Wyndham noted.
I extracted data from the medical literature, conducted interviews with experts, and learned to program models to assess the costs and benefits of science - based public health interventions.
Understanding your audience and crafting a concise message will remain critical to effectively communicating the benefits of science after the upcoming March for Science, said experts during a AAAS webinar on April 19.
No country will be able to forgo the benefits of science, and as they train young people at universities, they will be creating a class that thinks globally, demands responsive institutions and prospers despite local impediments.
«It is great to see both these passions come together, bringing basic human rights and the benefits of science to people who need it.»
Although the efforts described in the symposium are still in their early stages, they show that Haitians are charting their own course toward realizing the benefits of science and technology.
Fred Pearce, the leading chronicler of climategate, makes the argument for open access for the benefit of science and public discourse.
This «Beauty and Benefits of Science» is the theme of this 2013 AAAS Annual Meeting.
Plomer points to the «absence of a unified theory or ideology behind the right to access the benefits of science» and «makes it all the more imperative to articulate the normative framework upon which interpretation of the texts is to be founded.»
Developing new approaches to meeting the dual needs of protecting intellectual property to encourage scientific progress and assuring that impoverished and marginalized people have access to the benefits of science (e.g., awarding prizes to reward innovation).
Published October 2015, Patents, Human Rights and Access to Science by Aurora Plomer examines the challenges posed by the modern patent system to the human right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of science.
These benefits of science for diplomacy30 are reflected in its draft prospectus: «At a time of tension in many spheres of international relations, SKA also offers a unique forum for positive interactions between a wide range of countries in pursuit of common scientific ideals.»
[4] In this way, institutions protect individual self - realization and the common good simultaneously, eliminating the contradiction between private and public access to the benefits of science.
«This partnership will multiply the efforts of both nations» astronomers for the benefit of science.
«This is a first for us: sending one of our samples back home for the benefit of science
We work to shape the future of the chemical sciences - for the benefit of science and humanity.
The official synopsis: «The Unbelievers» follows renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss across the globe as they talk about the benefits of science in the modern -LSB-...]
This presentation describes the benefits of science for preschool students, acknowledges the challenges educators face, and provides practical strategies for fulfilling our responsibilities to young learners.
The truth about black cats should be easy to see in our modern world, with the benefit of science to explain our illnesses and natural disasters.
Additional sessions address key issues such as five - year industry forecasting, the benefits of science - based standards, and tools to change the tide on anti-pet legislation.
But more astounding, are the 3,000 people like Gardner who have committed to sharing their pets for the benefit of science and a brighter future for dogs.
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