Sentences with phrase «benefits of this diet»

Every day more scientists and health experts express their support for the many health benefits of a diet rich in healthy fats.
But don't avoid produce out of fear: the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh risks of pesticide exposure.
With this guide, you can receive the health benefits of a diet high in fruits and veggies while limiting your exposure to pesticides.
I might not be in a deep state of ketosis, but at least my body is producing ketones, which apparently is all you need to reap the full benefits of the diet.
And, focus on the other benefits of this diet (lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, etc).
The greatest benefit of this diet is that you'll maintain a perfect and balanced body.
Other studies have noted the neurological benefits of the diet.
The health benefits of this diet for my particular health issues, are astounding.
As mentioned above, the relationship between potassium and sodium is critical to the health benefits of diets high in potassium.
A few potential health benefits of this diet are shiny coats, healthy skin, clean teeth, more energy, and smaller stools.
In a commentary accompanying the study, Dr. Dean Ornish, of the University of California, San Francisco, highlighted the environmental benefits of a diet lower in red meat.
Greens First ® is the delicious, fast and easy way for the entire family to enjoy the phytonutrient and antioxidant benefits of a diet rich in dark greens and brightly colored fruits and vegetables in one, easy - to - use product.
Studies assessing the synergistic effects of diet and cancer treatment will hopefully provide more clues as to the potential benefits of the diet, as well as identify those cancer patients who may benefit the most.
The companies offered up dozens of scientific publications describing the heart benefits of a diet rich in EPA and DHA.
Joseph Poore highlighted vast reductions in human land use as yet another clear and positive benefit of diet change (12...
One possible benefit of this diet is that you don't need to count percentages of each group as such, but instead use a more common sense approach to aim for the 80:20 rule.
The Master Cleanse was developed almost a hundred years ago, and as far as we can tell the only benefit of the diet is that it started the conversation around how what we eat can assist with the natural functions of the body.
Taking certain herbs and supplements that gently cleanse and detoxify the body can boost the anti-inflammatory and weight - loss benefits of the diet.
The immediate health benefits of a diet high in fibre can ease constipation, and shorten gastro - intestinal tract transit time.
Greens First Berry ® is the delicious, fast and easy way for the entire family to enjoy the phytonutrient and antioxidant benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables in one, easy - to - use product.
«In cases where pet parents are feeding limited - ingredient meals, they will also want to treat with a limited - ingredient formula to get the full benefits of the diet,» she says.
Understand, though, that the potential benefits of this diet are not limited to or fully explained by vitamin E, and that dietary supplements of vitamin E (in comparison to vitamin E in food) have not demonstrated the same sort of preventive benefit that researchers hoped to see.
«In addition to the well - known health benefits of a diet rich in seafood, domestic aquaculture benefits us in many other ways, providing jobs for hardworking Americans in an industry capable of expanding exponentially,» he adds.
Using whimsical packaging and fun recipes for kid - friendly snacks and light meals, AvoMonsters serves up the benefits of a diet that includes nutrient - rich avocados.
Numerous studies have repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of diet beverages — as well as low - calorie sweeteners, which are in thousands of foods and beverages — in helping to reduce calorie intake.
The benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure.
The benefit of a diet rich in omega - 3 fatty acids in helping to reduce the risk of heart disease has received a lot of media attention lately.
Nutritionists have been pointing out the benefits of diets rich in calcium for decades.
«Our findings highlight a potentially important public health message on the benefits of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables for the prevention of diabetes,» wrote the authors.
«The literature still offers uncertainty about whether the benefits of diets that restrict sulfur amino acids can be translated to humans,» Dong said.
«The health benefits of a diet high in foods containing bioflavonoids, such as soybeans, citrus fruits and root vegetables is unquestioned.
We are still in the early stages, & there is lots of trial & error, but I feel we are moving forward & are both reaping the benefits of the diet.
As an athletically focused woman approaching 50 years old, I'm also learning the benefits of this diet on recovery after workouts.
It wasn't until I went to an alumni conference in 2010, when I saw Mark Sisson speak and I learned all about the benefits of this diet.
A benefit of this diet is that everything you eat can take bowl form.
What aren't the benefits of the diet!
So I don't see how his case proves the benefits of his diet.
In 1908 Ilya Mechnikov became a laureate of the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine for his research on the benefits of a diet rich in enzymes.
On the other hand, there is solid research, in well - respected journals, showing the benefits of a diet lower in carbs (particularly refined and processed carbs) and higher in healthy fats.
We proposed that the additive and synergistic effects of phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables are responsible for their potent antioxidant and anticancer activities, and that the benefit of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is attributed to the complex mixture of phytochemicals present in whole foods (31 — 33).
We propose that the additive and synergistic effects of phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables are responsible for their potent antioxidant and anticancer activities, and that the benefit of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is attributed to the complex mixture of phytochemicals present in whole foods.
Finally, one of the benefits of this diet — organic eating — does have a sore spot.
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