Sentences with phrase «black children»

On the first issue, more specifically, have changes over time in housing and school attendance patterns reduced the isolation of black children in the public schools?
So, ironically, the high reputation of Catholic schools for educating black children in the inner cities was accompanied by an increasing financial crisis, which radically reduced their number.
I support excellent education for poor Black children wherever they can find it.
Put simply, white and black children with similar personal and family background characteristics achieved similar test scores (see Figure 1).
Traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools must put politics to the side and get real about what it means to educate Black children in this country.
We can not however ignore the fact that there are many other Black children who fall victim to the school to prison pipeline.
Although most colonial communities did not prohibit black children from attending public schools, they did not always welcome them either.
Today, more than one in six black children attend a school that is 99 - 100 % minority.
The project's concept arises from an influential 1930s study involving a «doll test» to investigate the psychological effects of segregation on black children.
Real gains among black children in recent years could explain this result.
For years, researchers have pointed out that black teachers teaching black children create bonds that resemble family connections and support.
That might be because many black children are poor, with less educated parents and fewer books at home.
That's more than 25 percent of charter students, even though Black children account for just 15 percent of the total student population nationally.
Little innocent black children born of parents who believed that their race had no history.
I did it when, on a double - date, my friend's boyfriend used an ugly variation of the n - word to describe a group of Black children at the park.
Integration of public schools had begun, and she would be the only black child in her new class.
That is, black children do not behave any worse than white children; rather they are subject to more harsh discipline for similar behaviors as their peers.
In fact, I have an adopted black child that I love very much, and who is very well accepted in our community.
As I have argued before, the education system has failed to serve Black children across all sectors.
Most black children are now being raised by a single mother.
Little black children seeing, before they could talk, that their parents considered themselves inferior.
I wanted to talk about the deficits that we will have as a white couple raising black children.
When this study began, the school system enrolled mostly black children, with so few whites that their presence in the sample was expanded to permit meaningful comparisons between black and white.
• Do black children suffer worse «summer setbacks» when school is not in session?
The achievement gap between white and black children grows.
Half that percentage, 15 percent, of eligible Black children read at that same level.
These «activists» believe that Black families should only pursue schools where Black children are usually the minority.
The prevalence of no - tolerance policies in majority - black schools reflects the belief we can punish black children to success.
If Black children are not trained, equipped and empowered to do well in school, their chances of doing well in life are severely limited.
For example, we find that white children have odds of being identified as intellectually disabled that are about 60 % higher than for Black children experiencing the same levels of impairment.
She was the first black child to attend the school.
According to their parents, Black children exhibit a relatively high degree of self - control.
However, black children tend to live in situations that are less conducive to learning.
When high - achieving black children were taught by a black teacher, they were just as likely to get assigned to a gifted program as similar high - achieving white children.
I don't think you would find one person on that panel who would say Black children shouldn't possess all of the options to ensure success in college and career.
Principal among them was anger at how inner - city schools had failed black children.
And these are not necessarily black children or white children.
Nearly 80 percent of American black children had a father living at home in 1960, but by 1988 that figure had dropped to 57 percent.
By contrast, only 30 % of black children come from double - parent families.
In our data, which sample roughly 20 children in each of approximately 1,000 schools, 35 percent of those schools have not a single black child.
And if it is truly advocating for people of color, it won't deny Black parents the right to choose schools that are educating Black children far better than traditional public schools.
You wanted to ensure we received a holistic education that did not undermine the work you were doing to build strong Black children who knew their own worth and the worth of the community.
Across the country, too many children don't even have access to AP classes, particularly Black children.
There are so many myths and studies to prove them depicting Black children as struggling, bad and coming from broken homes.
It's time we put the racist mindset of fixing black children, as well as the bias that leads us to punish black school districts, under the microscope.
Teachers, meanwhile, perceive Black children to have substantially less self - control than White students.
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