Sentences with phrase «blog friends»

"Blog friends" refers to people who have become friends through their interactions and connections on a blog. Full definition
Very happy to hear you are feeling better — I'll join the long line of blog friends who send prayers and well wishes your way.
It's been a lot of fun, and I've made a lot of new blog friends in the process!
Hanging out with blog friends always makes this gig seem slightly less absurd.
I always love meeting blog friends in real life.
This was actually a blog post from a sweet blog friend who doesn't even blog anymore.
The majority of the emails sitting in my inbox are from blog friends, and they're so sweet I hate to delete them.
I have also teamed up with a group of blog friends for a giveaway of tons of great products to get your year started on the right foot!
They are truly blessed to have you as their momma and we are blessed to have you as our sweet blog friend.
I love meeting blog friends in real life, it's seriously the coolest thing.
Seriously, I have the best blog friends in the universe.
Many other blog friends are sharing their inspiration from the book too, so stop by and visit these ladies!
I wish that the giveaway could include my dear blog friends from all over the world.
She's smart, stylish, sweet, and one of my absolute favorite blog friends.
Because of my many blog friends who helped make this giveaway possible, you have 33 potential entries, which means a lot of winning power.
I've got some AMAZING blog friends who are helping me out over the next few weeks by sharing some AWESOME posts.
Most times I visit a few blog friends, see what they're up to, leave a comment, pin some inspiring ideas.
I have made so many new blog friends over the past couple of years.
I'd really like to make more blog friends so my blog can finally be noticed.
One way I'm celebrating is by sharing chocolate recipes from some of my favorite food blog friends too!
Anyways, she's the first blog friend I've met in person, and it was so fun!
So, I've teamed together with some of my favorite food blog friends to share with you 29 awesome chili recipes!
I have been away from blogging for awhile but I still like to jump in every once and a while to say hi to old blog friends and post a few up dates occasionally.
As I started talking to more blog friends that made the switch I started considering making the switch myself.
Since we can't meet our fellow blog friends in person we thought we'd throw a party every week.
It's my pleasure to post knowing so many great blog friends are out there reading!
See so many tables of blog friends here that are so beautiful.
Visit the creative blog friends shown on the button for more fun ideas!
We'd be truly grateful if you shared our party to other food and DIY blog friends so others can join in the fun!
I also have the sweet angel that was given to me by a dear blog friend when I had my miscarriage last year.
I'm addicted and active in the blog community and love encouraging and supporting blog friends and readers who share my passion for do - it - yourself projects.
I truly value your opinion and I consider you as one of my closest blog friends, you are so amazing!
Anyway, that slump has also made me a pretty bad blog friend.
If you ever need to point your fun blog friends to a rep, please do not hesitate to share my info.
I'm so glad we've all become blog friends and we definitely need to plan a trip to meet in person some day!
An opportunity for my favorite past time: spending time with my girls and family, thrift store shopping and meeting local blog friends.
Must have been fun to meet sewing blog friends.
I have the best group of blog friends ever!
I'm so grateful for such a like minded blog friend.
This is key to finding blog friends similar to you.
I feel like we've been blog friends way longer than that.
You have such a natural of decorating, writing and being a fantastic blog friend.
Even though they don't know it yet, I have many blog friends just waiting to make another new friendship.
Either way, the experience has been a blessing and we're so thankful that we had our family and our inspiring blog friends with us along the way!
Good thing I've got all of my creative blog friends out there who will no doubt give me plenty of inspiration again this year!
I hope you enjoy connecting with other bloggers, reading their favorite posts of the week, sharing your favorite post and making new blog friends all over the world.
Maybe it's me, for now I'll have to settle for my kitten, hubby, and blog friends for company.

Phrases with «blog friends»

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