Sentences with phrase «blog tour»

A "blog tour" is a virtual event where an author or company visits different blogs to promote their latest book, product, or service. It allows them to share information, engage with readers, and generate buzz by reaching a wider audience online. Full definition
And, since I just wrote a historical novel, finding a woman who focuses on blog tours for historical novels was a perfect fit.
I am a repeat offender when it comes to doing blog tours with Partners in Crime and I plan on returning soon, with my new novel for 2017, No Fury Like That.
I especially appreciate your thoughts on blog tours with other authors.
You can browse our directory of rated book blog review sites, so you can set up your own blog tours with reviewers that focus on your genre.
There are a lot of blog tour companies out there — and you may try a few different ones just to see how they work out.
I am not an indie author, but a publicist, and I placed 5 books on 5 different book blog tour companies.
(Note: I haven't personally used blog tour companies for reviews as much as exposure — cover reveals, release announcements, that sort of thing).
The site is organized into seven main pages: home, shop, mailing list, blog, book reviewer list, blog tour hosts, and contact.
Have you conducted a virtual blog tour for some other reason besides generating book sales?
I haven't done nearly as many blog tours as my first or even my second year (not for any particular reason, just preferred to review & do other posts).
My question is this: I'm looking for the next way to expand, and am curious about author blog tours.
Here's our new blog tour stop for today.
So I paid for a professional blog tour service.
I'd already completed two successful blog tours by myself for my two novels, so I knew the amount of work it took.
A lot of the reasons you listed are the reasons I stepped away from blog tours too.
Set up your author blog and website, schedule blog tours, develop a strong social media presence and make yourself available for as many interviews as possible.
An essential part of conducting a successful blog tour is making a good first impression and forming lasting connections with new fans.
People who take your money to organize blog tours probably don't know anything about internet marketing or what it really takes to sell books.
I spent countless hours arranging my own blog tours back in the day.
The least successful method was using a paid blog tour to get us five to seven guest posts leading up to the event.
Lastly, I obtained links from other websites to my book through blog tours.
This is one of the better blog tour sites out there, mainly because it's run by authors.
I've never paid for the big reviews but have done blog tours where some reviews are done.
But beyond that, I thought it might be useful to look at how blog tours are set up and how they differ from online publicity in general.
Just proves again that blog tours work for fiction writers who may not have material for the big publications but have something interesting to write about.
All right, that's 7 great blog tour sites that will help sell your eBook.
In the art of fairness, I will admit that haven't done many blog tours this year.
I am so excited to be a part of this fun blog tour today with some amazing bloggers.
My first blog tour back in 2011 helped to bring new followers / traffic to my website.
Today I'm going to start the week off by wrapping up the holiday blog tour from last week.
It definitely seemed like he didn't have a good idea of what blog tours are supposed to do, but he also seems to need the increase in reviews....
As a novelist, I found blog tours exceptionally helpful in promoting my books.
As a blogger, this time of year gets crazy as Fall blog tours are taking place left and right.
Back when blog tours were a brand new thing I did some and got good results, though now I don't find them to be very valuable.
The same holds true if you're launching a book, scheduling release parties, promotional events, online blog tours, cover reveals, etc..
You'd choose guest blog tours so that you have a better chance at ranking at the search engines for the article or blog post you write.
For an author who's got to promote his / her books, blog tours seem a good alternative... if done right.
I've seen blog tours range from $ 20 to $ 1000.
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