Sentences with phrase «bone disorders»

The cellular response to the lack of oxygen fans the flames of flare - ups in a rare bone disorder.
The only widely accepted idea is that certain stem cells help bones grow and heal, but that's only discussed in the context of adults with bone disorders such as osteoporosis.
This is because both calcium and vitamin D have been proven effective in the prevention of osteoporosis, a highly common bone disorder that causes loss of bone mass and density.
In adults it prevents loss of bone mass and treats certain bone disorders.
To most of our readers, Dr Lee is probably best known for his keen understanding of how fluoride causes bone disorders, especially in relation to osteoporosis, as he explained in his 1990 editorial in Fluoride.4 In the next decade he made numerous contributions to this important subject.
While the long - term goal of the team is to understand the function of calcitriol in inflammatory diseases, identifying the kidney - specific enhancer region of the genome is already yielding insights into the mechanisms involved in bone disorders.
Sever's disease is a painful bone disorder resulting from inflammation in the growth plate (an area of growing tissue at the end of a developing bone) in the heel.
The implant has been designed around a technology that doctors say, could revolutionise the treatment of debilitating bone disorders.
Popular for its bone building properties, vitamin D helps prevent brittle bones, bone loss due to osteoporosis, bone pain, and other bone disorders with adequate vitamin D. Avoid the painful consequences of weak bones, such as fractures, falls, and muscle aches.
«New taxonomy classifies rare genetic bone disorders by metabolic pathogenesis.»
An International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Working Group on Skeletal Rare Diseases has published a new classification of rare genetic metabolic bone disorders (RGMBDs) according to their metabolic pathogenesis.
Researchers have developed a new way to study bone disorders and bone growth, using stem cells from patients afflicted with a rare, genetic bone disease.
«How the Galapagos cormorant lost its ability to fly: Changes to same genes that clipped the bird's wings also cause human bone disorders
A collaborative study of the mineral content, strength and flexibility of bones has found clues to the cause of bone disorders such as osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, and high bone density syndromes.
Dr. Coban explains, «Although chronic inflammatory conditions are known to facilitate bone disorders, our study - for the first time - shows that malaria can do the same thing, with hallmark «signatures» left in the bone tissue, a very unique feature of malaria infection.
Dr. Mendoza has a long - standing interest in the genetics of skeletal dysplasias, inherited bone disorders and connective tissue disorders, and also serves as Interim Division Head of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics at the University.
Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disorder, characterized by thinning and weakening of the bone and a general decrease in bone mass and density.
These frequently include heart disease, deafness, bone disorders like hip dysplasia, and blood and respiratory disorders.
Many of these mutations had never been described before, but the researchers found that most of them occurred on genes known to be involved in skeletal formation, and which had previously been implicated in bone disorders, they report today in Genome Research.
«Quieting cells» low - oxygen alarm stops flare - ups in rare bone disorder
More than 200 years after his death, however, an examination of his skeleton shows that Richardson had every reason to complain: he suffered from a painful bone disorder.
New research at the University of Michigan offers evidence that a drug being developed to treat osteoporosis may also be useful for treating osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease, a rare but potentially debilitating bone disorder that that is present from birth.
Fosamax is also used to treat other bone disorders and Paget's disease.
Clementia, which focuses on super rare bone disorders, raised $ 120 million in its public offering at $ 15 per share.
Especially in non-verbal children, it's often difficult to know whether their injuries are accidental, inflicted or related to a bone disorder.
For one, you will help prevent joint and bone disorders.
«Rsearchers crack mystery behind rare bone disorder: Study finds gene mutations that cause «dripping candle wax» bone disease.»
«This is an exciting study of a very rare bone disorder that not only identified the responsible mutation in half of the patients, but uncovered fundamental information about the role of a cancer - related gene in the metabolic pathways of normal bone,» said study co-senior author Joan Marini, Ph.D., M.D., of NICHD.
Vitamin D is being studied for its possible connection to several diseases and health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune conditions, bone disorders and some types of cancer.
A lack of Vitamin D has been linked to increased risk of pregnancy complications, bone disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers.
Researchers believe that the therapy may also be useful for treating children who suffer from disuse osteopenia, a bone disorder that can result when bones don't bear normal amounts of weight.
But a comparison of its DNA to that of another human has revealed several mutations in genes involved in bone disorders — and confirmed once and for all that this being is definitely from our world.
Because of their unique regenerative potential, MSCs exhibit potential for use in tissue regeneration and repair for conditions such as cardiac anomalies or injury, bone disorders and metabolic diseases.
Molecular imaging procedures — which are noninvasive, safe and painless — are used to diagnose and manage the treatment of cancer, heart disease, brain disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, gastrointestinal disorders, lung disorders, bone disorders, kidney and thyroid disorders, and more.
Treatments for cancer, like chemotherapy or any other hormone replacement therapy that affects the level of sex hormones in the body, can cause this bone disorder.
Chronic inflammation, a key part of injuries and other physical disabilities ranging from arthritis and bursitis to muscle, ligament, tendon and bone disorders.
Seelig, M. S. «Interrelationship of magnesium and estrogen in cardiovascular and bone disorders, eclampsia, migraine and premenstrual syndrome.»
Rickets is a bone disorder caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate.
More than 25 million Americans have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, a bone disorder linked to a calcium shortage in the body.
This makes it susceptible to bone disorders and injury.
I've been thumbing through a veterinarian book the evening before and I found out that large breed dogs run risks of such crippling joint and bone disorders as canine hip dysplasia, osteochondrosis, elbow dysplasia, and developmental orthopedic disease.
76) Shepherd puppies grow very quickly between the age of 4 and 7 months, which can lead to bone disorders or Panosteitis.
And having joint and bone disorders, and wrecked kidneys is a pretty crap way to spend your time.
As well, the cairn terrier can be affected by the bone disorder Legg - Calvé - Perthes disease, which has a tendency to impact small breed dogs.
Bouvier des Flandres puppies need a low - calorie diet to ensure they don't grow too fast, which can make them more prone to bone disorders.
A growing number of owners and animal care professionals are considering the benefits of chondroitin for older dogs as well as those with arthritis, hip dysplasia and other degenerative joint and bone disorders.
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