Sentences with phrase «bone mineralization»

Bone mineralization refers to the process of adding minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, to your bones, which makes them stronger and more rigid. It is an important part of bone development and maintenance, helping to ensure proper growth, repair, and overall bone health. Full definition
The fast runs, intense actions and unorthodox movements may well be the cause of a large increase in bone mineralization in the femur bone and femoral neck after only 4 months and of the further 3 % improvement from 4 to 12 months of training,» says Helge.
Dissolved metal ions were shown to reach the bone marrow, where they impair mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), the progenitors of osteoblasts, a type of cell that is responsible for bone mineralization.
Olive oil also improves bone mineralization which helps fight osteoporosis.
This exposure is not thought to be a problem for full - term infants, though, but may lead to reduced bone mineralization in preterm babies.
As an adult, it does lots of other things, including increased bone mineralization and muscle mass, protein synthesis, cellular growth, and fat breakdown.
The researchers also show that heart calcification can be prevented in mice by blocking an enzyme that regulates bone mineralization with small molecules.
-- Hormone balance: both estrogen and testosterone in particular help regulate bone mineralization, as do adrenal hormones that regulate sodium.
Effect of physical activity on bone mineralization in premature infants.
A deficiency of Vitamin D not only causes poor bone mineralization but also has been implicated in numerous chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, poor immunity, various cancers, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and high blood pressure.
There are also questionable portions of soy formula such as phytoestrogens and increased aluminum that may lead to decreased immune system function, improper thyroid function, and decreased bone mineralization.
Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate calcium and phosphate levels to enable healthy bone mineralization and to prevent disease.
It also supports bone mineralization and allows you to form blood clots — a process essential to limiting blood loss after tissue damage.
Olive Oil Improves bone mineralization which helps fight osteoporosis, lowers your LDL cholesterol, and lowers your risk of heart disease.
It has been shown that a child who has been formula fed has less bone mineralization than compared to those children who have been breastfed.
«These compounds improve bone mineralization activity and have pharmacologically been shown to have anti-carcinogenic and antidiabetic properties.»
The inclusion of PO in infant formula at levels needed to provide a fatty acid profile similar to that of human milk leads to lower bone mineralization.
R.J. Schanler et al., «Bone mineralization outcomes in human milk - fed preterm infants,» Pediatr Res 31, no. 6 (Jun 1992): 583 — 6.
N.J. Bishop et al., «Early diet of preterm infants and bone mineralization at age five years,» Acta Paediatr (England) 85, no. 2 (Feb 1996): 230 — 6.
Whole body bone mineralization was evaluated in healthy term infants fed 1 of 2 coded, commercially available, ready - to - feed infant formulas in a randomized, double - blind, parallel study.
Dr. Alan Lucas, MRC Childhood Nutrition Research Center of London, found that 8 - year - olds who were fed formula rather than breast fed as infants, had less developed bone mineralization than those fed breast milk.
Gross, S. J. Bone mineralization in preterm infants fed human milk with and without mineral supplementation.
If prolonged, vitamin D deficiency leads to serious bone mineralization abnormalities.
Fluoride contributes to brittle, discolored, and crumbling teeth by suppressing this dentinal lymph system and that affects bone mineralization, nerve health, saliva pH and endocrine function.
Women taking calcium supplements to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis — without adequate magnesium — can actually lower the vital bone mineralization process.
Phosphorus and calcium are both important in bone structure, but it is essential to balance the two minerals for proper bone mineralization.
According to Dr Ian Billinghurst (author of Give Your Dog a Bone and other well known books on canine nutrition), calcium's role goes far beyond bone mineralization.
Manganese plays a special role in bone cartilage and bone collagen formation and is required for bone mineralization.
Reduced bone mineralization in infants fed palm olein - containing formula: a randomized, double - blinded, prospective trial.
Vitamin D deficiency has become an epidemic in the United States.A deficiency of vitamin D not only causes poor bone mineralization but also has been associated with numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, cancer, and hypertension.
The signs of growth hormone deficiency are significantly correlated to the signs of aging: body composition shifts from lean muscle mass and high energy levels to increased fat / body weight and low energy levels, decreased bone mineralization (bone growth slows), vitality ebbs, cardiovascular disease and mortality increase.
Excess calcium can also interfere with normal healthy bone mineralization and growth, especially in young (under 1 year old) large and giant breed dogs.
Magnesium (150 mg): Works to support bone mineralization, protein building, muscularcontraction, nerve impulse transmission, and immunity.
Unlike the skin cells from which they originated, the human iPS cells created from FOP patients show increased cartilage formation and increased bone mineralization, two critical steps that are necessary to form mature bone.
Vitamin K is essential to blood clotting and it regulates bone mineralization.
Optimizing early growth through diet has positive and lasting effects on bone mineralization, with breast milk exposure thought to be of major importance in certain groups.
Reduced Bone Mineralization in Infants Fed Palm Olein - Containing Formula: A Randomized, Double - Blinded, Prospective Trial
While the makers of Similac and some studies suggest that palm olein oil lowers the absorption of calcium and bone mineralization, other formula makers and other studies dispute that claim.
A study compared growth and bone mineralization in very low birth weight infants fed preterm formula with those who received term formula; the conclusion was that preterm formula better aided in growth and development.
No available evidence shows that exceeding the amount of calcium retained by the exclusively breastfed term infant during the first 6 months of life or the amount retained by the human milk - fed infant supplemented with solid foods during the second 6 months of life is beneficial to achieving long - term increases in bone mineralization.
Milk provides a good source of many nutrients essential for bone mineralization and growth.
S.J. Gross, «Bone mineralization in preterm infants fed human milk with and without mineral supplementation,» J Pediatr 111, no. 3 (Sep 1987): 450 — 8.
For example, babies gain weight better, they are better able to self - soothe, it helps with bone mineralization, they do better on developmental tests even 6 months later.
Diet, growth, and bone mineralization in premature infants.
Engineers at Washington University in St. Louis experimentally proved how the confined collagen structure contributes to reducing thermodynamic energy barrier to intrafibrillar nucleation for bone mineralization.
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