Sentences with phrase «bone problems»

Because of their size, weight, and growth, puppies can be subject to some developmental bone problems if they grow too fast.
Feeding high levels of protein along with the appropriate ratio of calcium and phosphorus with other necessary minerals will not cause bone problems.
The most common bone problem in active people is stress fracture.
The challenge is to provide just enough calcium to reduce the risk of bone problems while supplying levels that allow for maximum growth potential.
Want strong bones that minimize your risk for osteoporosis and other bone problems?
If you have a dog with bone problems like the hips, put them on their max dose and it will take away the pain and they will be up and running around.
What's more, being outdoors increases exposure to vitamin D which boosts immunity and helps protect your child from future bone problems, heart disease and diabetes.
Continued efforts to understand the protective measures could lead to new ways of treating degenerative bone problems or diseases in humans, the scientists say.
So when a ligament or bone problem exists, there is usually an associated muscle imbalance as well.
Vitamin D overdose caused by unnecessary or excessive nutritional supplementation can in fact be dangerous and cause serious bone problems.
A veterinarian will use X-rays to detect bone problems in dogs that are potentially suffering from congenital canine hypothyroidism.
Too many calories increases weight too rapidly on the developing bones and can increase the stress on developing bones and raise the risk of encouraging developmental bone problems.
There must be no other joint of bone problems, no nerve disease, and no other medical illnesses.
Too much vitamin A can cause bone problems or result in the weakness of muscles.
Indications include developmental bone problems such as avascular necrosis of the femoral head (Legg - Perthes Disease), irreparable fractures, hip luxation that can not be successfully managed by other methods, and arthritis for reasons other than joint infection.
Several studies have shown increases in developmental bone problems when a diet was overfed.
Inadequate levels lead to various diseases, including bone problems such as rickets in children and scrofula, a form of tuberculosis.
The new autopsy results, if you will, did find malaria bacterium DNA meaning that Tut might've had malaria in addition to numerous bone problems.
«Many develop bone problems within a few months of receiving transplants because of the heavy doses of immunosuppressors they receive,» Long explained.
This whole mess strikes me as more confusion being promoted by the meat / dairy industry, which now wants to claim that eating meat actually increases calcium storage and the whole bone problem is one of inactivity.
Carrying around too much weight can actually cause irreversible bone problems.
Excessive amounts can increase the risk of bone problems during the Golden Retriever's delicate growth stages as a puppy, so take the time to empower yourself with info and know what your dog is eating.
Calcium and phosphorus levels have been formulated to support a slower growth rate which can help minimize common joint and bone problems often found in large and giant breeds.
It is best used to view solid tissue, so is often employed when determining bone problems.
Besides allergies and obesity - related issues, labrador retrievers can suffer from bone problems in the hips and elbows.
Rickets causes soft bones that can break, bow legs, and other bone problems.
Overfeeding can lead to a number of other developmental bone problems such as osteochondrosis, elbow dysplasia and hypertrophic osteodystrophy, not just hip dysplasia.
In general, by maintaining proper muscle balance and by being healthy and fit, you can significantly reduce the risk of bone problems, including fractures and osteoporosis — injuries that occur in both men and women.
Excess calcium has been shown in several studies to increase the chances of developmental bone problems.
A deficiency in vitamin D can not only cause bone problems such as rickets, but also raises the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Labs can suffer other joint and bone problems in addition to hip dysplasia, thus, OFA certification of parents is a must as is CERF registration for clear eyes.
Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, too: they have outstanding antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content, improving digestion, eye sight, preventing skin, hair and bone problems (thanks to biotin) and high blood pressure.
# 1: Spinach Nutrient rich, protects against inflammatory problems, cardiovascular problems, bone problems, and cancers.
In higher amounts, fluoride can cause bone problems.
Interestingly, bone problems are common in those patients.
Despite the relentless nature of lower - back pain, the most common cause is a relatively minor problem — muscle strain — not disc irritation, disc rupture, or even a bone problem, experts say.
To recap, the things that Drs. Mellanby and Dr. Price found to prevent and reverse tooth and bone problems are:
A diet of lean meat, or one that incorporates protein powders, is a recipe for hormone disruption, fatigue, depression, bone problems, auto - immune disease, vision and hearing problems, heart disease and even cancer.
The optimum diet for those with structural problems such as arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and any other muscle, joint or bone problem should be preferably vegetarian based with a content of about 75 % alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Let's look at muscle, joint and bone problems and see what can be done.
Trans fats contribute to every health issue, from heart disease, cancer, bone problems, hormonal imbalances, skin disease, infertility, disabilities in children, problems with pregnancy and lactation, low birth rate and growth problems in babies!
While associated with joint, ligament, tendon, and bone problems, muscle imbalance can significantly impair physical movement, such as walking, reduce sports performance, and even lower the overall quality of life.
Despite having larger muscles, many still had muscle imbalances that caused joint, ligament, tendon and bone problems.
Taking generous amounts of vitamins A and D without vitamin K may lead to coronary artery disease, bone problems, tooth decay and gum disease.
Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, too: they have outstanding antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content, improving digestion, eye sight, preventing skin, hair and bone problems (thanks to biotin) and high blood pressure.
In fact, diet that is high in calcium may result in bone problems, especially in puppies.
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