Sentences with phrase «bone resorption»

Bone resorption is the process in which our body breaks down and removes old or damaged bone tissue. It happens naturally as part of the normal bone remodeling process but can also occur due to certain medical conditions. Full definition
Growth hormone and IGF - 1 support the production of new cells, testosterone helps inhibit bone resorption.
As mentioned above, genetic or pharmaceutical interventions to increase or decrease bone resorption not only controlled the release of undercarboxylated osteocalcin, but also produced the expected effects on energy metabolism and testosterone.
«In our study, the hyperglycemic mice had increased bone resorption [the breakdown and absorption of old bone], which outpaced the formation of new bone.
[v][v] In particular Hughes found the inventive concept was: «zoledronate is a useful inhibitor of bone resorption in rats and that, as such, is suitable for use as a medicament in the treatment of diseases in humans associated with impairment of calcium metabolism».
Denosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody drug, binds specifically to RANK - ligand (RANKL) and inhibits osteoclast - induced bone resorption by preventing the binding of RANKL to RANK.
Elevations in PTH also stimulates bone resorption, resulting in the release of bone mineral (calcium and phosphate)-- actions that also contribute to restoring serum calcium concentrations.
It influences the development of special cells, the so - called osteoclasts that are responsible for bone resorption.
Phosphonate - based inhibitors are classified on peptide phosphonate; sulphonamide and sulfonyl phosphonate, the most potent; carbamoyl phosphonate, and bisphosphonate that have been identified more recently with an interesting activity on bone resorption.
However, when treatment is discontinued, bone resorption resumes rapidly and reaches twice baseline levels within 12 months after the last injection.
When its function is impeded, bone resorption diminishes and bone re-growth is stimulated.
A closer look at one of the hormones known to reduce bone resorption called the cocaine - and amphetamine - regulated transcript showed that it surged to levels 15 times higher than normal in the dozing bears, which suggests that it may play a role in regulating the ways bears have evolved to protect their skeleton from the long periods of stillness.
Healthy bones adapt to the mechanical forces they encounter, with new bone formation and existing bone resorption constantly occurring to meet the body's needs.
They had been suspected of being involved in the regulation of bone resorption through the osteoclasts.
These products, including the major malarial by - product hemozoin, malarial proteins and as yet undefined virulence factors, induce MyD88 - dependent inflammatory responses in osteoclast and osteoblast precursors, leading to increased RANKL expression (a key molecule inducing osteoclast differentiation), and over-stimulation of osteoclastogenesis favoring bone resorption
When breast cancer cells invade the bone microenvironment, they produce molecules that activate osteoclastic bone resorption, leading to the release of growth factors stored in the bone matrix to promote tumor growth.
The epidemiological evidence suggests that harm, such as bone resorption, kidney stones, and heart disease, might occur at levels considerably and in some cases far less than 250 nmol / L.
For example, both increasing or decreasing the rate of bone resorption affects energy balance and testosterone, apparently via undercarboxylated osteocalcin, showing that departures from «normal» in both directions are effective, and thus that «normal» is within the effective range.
The Karsenty lab's data, however, is quite convincing that bone resorption releases functional, hormonally active osteocalcin in mice.
Additionally, it was known to mediate the activity of osteoclasts (bone resorption cells), an important consideration in light of the risk of serious health consequences of osteoporosis.
While conventional estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) does retard bone resorption and decreases the incidence of fracture for a number of years it does not stop or reverse the progressive dismantling of bone.7 As concerns regarding the side effects of ERT continued to mount estrogen began to be paired with progestins to balance the tissue stimulating effects of estrogen and confer protection against estrogen - related cancers.
A small 2009 study found that a 12 - week program of weight - bearing yoga with 3 weekly sessions slowed bone resorption, a marker of bone loss that has been linked to osteoporosis risk in women after menopause.
Optimized blood testosterone levels increase bone density and impede the normal bone resorption issues that come with age (i.e., breakdown and destruction of bone tissue).
Gum disease and bone resorption often take place below the gum - line so X-rays may be necessary.
Lycopene acts to decrease oxidative stress and osteoporosis risk by decreasing bone resorption.
Postmenopausal women: During and after menopause, women produce less estrogen, which in turn decreases calcium absorption and increases bone resorption (the breakdown of old bone).
The physiological functions of calcium are so vital to survival that the body will stimulate bone resorption (demineralization) to maintain normal blood calcium concentrations when calcium intake is inadequate.
Lowering dietary protein to U.S. Recommended dietary allowance levels reduces urinary calcium excretion and bone resorption in young women.
However, during periods of bone resorption (or breakdown), osteocalcin is released into circulation.
Additionally, using a pH - sensing fluorescence probe, the team found that mOCs secrete protons (subatomic particles with a positive electrical charge) for bone resorption when they are not in contact with mOBs, whereas mOCs contacting mOBs are non-resorptive, suggesting that mOBs can inhibit bone resorption by direct contact.
Using newly discovered information, the researchers made significant advances in developing a family of drug candidates that target a receptor known as peroxisome proliferator - activated receptors gamma (PPARγ), a key regulator of stem cells controlling bone formation and bone resorption and a master regulator of fat.
They showed that the ability of PTH to increase osteoclast formation in vitro is markedly impaired in cells from MCP - 1 knockout mice and concluded that MCP - 1 is an important chemokine, or signaling protein, in PTH - induced osteoclast formation and bone resorption.
They found that the levels of a bone formation marker known as bone - specific alkaline phosphatase (BSALP) and a bone resorption marker known as tartrate - resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) fell during hibernation, suggesting that overall bone turnover had decreased, the team reports online today in The Journal of Experimental Biology.
«Metastatic tumor cells can promote either bone formation or bone resorption,» lead author Kyoko Hashimoto explains.
The bone resorption biomarker deoxypyridinoline (DPD) rose by 36 % in the castrated rats but dropped 57 % in those rats consuming dried plums.4
One particular study published in the Journal of Nutrition also found that alkaline mineral waters can decrease bone resorption and even lower parathyroid hormone levels, which regulate the release of calcium from bone.
Green tea and soy have been shown in real populations to be moderately beneficial in maintaining bone density and preventing future bone fractures even though green tea and soy did not prevent bone resorption at all in the same scientific studies that garlic, onions, and green vegetables prevented bone resorption well.
It is known that higher intakes of vitamin D lead to «hypervitaminosis D,» causing lethargy, growth retardation, bone resorption and soft tissue calcification, as observed in animal studies.
High glucocorticoids, of which cortisol is a member of the family, reduces bone building and increases bone resorption, which are the ways that your bone remodels itself intelligently.
It would thus seem that the short - term effect of adiponectin is to promote bone resorption while its long - term effect is to inhibit bone resorption, but ultimately the implications of these diametrically opposed roles are unclear.
Paradoxically, its actions in osteoblasts promote bone resorption while its actions in the brain decrease bone resorption.
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