Sentences with phrase «bone surface»

Before implanting the bone sections into Guilkey's face, Taylor and his team wrapped them in periosteum tissue, which covers bone surfaces and was harvested from Guilkey's leg.
Periomix can be applied directly to the weakened bone surface where the tooth is rooted.
«The side incision will generally cause less disruption to the soft tissues surrounding the ankle joint and allows for the replication of curved bone surfaces like those in a normal ankle,» he says.
SEM image of fractured bone surface across canal.
The scientists reasoned that a linker binding to both the α4β1 integrins and the outer bone surface would encourage the cells to stick to the outer bone.
As a result, trained sports medicine physicians can use it as a replacement for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate certain musculoskeletal injuries involving muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bursa, and bone surfaces.
As the bone surfaces become less well protected by cartilage, the patient experiences pain upon weight bearing, including walking and standing.
The knobs, which appear in a row spaced about 4 millimetres apart, are raised less than 1 mm above the bone surface.
The finding of individuals at chick or near fledging stage (known from their bone surface texture) shows that Hakawai melvillei was breeding in New Zealand and was not migratory, unlike many birds of this group today.
The cartilage covering the bone surface is not able to heal itself when it is damaged and this is why surgical procedures are available to repair the damaged area.
The bone lining cells cover the bone surfaces and contact other bone cells, such as the osteocytes that reside inside the bones, through cell - to - cell contact.
Healthy cartilage that covers the bone surfaces in the knee joint transfers these high loads from the lower leg to the upper leg.
On the opposite end are root - like structures that dig deep below the bone surface.
«For the first time, we may have potentially found a way to direct a person's own stem cells to the bone surface where they can regenerate bone,» says co-investigator Dr. Nancy Lane of UC Davis.
Periosteum is a specialized connective tissue that forms a fibrovascular membrane covering all bone surfaces, with the exception of articular cartilage and sesamoid bones.
The lowdown More than a quarter of women will develop osteoarthritis — a condition in which the cartilage that covers the bone surfaces at your joints begins to erode — in their hands.
And the ligaments aren't as strong, allowing the two bone surfaces to grow further apart rather than hold the two bone surfaces together.
In a healthy dog, the two bone surfaces are smooth and contain a cartilage cushion and lubricant that creates a fluid and painless motion when the joint is in use.
Veterinarians believe that most dogs with hip dysplasia are born with normal hip joints, but a gradual subluxation (separation of the two bone surfaces) causes the development of abnormally shaped hip joints.
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