Sentences with phrase «book adaptation»

The phrase "book adaptation" refers to the process of turning a written story or novel into a different form, such as a movie, TV show, or play. Full definition
3, it could be one of the greatest comic book adaptations of all time.
You already have a comic book adaptation of the film, but would you ever consider TV?
That officially makes it the one of the highest grossing comic book adaptations in history, and one of the highest grossing rated R films as well.
There are more comic book adaptations on the way: one movie, and two TV shows.
The film made just $ 11 million on a $ 47 million budget and is considered to be one of the worst comic book adaptations ever made.
It's still one of the most faithful book adaptations I've ever seen, like it's predecessor, but it also retains that kid - friendly - ness and lack of emotion.
Get a sneak peek at some of the most highly anticipated book adaptations coming to movie theaters next year.
In fact, Wonder Woman delivered the 16th largest opening weekend for a comic book adaptation all - time.
It's my favorite live - action comic book adaptation TV series, largely because it embraces its own absurdity with a great sense of fun.
And in the panel, you can find out how book adaptations ought not be done.
These days, all the best book adaptations seem to happen on TV.
Below, you'll find a comprehensive guide of superhero movie release dates for every major comic book adaptation on the calendar, going all the way up to the year 2020.
It is so oriented toward the unique morality of comic book adaptation that it feels like it came from a graphic novel source.
My rationale is as it always has been with book adaptations: if you have to read the book in order to understand a movie, then it isn't really that good of an adaptation then, is it?
Diverse Superheroes Fans have been restless and impatient for Marvel and DC to include more than just white, male superheroes in their comic book adaptations for years, and both companies finally confirmed there's diversity in the works — with the announcements coming just two weeks apart.
Likewise, Fox has bumped back The Secret Service - the new Mark Millar espionage comic book adaptation from Kick - Ass writer / director Matthew Vaughn and screenwriter Jane Goldman - back from November 14th, 2014 (a week after Christopher Nolan's space - travel adventure Interstellar opens in theaters), in order to fill the March 6th, 2015 spot left open by the F4 reboot.
Not only is Dredd one of the more viscerally accomplished action films of recent memory, it's easily one of the best comic book adaptations as well.
That third mystery «WB event» film (another mystery «WB event» film was scheduled for August 11, 2017 last year) takes the place of the studio's Jungle Book adaptation by first - time director Andy Serkis.
BY TODD GILCHRIST Over the weekend at Austin's storied South By Southwest film and music festival, Lionsgate's underdog comic book adaptation Kick - Ass arrived in town to offer a preview of the film and interview opportunities with members of its cast and crew.
Bale is supported by a wonderful cast, including Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Rutger Hauer and Ken Watanabe — truly has such a cast been assembled for a comic book adaptation before?
Brandon Routh stars as the title character in this comic book adaptation about a supernatural detective prowling the streets of New Orleans.
The R - rated comic book adaptation starring Colin Firth and Samuel L. Jackson cost a reported $ 81 million to produce and should earn around $ 41 million across the four - day period.
Lupita Nyong» o likely to be cast in Jungle Book adaptation.
You don't see many book adaptations on Xbox Live Arcade if any at all.
X-Men films more than any other comic book adaptations give equal weight and power to women, even including them in third act finales, historically reserved to males.
Since that time, and with the recent box office successes of YA book adaptations of The Hunger Games, Twilight, and Divergent, YA books really have risen in the publishing market and in the cultural consciousness.
Ahead of its season 3 premiere next month, AMC has released three first - look images for the the acclaimed comic book adaptation Preacher giving us our first look at Jeremy Childs» new villain Jody; check them out below along with another batch of promotional images, courtesy of EW, featuring Jessie Custer (Dominic Cooper), Tulip (Ruth Negga), and Betty -LSB-...]
Embracing the uncanny valley elements of the story and taking even subtle cues from the previous iterations of the android Alita's tale, the trailer for this lesser - known comic book adaptation sets the stage for a new wave of live action anime films.
Guillermo del Toro certainly knows how to put together beautiful imagery, whether it's a fantasy masterpiece like «Pan's Labyrinth» or a comic book adaptation like «Hellboy.»
While comic book adaptations don't always accurately represent the movies they're based on, the «Doctor Strange» prequel comic offers a lot of reveals that seem very plausible for the upcoming Marvel Studios film starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the Sorcerer Supreme.
The Multiplex wasn't filled with comic book adaptation after graphic novel adaptation; genre exposure came via late Sunday night airings of (old school) Doctor Who on WTTW.
Plagued by pre - and post production problems, the latest fantasy book adaptation of Seventh Son, book one of... Read More
A pessimist would say there's no prooof that their second film, the comic book adaptation Priest, would be any better than Legion, and a realist would, of course, decide to simply judge each flick on its own merits.
If Vince Vaughn thought he was on to a sure thing — and a chance to show some dramatic action chops — with comic book adaptation Term Life, his plans have been roundly thwarted by Universal, which has abruptly cancelled the film.
Deadline is reporting that Blue Is the Warmest Colour star Lea Seydoux has been offered the lead female role in upcoming 20th Century Fox comic book adaptation Gambit.
Batman Begins is close to the best comic book adaptation yet, and Continue reading The Prestige →
The success of Patty Jenkins» 2017 Wonder Woman was undoubtedly groundbreaking as comic book adaptations seek to elevate their female characters by adding more women behind the camera.
The action - packed sci - fi comic book adaptation finds the titular team revolving around the search for Peter Quill's (Chris Pratt) true father, played by Kurt Russell.
Her work in the action - packed comic book adaptation lead to a part in John McTiernan's Rollerball (2002), a remake of the»70s film about the futuristic world of sports.
Kids have been waiting for this movie adaptation for a long time; too bad they'll likely be disappointed, especially if they love the book
He is the only actor who participated in the comic book adaptation which is eligible for box - office bonuses as well as backend compensation.
Next up for us here is a major player in Gone Girl, which hopes to be the latest high profile book adaptation to appeal to the Academy.
Next week, Clint takes a look at the long - delayed book adaptation World War Z and the Pixar sequel Monsters University!
Here's a few killer new movie stills from upcoming comic book adaptation movie «Jonah Hex» starring Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, and John Malkovich.
Marvel Studios is leading the way once again this year with Thor, the latest epic comic book adaptation directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder himself and Anthony Hopkins as his father Odin.
«Lucifer» (Fox): The latest DC comic book adaptation sees the devil himself doing some good.
When Robert Rodriguez's original «Sin City» was released in 2005, the VFX - heavy neo-noir felt genuinely groundbreaking — a comic book adaptation so faithful to the source material and its striking visuals that the comic's creator Frank Miller received a co-directing credit.
The new year is newly upon us and we already have a comic book adaptation thrust upon us in the form of The Spirit.
In 2005 Tarantino did step back into the director's chair to helm a segment of Robert Rodriguez's eagerly anticipated comic book adaptation Sin City.

Phrases with «book adaptation»

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