Sentences with phrase «book description»

A book description is a short summary or blurb that tells you what a book is about. Full definition
With book descriptions for works of fiction, there's a fine line an author must walk and I can't stress that enough.
The Positive Writer offers 5 tips on how to write the best book description ever.
While it is great for blog traffic, the ideas work beyond blogging for writing book descriptions or sales pages also.
Book Description From The Introduction A book's sell sheet is a key component of a well - thought - out and complete marketing plan.
A great book description will not only convert window shoppers into buyers but it will also get you enough purchases that your book will stay consistently ranked.
I'm in the process of writing a book about book description and given your expertise, I would be delighted to have your endorsement.
These let you easily separate and maintain pen names, edit book descriptions, and approve any comments you might receive on your books — all with only one author account.
You must also learn how to write compelling book descriptions.
Although the long and short book descriptions stand alone, they play off each other to provide rich content for your potential buyers.
Also included is a guide to HTML book description support by leading self - publishing portals.
You can read more about crafting an effective query and book description here.
When crafting your new and improved book description try to create from the perspective of a publishing house.
If your group has started, or is starting soon, the first session of each book can be downloaded on each course book description page.
I had already written a dozen book descriptions when I learned about this special webinar.
It typically serves as the foundation for your online book descriptions, as well as any press releases or pitches you make to the media.
I'm disappointed the editor for book description doesn't allow any HTML.
You should have a short and long book description for each book, along with review quotes.
A short one sentence book description (140 characters ONLY please) 4.
I've also seen book descriptions that reveal the story itself has changed.
I think its important to put some time and thought into your title and book description before you actually start uploading anything.
A well - crafted book description is one of the most important ways to promote your book.
I gave two possible book descriptions, one from my wife and one from me.
That is exactly where you want to be with writing a powerful book description.
Things like a proper book cover, correct pricing, a strong book description and most importantly: social proof.
You might decide to change your book cover or write a revised book description.
I'm very happy with my current arrangement which gives me the freedom to change prices, tweak book descriptions, and even change the contents of a book whenever I feel the need.
Most book descriptions, even books published from major publishing houses, are severely lacking.
You'll also find handy worksheets for character profiles, chapter development, a worksheet to guide you through writing an effective book description and a checklist of common manuscript mistakes.
Use the same tool we used to create this beautiful book description.
He also covers how to write an awesome book description that will help you sell more books!
As with fiction book descriptions, your headline needs to entice people to hit «Read More» with a motivating line or two.
A lot of people had questions about what to do with their existing Author Central book descriptions.
Your metadata should include an accurate, intriguing book description.
Do you find yourself writing a new book description or bio each time you fill out a book promotion?
I'm just emailing to let you know that I've published a book about [insert short book description] and you're in it!
Unless you have an ugly cover, no reviews or a boring book description.
Also, you have to check to make sure both your ebook and your print book descriptions are set up correctly.
Having your categories and book description ready will make the publishing process a lot quicker when that time comes.
The trick is to break a long nonfiction book description up into paragraphs — or even better, use bullets to highlight important points.
Remember, with 4,500 books published every day in this country, you can't afford to have some vague book description.
The description is always about the «new release» and has been changed from the original book description of the previous titles.
I am now available for hire to write or critique book descriptions.
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