Sentences with phrase «book fans»

"Book fans" refers to people who really enjoy reading and are enthusiastic about books. They may have a strong interest in different genres or authors, and often spend a lot of time reading, talking about, and collecting books. Full definition
There are comic book fans who'll dig the comic series who aren't big gamers, necessarily.
Instead, it tells a much smaller story starring characters that comic book fans know and love, but characters who might be new for the general audience.
Either way, these are leaving comic book fans with some mostly mixed reactions.
That being said, you sweaty comic book fans need to chill with your assumptions on what the movie should be and focus on what it actually is.
The filmmakers have mostly succeeded in the monumental task of remaining true to the history in order to keep comic book fans satisfied, while also creating something that most should be entertained by.
While many fiction authors believe they have a much harder time than nonfiction authors blogging or sharing information of interest to potential book fans, this isn't necessarily so.
An absolute must for comic book fans, and I have no doubt that everyone else on the planet is probably going to go along to see it anyway.
We are huge book fans in this house.
For comic book fans who had complained that David Morrissey wasn't quite the Governor they were expecting, Sunday's midseason finale of The Walking Dead finally really introduced the sadistic, eye patch - wearing bastard we know and hate.
As book fans know, there's no shortage of existing books in the Enderverse for them to make into movies, but with no news about whether young actors Asa Butterfield, Abigail Breslin, and Jimmy Jax Pinchak (the three Wiggins) or any of the actors playing Ender's jeesh are signed on for more than one film, it seems safe to assume that they're either waiting to see how well Ender's Game performs come next November or keeping a very tight lid on a multiple film deal.
-- Create a Facebook fan page for the book or a profile for yourself: If you don't have the time and / or money to create or update a website, create a Facebook book fan page / author profile for free.
We market your book to a huge number of avid book fans who enjoy leaving reviews and like your genre of book.
Summary: It's time that comic book fans started to demand more from these films before the entire genre evaporates into a disposable, commercialised heap like it does here.
For vampire and comic book fans alike, rushing out to pick up this DVD is a no - brainer, but for those of us who weren't as enchanted by Blade's final hunt, a rental may still be worth checking out the supplemental material.
The problem, IMO, is this: Pretty much only comic book fans want to see a Doctor Strange (for example) movie, however, if said movie lacks quality, even the fans, who they are counting on seeing it, will turn against it, leaving an audience of none.
For non-comic book fans, The Mandarin a classic villain from the Iron Man comics who used ten alien - forged rings of power as weapons against his foes.
Despite the high percentage of English - language titles in its ebookstore, Kobo plans to expand that to meet the rising needs of digital book fans in other languages.
Mere days after comic book fans rejoiced at the thought of television's best bald - headed baddie taking the on the role of the...
Aaron Jeffery, Romano Orzri, Orphée Ladouceur SYNOPSIS: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a comic book fan dons the persona of his favourite hero to save his enthusiastic friend and fight a tyrannical overlord.
The previous films in the DC Comics Extended Universe series (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Suicide Squad) have left both critics and comic - book fans increasingly disappointed in the franchise's output; as a result, Wonder Woman,... read more
I will keep discussing why exactly it's such a terrible movie and almost an insult to Batman and Superman for a future review and just focus on a few points that literally ruined it for me and I'm sure almost any comic book fan looking forward to watching this
The love story begins one «netglomerate» courts another giga book fan site and suddenly proposes a wedding ring in the eyes of thousands of witnesses.
«Through this agreement, we are building a digital home for comic book fans where they can find all their favorite characters and have instant access to hundreds of acclaimed works — all with a library card.
I really liked the idea of the Collectors Convention, although I feel like it sort of devolved into a confused commentary on comic book fans at some p
Not viewing himself as a comic book fan when he interviewed for 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger, visual effects supervisor Christopher Townsend was surprised that he got that job, and even more so, that his relationship with the studio has continued through several films.
The action looked like a spidey version of Batman: Arkham Asylum, but it was the inclusion of Miles Morales in the stinger that got comic book fans most excited.
But it's his writing work that may get comic book fans excited: besides Fury, Ayer penned the scripts for Training Day, U-571 and more.
If you are a Scooby fan or a comic book fan then this release is really for you.
I mean I am a huge Potter book fan because it's such an amazing story she weaved.
and I'm a big fan Shauna too, so looking forward to buying this book
A hungry caterpillar book fan
I love the harleyquin t - shirt I am a huge comic book fan so this has got my nerd alert up!
Oh and a huge Elmo's potty book fan currently!
6.0 ft tall, vegetarian, video game geek and comic book fan extraordinaire!!!
KOLKATA A large number of Bengali book fans are visiting the book fair only to browse titles and compile lists.
Legion is not mainstream like Stevens» «Downton Abbey,» most likely catering to sci fi and comic book fans instead.
What's interesting is that one of the crew members has multiple name tags with Donald Blake written on them - one of Thor's easter eggs comic book fans spotted when the film released in 2011.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has also faced criticism for weak villains — something many comic book fans lambasted the studio for after Iron Man 3's fake - out antagonist.
As comic book fans demand bigger action (and budgets) for superhero movies, some incredible mistakes have gone completely unnoticed.
One of the biggest complaints from comic book fans over the past few years is the lack of diversity within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Plus, comic book fans await this shared screen presence of the most famous superhero team since forever (the 2014 animated Justice League: War doesn't count).
Both are largely Teflon against reviews: Fifty Shades Freed in its erotic soap opera is a destination for its female book fans, and Peter Rabbit is a premium family title, and there arguably isn't another one of those the marketplace until Disney's March 9 release A Wrinkle in Time.
The character of Deadpool has been a comic book fan favorite for his blunt and direct nature towards comic readers.
But that also left the door open for him to become someone else in Infinity War, which many comic book fans presume to be the Nomad.
While the Guardians were virtually unknown even to many comic book fans prior to the movie, the Suicide Squad includes some characters with whom DC aficionados are familiar.

Phrases with «book fans»

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