Sentences with phrase «book idea»

"Book idea" refers to a concept or thought that someone has for a possible book they want to write. It's an initial plan or inspiration that may develop into a full story or topic for a book. Full definition
This is an excerpt of what I was looking for: I ended up having people responding with all sorts of book ideas for days!
Make fans out of your readers with book ideas that sparkle and descriptions that keep them turning the pages.
And I ended up with tons of book ideas in many varied areas.
In fact, your earning potential as an author will increase considerably even if you have to throw a number of book ideas into the circular file or revamp them before you begin writing.
I'm looking for a great book idea with great writing... so what do you have for me?
I get half - way through, and then a new book idea comes along which I just have to work on right now!
Many good book ideas work better as magazine articles.
Yet, the whole point was to discover if book idea was viable before I went to all that time and trouble.
And now I am already on to my next book idea!
A focused book idea can be communicated in one sentence.
The first book teaches readers how to find a best - selling book idea.
The journey to publication involves successfully pitching book ideas and proposals to literary agents and members of a publisher's acquisitions team.
My days were spent researching book ideas, mapping out outlines, writing rough drafts, doing edits, creating polished versions of my books and proofreading final products.
In other words, a successful blog equals a successfully test marketed book idea.
Ready to shop your nonfiction book idea to agents and editors?
You can use this data to judge how in demand any given book idea is and how likely you are to make money from it.
A «sound bite» statement is the essence of your novel or non-fiction book idea in 40 words or less.
Many book ideas, unfortunately, have very little potential no matter how well they are carried out.
I think a lot of your questions can be answered by where you are currently at with your art, comic book idea and ability to produce art on a regular basis.
The key is sending the right editor or the right agent the right book idea at the right time.
You have come up with the most brilliant book idea anyone has ever thought of, and you can't believe you didn't think of it sooner.
I have a rather unique book idea, and I think that it may do rather well in the fitness community.
Like most authors, I have about 97 other book ideas on my computer that I want to write.
One idea connects to another and then you'll suddenly have a profitable book idea.
With the year well underway, you likely already have your most recent book idea almost finished and ready for its final touches before your official release.
I then signed second book idea to the publisher a am doing final revisions now.
A big change for me is not taking as much time to develop a proposal for every single book idea I have.
Really, the only things I need to do myself are generate book ideas and write polished rough drafts.
I start seriously thinking about a new book idea when I'm in the final stages of another project.
What does your particular book idea bring to the marketplace that similar titles don't?
For example, why not consider breaking bigger book ideas into multiple smaller topics that can become the focus of their own individual books?
A book of rejected book ideas, in hardcover format.
Working with writers, one issue pops up often — authors don't know which of their three dozen book ideas they should start working on.
You may find the conversation going down the path of exploring mutual book ideas to solve a workplace issue or implement a new business strategy.
The text book idea that private enterprise = competition = efficiency is pretty laughable isn't it?
I really like the coffee table books idea and I might have to get the life - changing magic of not giving a f *** for myself.
I met a lot of people this week with excellent book ideas, they'd been sitting on for a year or more.
Finding the perfect book idea and taking it from idea to published book means a months - long process and beating the self - defeating voices that snag even the most experienced authors.
Breaking those big cumbersome book ideas down into a series of shorter, easier to write ebooks is only the beginning.
That's because most publishing houses no longer accept book submissions or book ideas directly from authors.
How many great book ideas never got published simply because its writer never had the follow through?
Without the proper mix of rigor and nurturing, your once promising book idea will fall flat.
Our next blog post in the series is about how to find a successful book idea.
If you have a non-fiction book idea within your topic of expertise, you don't need to write the book in its entirety before finding a literary agent.
Certainly, you don't want to submit a prematurely thought - out book idea with an incomplete marketing plan.
They can also be used to easily compare one book idea against another, in terms of the competitive landscape.
The process of brainstorming potential book ideas transforms into a very different animal when you train yourself to think in terms of creating a series or writing several related books on a subject.
That specific book idea has gone through multiple iterations but has yet to be published.
Here are 7 book ideas for preschoolers to older kids.
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