Sentences with phrase «bowl of cool water»

Make sure you have ceramic bowls of cool water for them to drink from.
Soak the broccoli in a large bowl of cool water for 5 minutes.
I've found adding a bit of olive oil to the boiling water helped prevent sticking along with transferring the pasta directly to a large bowl of cool water when done.
With a slotted spoon or tongs, transfer lasagna noodles to a large bowl of cool water, then lay each noodle flat on a baking sheet or two to prevent sticking.
You can put pan bottom in a bowl of cool water to quickly cool the syrup.
At the same time, place the hog casing in a bowl of cool water and let soak for 30 minutes.
Put in a bowl of cool water with lemon juice until you're ready to cook.
Once nice and charred, place the pepper in a bowl of cool water and carefully peel off the skin, remove the stem and seeds.
Wet the tips of your fingers (you may wish to have a bowl of cool water nearby for this purpose) and press / spread the quinoa into a thin layer — working towards the edges of the sheet, leaving about an inch of sheet remaining on the edge farthest from you.
To cook basmati rice, which has a lighter, fluffier texture, soak it in a bowl of cool water before cooking, stirring frequently and replacing the water four or five times until the water no longer has a milky appearance.
Drain noodles and transfer to a bowl of cool water.
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