Sentences with phrase «bowl of guacamole»

A big bowl of guacamole and chips fills a craving nothing else can.
This roasted broccoli guacamole salad is for when you want a huge bowl of guacamole and chips but need some healthy greens too!
I bought way too many avocados that all became ripe at once, so after a few bowls of guacamole, I decided it was time to get adventurous.
Ever wondered about the secret to the perfect bowl of guacamole?
This roasted broccoli guacamole salad is for when you want a huge bowl of guacamole and chips but need some healthy greens too!
As for avocados, they are quite possibly the best food in the world and contain everything a person needs to survive off of [yes, you can repeat that sentence to yourself while you indulge in a big bowl of guacamole while sipping on a margarita].
It's packed with flavour and nutrition - dense fuel to help you do what you need to do, and it's a great potluck salad or party salsa (with corn chips and a big bowl of guacamole).
My parents used to make a huge bowl of guacamole, grab a bag of chips and park themselves on the patio for a big chow down.
He needs a bowl of guacamole just for himself when we go to a Mexican restaurant: — RRB -, so he would totally understand your husband's sandwich: --RRB-
Everything is right in the world when you sit down with a bag of tortilla chips and a bowl of guacamole.
Add frozen to smoothies, thaw and use as spread on sandwiches, toss with hot pasta or mix up a bowl of guacamole are just a couple of ways to keep the California season going.
A great meal is to have a bowl of guacamole with an assortment of these prebiotic veggies that help to feed and strength a healthy microbiome.
Leaving the pit in the bowl of guacamole will help delay the browning.
A bowl of guacamole can become so many things with the change of the label, he he.
I also substituted baked corn chips for fried, and instead of sprinkling with feta, I served the chicken and chips along with a bowl of shredded Mexican cheese (a mix of Colby and Jack), a bowl of guacamole, a bowl of additional chopped cilantro, and the sour cream.
We had a blast on the waterslides, got way relaxed at the spa, ate entirely too much at Hacienda restaurant (including my face in the bowl of guacamole and a glass of whipped cream).
Most kids like corn chips, and a lot of kids who refuse to eat avocado will happily dig into a bowl of guacamole.
But as anyone who's powered through a bowl of guacamole and a pitcher of champagne punch at a party knows, too much of a good thing can suddenly feel bad.
Case in point: In the middle of telling a story about her sex life (more on that later), Jenna accidentally drags her sleeve through a bowl of guacamole.
Nothing screams summer like a big bowl of guacamole, tortilla chips for dipping and an ice cold margarita.
Halle Berry took her top off and dunked her bare breast into a bowl of guacamole on the set of «Movie 43,» according to the film's director.
Among other things she ended up sticking her bare breast into a bowl of guacamole.
But your description would better evoke intoxication if you wrote: «On his way out the door, Smith staggered against a serving table, knocking a bowl of guacamole dip to the floor and splattering guacamole on the white shag carpet.»
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