Sentences with phrase «bowl of popcorn»

When she's alone at home, she curls up to a big bowl of popcorn for dinner.
Grab out all those chick flicks and a huge bowl of popcorn and prepare yourself for an entire day of couch camping with each other!
Watching a horror movie with a shared bowl of popcorn is a good example.
It was good, BUT a warning to those who haven't had coconut oil before and eat most if not all the whole bowl of popcorn..
Nothing turns a smile upside down faster than a soggy bowl of popcorn cereal.
Sometimes the only way to cope with a day of kitchen disasters is to whip up a delicious bowl of popcorn.
I also love to sit down with a big bowl of popcorn and I love the flavors of this one.
I usually just hit the bed with some crime movies to watch and a huge bowl of popcorn or ice cream (lol).
Still today, I can eat a whole bowl of popcorn and not think anything about it.
Fill glasses with ice and your favorite bubbly beverage, such as Hansen's Naturals, then douse a giant bowl of popcorn with garlic salt and parmesan cheese.
Cuddling on the sofa with a big bowl of popcorn while...
Sharing one big bowl of popcorn means crushed kernels left all over the floor and greasy finger being wiped off on the couch.
I always think «Oh I'll just have a small bowl of popcorn» and then it turns into eating all of it, whoops!
The richness from the butter melds beautifully with the satisfying sweetness of the coconut sugar and the crunch of the sea salt into a sweet and savory bowl of popcorn everyone will love!
I made it for myself and my 3 1/2 yr old last night and we both agreed it was the best bowl of popcorn we have ever had.
In one experiment, he gave medium - and large - sized bowls of popcorn — stale popcorn — to Chicago moviegoers, and found that those given the larger portions ate 53 percent more.
You watch lean models on TV and wish that you were in their shoes while you gobble one bowl of popcorn after the other.
spend the winter cuddled up on the couch, watching football, snuggled under a down comforter, with eyes peeking out only to look for the remote control or for the next bowl of popcorn.
Of all our beloved holiday traditions, an American favorite is to snuggle up with a blanket and bowl of popcorn on the sofa, then flip through the channels to find the best Christmas movie.
I always pop a huge bowl of popcorn (just regular kernels, popped in a big pot with melted coconut oil).
Dim the lighting, cuddle up on the sofa with a giant bowl of popcorn and make a movie session of it - it could even be a matinée show!
Popcorn and Cabernet Sauvignon What could be easier than popping a big bowl of popcorn and tossing in lots of melted butter?
Set in and around a suburban backyard, it illustrates why space travelers experience time more slowly than we do back on earth with the help of a bowl of popcorn, a minivan, homegrown special effects and a hand - drawn diagrams.
These are my «curl up on a Saturday night with a bowl of popcorn» books.
They will wage a genocide against you, and I will cuddle up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the hell out of the show.
Now THAT would have been a fun meeting to be at with a bowl of popcorn...
The video is an hour long, so grab a drink and a bowl of popcorn.
Contracted, Housebound, 13 Sins, Kill List, The Pact — curl up with a bowl of popcorn and any of these flicks and have yourself a scary good time.
I'll make a quick salad or a bowl of popcorn, and catch up on my television shows that he doesn't like to watch.
We enjoyed these «picnic style» in our living room with a big bowl of popcorn and a showing of Wall - E.
I would much rather have a bowl of popcorn than a single cookie!
I've been trying to curb my late night snacks but when I need something to munch on, I've been trying to stick to healthier snacks like Halo Top or a bowl of popcorn.
Few things are dearer to the heart of this Southwest girl than summer nights sitting with the family piled in front of the tv watching old time Spaghetti Western movies, hogging the bowl of popcorn and reliving the adventures of the wild west — even if they were filmed in Italy.
It comes time to eat and I'm just like... give me a bowl of popcorn.
It's tempting to pour the sauce all over your bowl of popcorn, but this quickly turns it soggy — and everyone wants crunchy popcorn — so try to resist the temptation.
do you grab a bowl of popcorn put ur feet up an re-read each comment?
Start with a big bowl of popcorn and individual cardboard popcorn containers.
And there are also, of course, days when a box of pizza is plopped down in the center of that table (or more accurately, a bowl of popcorn).
And since family movie nights are out, download Harry Potter and make a huge bowl of popcorn.
When I am not working I enjoy spending time with family and friends whether it be out to dinner and a movie or sitting at home with a bowl of popcorn and Netflix!
You are watching a movie with your spouse, enjoying a beer and a bowl of popcorn.
Watching a Robin Williams movie on a Saturday morning with a bowl of popcorn.
When your baby has drifted off to sleep for the night, dim the lighting and snuggle up on the sofa with a giant bowl of popcorn and a feel - good movie.
We like to start a fire in the fireplace, put in a good comedy, and settle down with a big bowl of popcorn.

Phrases with «bowl of popcorn»

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