Sentences with phrase «bowl of warm soup»

Doesn't this chilly weather just call for big bowls of warm soup!
Such fun — and it is perfect to come home to a nice bowl of warming soup.
Nothing like a soothing bowl of warm soup when the temperatures start to cool down.
It's getting to be that time of year that calls for cozy sweaters and big bowls of warm soup.
I am ready for the fall now and I it time for dinner so I think I will go make a nice bowl of warm soup....
Sometimes it can be a good bowl of warm soup, especially in winter.
As those nights draw in and the temperature drops, we need that soothing bowl of warming soup to ease us into the colder days ahead.
It's not that cold here in Scotland, but it is horrible, wet and very windy, so a nice bowl of warming soup always goes down well.
There does come a time when it is actually physically too cold for ice cream (although maybe if I follow it up with a big bowl of warm soup I'll be find:D), but I agree until then forget seasonal rules.
Nothing can warm you on cold winter day like a bowl of warm soup.
Creative, healthy and beautiful = perfect;) It's snowing outside my window so a bowl of warm soup is what I need now.
Big bowls of warm soups and stews.
We love to serve it with a bowl of warm soup and the first time I made it my husband said «this bread is SO good, where did you get it?»
Time to get your stove going so you can cozy up on the couch later with your favorite blanket and a bowl of this warming soup.
With the days shorter and nights cooler I can only think of a bowl of warm soup.
Something so comforting about a bowl of warm soup on a crisp fall day.
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