Sentences with phrase «building types»

The phrase "building types" refers to different kinds or categories of buildings based on their purpose, design, or use. It is a way of classifying buildings into groups based on similarities. Full definition
To build relationships and care for people in every way of building all types of residential and commercial properties!
As a result, today we can see the same basic building type in all climatic regions throughout the world.
But owners and managers are weighing the risks associated with building type, location and tenant mix before spending what amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars on new systems.
This update focuses on adding more nuance for different building types, and supporting an overall transition to renewable energy.
While I used office buildings to make this argument, it would also hold true, to varying degrees, for other building types, such as schools, retail stores, and houses.
For more in - depth information and additional tips on building the type of mindset that attracts success, listen to the podcast below.
Creating one can be a difficult task but it can help build the type of profile and reputation prospective employees are seeking.
Check out our extensive list of new and used modular buildings by building types to see which of our modular buildings best suit your needs.
Comprehensive background in multiple building types with an expertise environmental architecture.
It can also make you more personable and approachable to your clients — essential when building any type of client base or seeking referrals in the future.
If you have access to the correct building type, you can also use these ability points to unlock additional abilities for your other soldiers too.
There are 8 major building types that you will construct and upgrade.
Firm portfolio data, or data from peer firms, can be used to assess the performance of similar building types and estimate a baseline.
Sure, you might snag a quick sale or two, but you aren't building any type of meaningful connection or value with your new customer.
In my experience, people building those type of businesses had a large amount of luck.
The other important aspect is, concentrating on your brand building type links.
It was a great team building type of thing.
The design skills of today's instructional designer do not support building the types of experiences that the Experience API makes possible.
The modular open source phone kit lets users build any type of communication device they can imagine, not just a phone.
The energy demands of hospital buildings are significantly higher than other building types due to their 24 - hour operation.
Building type F (1) was selected as a representative example of the building designs.
There are 4 - building types in the community that are typical to Thai community - residential, commercial, residential / commercial hybrid and civic buildings.
Browse our extensive list of new and used modular buildings by building types to see which of our modular buildings best suit your needs.
You are more likely to come into contact with toxic metals and chemicals in hospitals than any other building type.
The first thing you will have to extract from a sample nursing resume is the structure you should use when building this type of resume letter.
Internet dating is actually a great way to learn to build some type of relationship purely off communication alone before you have even met in person.
The reviewers felt the new user interface and touch controls enhanced the design experience and the ability to decorate new building types such as a school or hospital was refreshing.
Sanatoriums exerted a powerful hold on the imagination of modern architects and designers as building types and institutional models.
Dr. Gottman's Sound Relationship House provides a framework for building these types of relationships at work.
We were very impressed with his arguments for an overhaul of development ordinances in favor of dense, mixed - use, urban developments, rather than the current practice of separating building types according to use, therefore creating a car (and fossil fuel) dependent culture.
Furthermore most tiles tend to naturally have one or two resources on them that will lead to improved production if you put down the appropriate building type there, thus a tile that already puts out natural minerals will be best suited to a mine.
They are aware of how many different building types are there in Del Rio and will have something to work with everyone.
I suspect that it would produce some real surprises in terms of what densities and what building types lead to the lowest footprint.
By establishing a net zero balance of carbon - free energy consumption, this ZNC definition can apply to all new and existing building types including those with limited on - site renewable energy capacity, such as buildings in dense urban environments.
By setting an example of how a six - story office building can operate using composting toilets, the Bullitt Center is establishing a new paradigm for the common office building type.
«You can see with all the teams he has managed, they have always had a great spirit, he is very good at building this type of atmosphere,» said Mangala, whose Valencia side inflicted one of only three league defeats suffered by Spanish and European champions Real Madrid last term.
His back catalogue ranges over most building types and clients - from royalty to pop stars, from banks to charities, from industry to leisure, and from public housing (and houses!)
Clear - cut instructions help business owners quickly build the type of plan that works for themone that helps them take total control of their business, improve profits, raise capital, operate a profitable enterprise, and stay ahead of the competition.
An entrepreneur with investors can tap them or their networks to serve as an ad hoc advisory board, where bootstrappers must spend extra time and energy building those types of relationships themselves.
I believe one of the key insights into having an edge is through building this type of insight into a business plan.»
As part of the funding package, grants will be made available to developers to incentivize building these types of properties.
Young was a vocal critic of tower block housing, saying in 1974: «Nearly all local authorities have now stopped building this type of accommodation, as it is generally recognized they provide an inadequate environment for those who have to live in them.
So veteran virologist C. J. Peters, the Ebola - hunting hero of Richard Preston's The Hot Zone, suggests building a type of containment that would be balanced toward attempting to keep the rocks sterile: «You have to make a big leap to say there's life on Mars, and another big leap to say we can find it, and another big leap to assume that we can do anything about it if there is.»
In 2015 support from the Carlos Slim Foundation helped Broad Institute build the Type 2 Diabetes Genetics Knowledge Portal, developed by a team of scientists and software engineers at Broad, the University of Michigan, Oxford University, and other collaborators including the National Institutes of Health.
Well, Im college educated, well read, very fit, swimmers build type body.
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