Sentences with phrase «butter alternative»

The phrase "butter alternative" refers to a substitute for butter. It is a different product that can be used in place of butter when cooking or spreading on food. Full definition
If you are looking for peanut butter alternatives for allergy reasons or personal preference, organic sunflower butter is a great substitute since it has a similar consistency and more nutritional value.
You can use the dairy - free butter alternative linked above if you prefer.
Plus, «I Can't Believe It's Not Butter» has even come out with a vegan butter alternative.
While their product is considered lactose free, it is still derived from milk and not a good butter alternative for those with milk allergies.
I love making these with pumpkin butter during fall, although it's higher in sugar and lower in protein than nut butter alternatives.
Highly processed butter alternatives like margarine and spreads contain so many synthetic chemicals and trans - fats.
We imagined a delicious peanut butter alternative made from sunflower seeds, grown in the area.
We've only tried this brand but there are several nut - free peanut butter alternatives on the market today.
And for a couple that eats very healthy it appears to have much better ingredients than many of the other butter alternatives.
We've all been told that butter is bad, so there are tons of butter alternatives on the market.
Brush with oil or butter alternative when they come out of the oven.
Measure out 1/2 cup peanut butter alternative into a microwave safe bowl and microwave it for 20 seconds.
Peanut butter alternatives do not have to be empty calories full of sugar and additives!
All the peanut butter alternatives out there are so much more expensive, but it seems like a good way to get some protein and calories into a young child's diet.
It's a vegan butter alternative that is widely available.
And how about a good dairy - free butter alternative (NOT margarine)?
-LCB- Peanut - free option with peanut butter alternatives -RCB-.
You respect all the above, call it ethical, come here for some poxy butter alternatives and say you also respect veganism when you haven't got a clue what veganism means.
Earth Balance: This vegan butter alternative comes in many forms, but you'll most likely be picking up the baking sticks for the following recipes.
Earth Balance carries a good butter alternative that tastes great spread over a slice of gluten - free bread or even used in sautéing or baking.
I also turned them into dairy - free brownies by using Earth Balance butter alternative and they were awesome.
Designed by a French chemist in 1869 as a cheap butter alternative, it was originally made from beef tallow and skim milk.
Make breakfast, lunch, and snacks more interesting with fresh and healthy peanut butter alternatives from Naturally Nutty.
Almond butter, for the uninitiated, is a delicious nut butter alternative to America's ubiquitous peanut butter.
Trans - fats are great for butter alternatives like margarine; hydrogenation can make vegetables oils solid and easy to spread on toast or whatever else.
I used sunbutter (a peanut butter alternative made with sunflower seeds) and dried blueberries with the gluten - free muesli.
-LCB- Peanut - free options with peanut butter alternatives -RCB-.
Serve biscuits warm with butter or dairy - free butter alternative and your favorite jam.
It's super easy to select dairy - free cookie crumbs (like my gluten free graham crackers, which are naturally dairy free), and replace the melted butter with a vegan butter alternative like Earth Balance buttery stick or Melt VeganButter (my favorite).
We've taken the smooth, rich taste of fair trade coffee and mixed it with organic cocoa power, fresh Californian almonds, plus chia, hemp, and flax seeds for one of our most popular, delicious, and healthy peanut butter alternatives.
Make the peanut butter sauce mix: In a small bowl, mix the miso paste, peanut butter (or peanut butter alternative), soy sauce and a little water to a smooth even mixture.
Another side effect of the anti-fat histeria is a plethora of so - called «healthy» butter alternatives.
I don't really buy a lot of pre-packaged products except for occasionally hummus (love Sunflower Kitchen, although I had a bad business experience with them recently) when I'm too lazy to make it, almond butter and nut butter alternatives (Barney Butter and The SoyNut Butter Company).
2 tablespoons buckwheat flour or mesquite flour 7/8 cup gluten - free all - purpose flour blend of choice 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum (omit if already in your flour blend) 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (not Dutch processed) 3 tablespoons granulated cane sugar or coconut palm sugar 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 cup butter or dairy - free butter alternative 1 egg yolk or 3 tablespoons egg - free mayonnaise 1 tablespoon ice water
3 cups confectioner's sugar 1 cup (2 sticks) butter or butter alternative, softened 2 tablespoons milk or milk of choice 2 teaspoons lime extract
4 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 4 limes, zested and juiced 1 tablespoon grated ginger 4 tablespoons cold butter or butter alternative, chopped 1.
12 ounces bitter - sweet chocolate, coarsely chopped 1 + 1/2 cups whipping cream or dairy - free whipping cream alternative 2 tablespoons butter or dairy - free butter alternative 1/4 cup Chambord Raspberry Liqueur 1 pint fresh or frozen raspberries, rinsed
If you have read a previous recipe of mine for RAW, homemade suflower seed butter (or «sunbutter» recipe), then you'll already know how much I love this smooth peanut butter alternative.
Tags: easily digestible foods, peanut butter alternatives, roasted sunflower seeds, snacks, sunbutter, sunflower seed butter, sunflower seed nutrition
Our peanut butter alternatives will brighten your morning breakfast toast and rejuvenate lunches, snacks, and even baking.
Think I can use non-diary milk and butter alternatives?
Coconut is a «whole food» vs a man - made butter alternative and the benefits of coconut oil far outweigh the extra calories and fat content.
We offer our own lovely spiced seed butter called Organic Pepita Sun Seed Butter, one of the most popular peanut butter alternatives.

Phrases with «butter alternative»

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