Sentences with phrase «butter chocolate»

The phrase "butter chocolate" refers to a type of chocolate that contains a high proportion of butter, which gives it a rich and creamy taste. Full definition
These no - bake peanut butter chocolate chip cookies are unlike a lot of other no - bake cookies I've had.
While we were there we made up a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
And while you're at it save this recipe for brown butter chocolate chip cookies.
These peanut butter chocolate chunk bars are made with the simplest ingredients; natural peanut butter, honey, eggs.
That means there's more protein than carbs in these peanut butter chocolate oatmeal bars, although the exact amounts vary depending on the kind of protein powder used.
I'm hoping this peanut butter chocolate protein shake will help me with my weight loss.
This healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake was at the top of my to - do list and I got it made.
Vegan and dairy - free coconut butter chocolate chip cookies.
These sugar free almond butter chocolate brownies are to die for.
The peanut butter chocolate cups only contain four ingredients: raw cacao, dry pitted dates, coconut oil and homemade peanut butter.
When hunger strikes, reach for one of these mighty tasty peanut butter chocolate energy bites.
I've also tried this healthy peanut butter chocolate fudge with hazelnut butter and it was tasty but it's hard to beat chocolate + peanut butter, right?
These cashew butter chocolate chunk cookies are crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside and overflowing with dark chocolate chunks.
I still haven't been baking for a while because of the heat so today I decided to make this almond butter chocolate mousse that was really easy to make and delicious.
I love the peanut butter chocolate frosting the best and that web effect is super cool.
So I love to make a peanut butter chocolate smoothie, with frozen bananas and raw almond milk.
These Almond Butter Chocolate Sandwich Cookies have something for everyone, and no doubt will become a new favorite when a cookie craving strikes.
Be creative with packaging those delicious peanut butter chocolate treats.
These almond butter chocolate balls are the perfect solution.
And if the delicious peanut butter chocolate combination wasn't enough for you, these brownies are crazy easy to make.
The cacao butter chocolate has a more chewy texture.
Coconut butter is and in particular, Native's coconut butter was the answer to my healthier prayers... now I can make sunflower butter chocolate cups by using this awesome coconut butter.
Peanut butter chocolate fat bombs are the ultimate fat bomb recipe.
Yeah, I might have been going through a peanut butter chocolate obsession, just a little bit.
But coming from experience and taste testing — if you are a peanut butter chocolate lover: do the peanut butter sauce.
To make the peanut butter chocolate layer add the coconut oil, cacao powder, peanut butter, maple syrup, and 1/4 tsp salt to a small pot over medium heat.
Think I'll start with the Almond butter chocolate overnight oats.
Pour the peanut butter chocolate over the oat layer in the loaf pan.
On a different note, I love your healthy peanut butter chocolate candy bars!
I highly suggest that you try these out for yourself, and top it with a warm chocolate drizzle, or a peanut butter chocolate drizzle, that also sounds fantastic.
You can use which ever you like, the chocolate mousse will still turn out perfect so if you like the peanut butter chocolate combo go for it.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Lara Bars were my eldest daughter's very favorite flavor of Lara bars.
They make delicious chocolates including these healthier truffles and peanut butter chocolate squares.
Oh, and working on a recipe for cashew butter chocolate eggs using the vanilla collagen fuel in the filling.
But inspired by a bunch of brown butter chocolate chip cookie recipes, I decided to see if I could make what I consider the perfect oatmeal chocolate chip cookie.
Soft, fluffy brown butter chocolate chip cookies made with whole grains, almond meal, and no refined sugars.
I really love... food in general, especially this peanut butter chocolate protein shake.
It's my birthday this weekend so to celebrate I'm sharing this super decadent, peanut butter chocolate cake recipe with you!
My coconut butter chocolate chip cookies are a mainstay of those nights when it's 10 p.m. and we realize that dinner didn't hold us over.
I wanted to share these cashew butter chocolate chunk cookies with you today.
I hope you enjoy this crafty little peanut butter chocolate fudge recipe, and if you make it come back and tell me what you think!
When you cook your own food and make your own desserts you are in total control of what goes in so for this almond butter chocolate mousse I used nothing but healthy ingredients.
The last time I tried to do mini peanut butter chocolate cups it was an epic disaster that I couldn't even bring myself to eat.
This recipe is a variation of the cashew butter chocolate chip cookies that I posted last summer.
All you need for these amazing raw peanut butter chocolate balls are 6 ingredients and about 2 minutes.
My kids love your almond butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
You got ta try these No Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Coconut Bars.
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